300W LED 2x4x5 Tent Soil Grow

Damn it wasnt just me my runt is frosting up already a little.. shes the one in the front. Awesome!

Also forgot to mention my inlaw suggested i get rid of some of those larger fans on top.. they are blocking the light to the other sites on the same branches. Ive been neglecting doing this cause i wanted to let them grow but i feel like i should listen to him.
Looking damn good man! It would be great to meet a fellow grower in person with the passion that we share from my end. Sounds like a good future relationship man. Shit, I would be toasted after a wedding right now. Way to stay focused
Toasted as ever.. buds are what keep me focused most days and i am always high lol dont want to sleep so many thoughts running through my head. I am excited to see where the relationship goes thats for sure.

Also forgot to mention today was the start of week 4 of flower for my ladies.. been 22 days now and its looking good so far! Thanks guys!!
Been meaning to ask... when you mix your FFnutes you mix in water? You add all to water and not mix them together without adding to water first?? You said something about mixing nutes for the next day? Another thing I do is shake the shit out the nute bottle. Also as Im watering/feeding I mix/stir the shit out of the bucket as I go. I dident do this the year before last and I know its way better and the directions say so. A reason why last years yard grow was so good, and maybe my first tent run too!! The schedule also says to use the o.forest soil after the seedling/clone first planting. So some Happy Frog again for me and fuck I need to remember this. So if not mix your nutes good and mix with water first.
Your plants got at least a month left so any stress do it now. Im torn at taking the big leafs off the top so I picked half of them and just the ones on the inside. No sure what to do! I figure it depends on strain whether its better or not and which lights. Very nice about your new B.inlaw!
Going to go get some dry ice and make some hash on this Easter Sunday. Never did that before!! 4D
I always shake everything before i measure it out even my dry nutes.. i measure each thing out and add to the jug of water one by one. Then i let that bubble for 8-12 hours. Then i stir the jug well with a spoon and ph the water. then i let that bubble for another hour. Then i stir it each time i pour my water into a smaller watering can for easier access. Its been working great, important each plant gets an even dose of all the nutes.

Yea he said at least six weeks, im willing to wait as long as needed. Im about to go to town and defoil the inner leaves and some lower stuff.. gonna get before and after pics. Also they keep growing and are 8 inches away from the light again lol the bud site i broke is fine too, it slowed it down a little.. .
Its crazy how many leaves and small branches you take off.. they just dont stop lol i am pleased with the defoil though, everything is all opened up now. They will be so happy when i get that new light.. thanks guys have a good one!






Shoot almost forgot to post my feeding yesterday. Added to 1.75 gal water nutes took the ph down to 6.3 this time so i added 1 ml of ph up to get it to 6.6

Mammoth-p 1 ml
Grow big 1 ml
Big bloom 15 ml
Tiger bloom 6 ml
Calmag 5 ml
Blackstrap molasses 3 ml
Beastie bloomz just under 1/4th tsp

Added more calmag this time cause i am seeing more red stems on leaves, this is the last time i will be giving them grow big.. chart says to use until week one of cha ching. But i decided i dont want them having too much extra nitrogen now thats its getting into the middle of flower so i wanted to cut it off at week one of beastie bloomz instead.
Yout inlaw was right.. I like to stand above my plants looking down,, and see which of the center fans leafs are creating the most 'shade' for the inside buds. But looks like you just did... To me,, and some will disagree, but leafs are the power plants of the plant.. So I take as few as possible.. Leaf is what makes sugars for plants to grow. But comes a time when some just gotta go. Just make sure you get the ones that will do you the most good.. I lolly pop mine too for airflow and do alittle selective defoliation as needed during flowering . Yours are looking great... Keepem reen
I agree with you 100% about the fan leaves being a very important part of the plant, they need those to breathe and thats where the plants energy comes from.. but when they are overlapping and blocking light its time to defoil some. I may have done a little too much but it was congested and i left enough leaves for them to grow big and strong buds i think. Time will tell. i need to look up stuff about lollipopping the inlaw was saying he does that to his plants as well. Thanks fellas your feedback is much appreciated
Great work toasted!! Those 4 colas along the tent wall look like they are going to form some really massive buds along their top 6-8 inches. Your leaves look succulent and healthy. :thumb:

Also, nice job on the defol! Light can reach into the depths of the plants, but there are still enough fan leaves to make use of all the light. It appears that the light is hitting all of your buds now, so the bottom canopy will start to fatten up. :cheertwo:

My girls are 1 week behind you in flowering, so it will be fun to have yours to watch as well :Love::Namaste:
Thanks a lot frizz!! Glad to hear and glad to have you here as well! when i touch the sugar leaves on those four my fingers smell like some crazy cheese terpenes.. the bigger lady smells more fruity now instead of a strong lemon scent but it still has a nice hint of lemon. The third plant is the same as the smaller one, im thinking they are a cheese/diesel mix.

Defoiling is tough for me and i usually just go ahead and take it all off at once, i hate picking leaf by leaf. Doesnt seem to phase them honestly lol i feel confident now with you saying that! im glad i listened to my in law.

It is so much fun to compare your own plants to others, im glad i have you to compare to though. Cause i know if my buds look anything like yours im good to go haha .
I agree with you 100% about the fan leaves being a very important part of the plant, they need those to breathe and thats where the plants energy comes from.. but when they are overlapping and blocking light its time to defoil some. I may have done a little too much but it was congested and i left enough leaves for them to grow big and strong buds i think. Time will tell. i need to look up stuff about lollipopping the inlaw was saying he does that to his plants as well. Thanks fellas your feedback is much appreciated

You did a great defol. Well thought out and executed. I keep getting this image of "iamtoasted Scissorhands"
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