36Gr0w's First Journal - Hi-Brix - LOS - Indoor & Out!

lol I roll less joints now its either bowl or vape
haven't vaped in awhile too not too much concentrates either lately
mostly hitting the bowl as of late but when I was younger I always rolled the fatties
I used to make fun of peoples toothpick joints :rofl:
CBD Widow in a SIP was put into flower tonight. She has shown no signs of transplant stress, responded well to some LST to keep the canopy even, and has not used much of the water in the res. I poured the water out through the overflow hole so it would be lighter weight to move inside. The soil was still nice and moist, with condensation on the underside of the black plastic. Mulch was damp but not wet, seems to be doing real well on managing the water so far. SST all around tomorrow night or Friday. Black cherry tomato in the hugel raised bed is huge, with at least 100 tomatoes forming so far. I found roots two feet away, not quite to the side of the bed yet. Still growing like a weed!
Flower tent currently has Chocolate Thai @ 8.5 weeks, GG x BD #1 @ around 3 weeks, and CBD Widow @ day 1.

Cuttings were taken, soaked, and put in the clone dome. I took cuts of gg4xbd #1, gg4xbd #2, gg4xbd #3, blackwater, dj f13, and cbd widow. Gg4xbd #4(runt) was culled a while back.
Organic Chocolate Thai lower tester branch @ 8.5 weeks.

Wow 36, frosty enough for ya'?
Never good enough Sue. :high-five: This way is so incredibly easy, but I see many ways to improve. Temps are too high, humidity too low in veg. Riding out the power of this properly built soil, hell, it could make it through a cycle water only, but that isn't the goal. I'm a year into growing anything, and I have to say I couldn't be happier with the path I took, and the frosty future it leads to!
...and chocolate! Yum!
Everything got a corn SST tonight, I expect a few tomatoes to explode in growth soon, and none of the girls are complaining.

Did you give your ladies some corn SST as well?? The tomatoes go crazy with that, now you have to keep them somewhat under control they will spread out like a wild fire. Oh and nice buds there buddy!! Let em fatten up a little more, patience is a virtue when harvesting.

I just did a test smoke of some bud that is getting close to harvest last night and I almost chopped all the ladies down to put them in the compost bin, I got one of those hard hitting early sativa highs that turned on my paranoid gene... holy crap. Wife had to talk me down, haha.
Did you give your ladies some corn SST as well?? The tomatoes go crazy with that, now you have to keep them somewhat under control they will spread out like a wild fire. Oh and nice buds there buddy!! Let em fatten up a little more, patience is a virtue when harvesting.

I just did a test smoke of some bud that is getting close to harvest last night and I almost chopped all the ladies down to put them in the compost bin, I got one of those hard hitting early sativa highs that turned on my paranoid gene... holy crap. Wife had to talk me down, haha.


I don't usually say anything to anyone I just sit and talk myself down
quietly to myself :rofl:
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