3 Different Strains Grow

Only before photo I have before I got really into the grow. Take December 29, 2021. Taken 4 days with start of Led light. Before that I started with a normal lamp light till the 24th.

Oh sorry, the soil mix. I called it medium because it could be anything.
Learn sum new everyday haha! Right now it's all natural soilrying a natural grow
What does that mean all natural soil? Whats in it?
Just dug in my backyard till i got to fertile soil, really didn't know anything bout the Coco and differences with the plants and soil
Ok, that is your first problem, those girls dont have the right nutrients but also will be overwatered most likley because there is no drainage in that soil. Usually you have to build a mix if you dont just want to water. But regardless you should likley transplant those into something different if you want them to develop.

In my grow i use something called Coots Mix, which is an organic soil i built out of various components and i just add RO(Reverse Osmosis) water.
Some other common mediums are, coco, pro mix hp, fox farms ocean forest. etc.... If you let me know what you have near you I can maybe suggest something specific.
Dang good to learn these things! I have only Walmart and tractor supply.. so if I get different medium say Coco my plants would be okay to transplant them into their new soil?
Get something like this, Walmart should have or you can order from them online.


Now I haven’t used these before but I have seen lots of people recommend them and would be a HUGE improvement over what you are doing now.

When you just dug soil out of the ground it doesn’t have the proper drainage. If you transplant into this it should be easier.

Now if you want a just add water grow you could use a hot mix eg miracle grow but they generally are harder to use and don’t have enough nutrients to finish the grow.
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