3rd Grow - Time For The Light Show

the ganja grove is awesome!! wish i had a chance to get one of these sun series lights before they stopped selling them. and i cant wait to see you drop the auto man im going to start some when the seeds get in and am very interested in seeing how the auto's do
Thanks for the compliment buddy but the Ganja Grove is limping along with damaged corners and bent poles at the moment. I would bet that of all of the growers here at 420mag I probably have the most crappy grow tent. That thing is in shambles. LOL!

I'm super disappointed about the Sun Series being phased out. Hopefully Mars-Hydro will reconsider or at least consider offering a downgraded version of the new Sun Series Pro without the remote and RH meter.

You mention something about an auto but I don't have any auto-flowering girlz. I assume that you're referring to the Soviet Ripper strain. If so the Rippers are not auto's.
Soviet Ripper is a White Russian / Jack the Ripper cross by Soul Breeders Seeds that has a flowering time of 9 to 10 weeks according to Soul Breeders. The seeds were some freebies and evidently they are testers as this strain has not yet been offered to the general public. I received 4 free seeds and still have 3 left. The Ripper girls that are finishing up now are both clones from the original seed mother.
Hey db003, there's not really a lot happening at the moment as it's lights out but I'll be sure to take some pics and post when they're back on :) No real changes though except for the LSD has some browning leaves. Looks like it could be heat stress or cold temps at night but I'm not sure as the other three plants are all fine. I've ordered a couple of temp/humidity meters to compare the readings to the existing one as it was reading 34 degrees celsius today but I got in there and it felt like nothing of the sort. I'm hoping that they're not getting too cold at night (it is the one nearest to the intake fan so that could be something to do with it). I'm not worrying about it too much as it's showing healthy growth at the top.

Other than that I've also started switching the 1600w on for a few hours to give the lights the extra boost, probably not practical for energy usage but it helps warm the tent too, just playing it by ear really. I hope you're well and tomorrow I'll try for some eye candy (or horrorvision depending on how she is) ;) All the best :thumb:
You mention that your LSD that is showing some leaf browning is located near your inlet vent. Could it be that she's showing some sensitivity to wind burn? If all of the intake air is passing directly through the canopy this may be an issue. Just a thought....
You mention that your LSD that is showing some leaf browning is located near your inlet vent. Could it be that she's showing some sensitivity to wind burn? If all of the intake air is passing directly through the canopy this may be an issue. Just a thought....

It definitely has to be worth me looking at UncleCannabis. The fan is mainly pointed at the middle of this particular pot so that could well be the problem. Once I get in there today I'll have another check over everything, I think that may well be the culprit though. Thanks for the help it's appreciated :thumb:
No worries mate. If that's the problem consider yourself lucky as this should be an easy fix.
I tried to upload pictures yesterday and the server kept timing out so I couldn't update. Today I had the same problem but then tried using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) and the pictures uploaded with no problems, although I do have a triplicate set of the same pictures, no idea what's going on with that but I'm hoping it will be fixed soon. Anyway, here are the pics of the plants and I've also included a picture of my intake fan and it's position in relation to the browning LSD.

Here is the intake fan, the big black pot is where the LSD is:


These are the temp and RH readings in the tent, the readings do not feel right to me although I haven't locked myself in the tent to test it (maybe at harvest time I'll curl up in there and dream :) ). I have two new mini weather stations coming today, their reviews are impressive (3x 4 star reviews and 44x 5 star reviews) so I'm hoping that when I put the two in the same spot in the tent their readings will be identical (fingers crossed) and give me a true, and hopefully lower reading:


Here is the LSD and it's browning lower leaves. There also seems to be what looks like a tiny touch of nute burn to a couple of the other leaves, I'm not quite sure what to make of it. Looking at the lower leaves makes me want to feed it some nutes, yet looking at the other two leaves it makes me wonder whether the tiny amount of Rhizotonic that I gave for the root growth may have been too much. Kind of metaphorically scratching my head here:


The Incredible Bulk in the small pot doesn't seem to be liking something and has swayed to the side like the LSD first did when the Mars 1600w was turned on. I have been putting the Mars II 1600w on for a few hours a day again to get them acclimatised to it as I would like to move the CFL back into the other tent and get another few seeds started in there, maybe this is the problem yet the other two seedlings are unaffected, one of which is the same strain:


Here is the other Incredible Bulk, seems to be doing fine:


The last to sprout was the Paradise Nebula but she seems to be doing fine and doesn't seem to be behind in growth or anything. She was only 12 hours or so late in popping her head up though:


That's it for now until I get my delivery later. I hope everyone is well and as ever all comments are both welcome and appreciated. All the best :thumb:
Hey there Kriaze,
I'll throw my 2 cents in here.
If your weather station is anywhere close to accurate it's WAY TOO HOT in the hot tub for your baby girlz. I'd suggest doing whatever possible to keep your temps no higher than 29 C.

I suggest that you turn off and remove your intake fan and see what effect it has on your tent temps.
When I first set up the Ganja Grove I too installed an intake air fan along with the exhaust fan. I then removed the fan and installed an open ended corrugated vent hose through the vent hole as a passive intake and noticed that my tent temps were actually lower with passive intake. Saves on electric cost as well. It's worth giving it a try.

Is it possible that you're giving them too much to drink? It looks as though they are showing signs of over watering but it could also be the result of high tent temps.

They look nice and green for the most part and not showing any signs of deficiencies that I can tell. I really doubt if they need anything in the way of extra anything. I suggest you maybe lay off the nutes for a few days and see if they improve somewhat.

FYI...my LSD girl was the slowest grower of all of my current batch when they were all babies. After about a month the LSD girl took off like a rocket and caught up with the others and has passed up some of them. Be prepared to have some patience with her and she'll reward you in kind.
Does that say 39C and what is that in Fahrenheit?
Whoa! That's way to high for an indoor temp.
Hey there Kriaze,
I'll throw my 2 cents in here.
If your weather station is anywhere close to accurate it's WAY TOO HOT in the hot tub for your baby girlz. I'd suggest doing whatever possible to keep your temps no higher than 29 C.

I suggest that you turn off and remove your intake fan and see what effect it has on your tent temps.
When I first set up the Ganja Grove I too installed an intake air fan along with the exhaust fan. I then removed the fan and installed an open ended corrugated vent hose through the vent hole as a passive intake and noticed that my tent temps were actually lower with passive intake. Saves on electric cost as well. It's worth giving it a try.

Is it possible that you're giving them too much to drink? It looks as though they are showing signs of over watering but it could also be the result of high tent temps.

They look nice and green for the most part and not showing any signs of deficiencies that I can tell. I really doubt if they need anything in the way of extra anything. I suggest you maybe lay off the nutes for a few days and see if they improve somewhat.

FYI...my LSD girl was the slowest grower of all of my current batch when they were all babies. After about a month the LSD girl took off like a rocket and caught up with the others and has passed up some of them. Be prepared to have some patience with her and she'll reward you in kind.

Hey UncleCannabis this is certainly something that I will need to try. I have no idea how these temps keep on climbing so high and if a passive intake will help then I'm all over it like a rash. I also could have been a little liberal with the watering, I had to make an effort not to water them yesterday before I went to bed and the soil was still (slightly) damp when I did water them today. I should probably restrain myself more, I just need to find something else to do that makes me feel like I'm helping them grow :)

Does that say 39C and what is that in Fahrenheit?

39*c = 102*f
Actually says 35.9 which is 98*f

I'd say it was a little too hot in there Kriaze! If your temp keep climbing like that, try to add some kelp and silica. Kelp will help with heat and silica to strengthen the stalks. Good luck!

Hey B A R, Hey GB :thumb: GB is correct in that it shows 35.9C and that would be around the figure in fahrenheit that he quoted (I make 96.62F which I'm not going to quibble about). I will get hold of some Kelp (I have said this before and it completely slipped my mind) and I am already browsing for some well reviewed Silica but it's not a great place for MJ nutes over here in the UK and you pretty much have to know what you are looking for as in brand name etc, which I don't. I'll sort something out one way or the other though :)

Onto some good news now. The weather stations arrived and I set them up in the same position to test them. They were only £8.99 apiece so I was expecting some discrepancies, this is what I got:


I placed the 'outdoor' sensors in the same place and had a slight discrepancy but not enough to worry me:


Inside the tent with the indoor sensor of one:


The other I placed at the top of the 1600w light and placed the outdoor sensor on the soil. It gave this reading:


Unfortunately these temps are only half a degree lower than what the other old thermometer is showing so I guess I have some serious heat issues in that tent. I'll be working on that very shortly. Thanks for all your input fellas it's always appreciated :thumb:
All the fans in the world won't help if the room your tent's in is hot.
All the fans in the world won't help if the room your tent's in is hot.

I agree mate. The pictures of the two new weather stations are taken in the room where the tent is. The first showed 23.7 and this is about waist height in the room, the second showing 22.5/22 is at floor height. I might have to consider some sort of cooling for in this room first as that's where the tent draws it's intake from. I wanted to go the air conditioning route but that's way too much messing about and I have nowhere to exhaust that air too. I don't suppose anyone knows of an air conditioner that doesn't need to be vented?

All the best :thumb:
I don't suppose anyone knows of an air conditioner that doesn't need to be vented?

A swamp cooler would help out while you're vegging but it would likely cause issues during flowering due to the increased humidity.

IMHO you'll either need to add an AC to cool your room or select a cooler area to relocate your tent to. The high temps are going to give you big time problems from start to finish. In fact, if you don't get the temps reduced you may not ever see them finish.
I'm unsure why a vent is not possible for your situation but you may want to consider a split type AC system.
It does require a couple of holes drilled through the wall for the interconnect lines between the system that is mounted indoors on the wall and the compressor/condenser unit that is located outdoors just across the wall.
Hey UncleCannabis I've just had a look at those and they seem like they'll be better for me. I don't mind a couple of small holes in the wall but I can't do too much work on the house other than that. I've spotted one that looks ok and have asked a friend if he could fit it. I never even thought but he used to fit AC for a living so maybe he can give me some ideas if he makes it here tomorrow. Thanks for the great idea :thumb:
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