Ravenplume Grow Journal 2024:4 - Timing Studies

2025-01-06 / 22:00

CN - Tokens - 200 Series - 00 - Ready for Flower.jpg

Guess it is finally time to get these surviving Tokens onto their flowering lighting cycle of 14 hours dark and 10 hours light. They will go back in the window at noon tomorrow.

CN - Tokens - 200 Series - 01 - Bedtime.jpg

These are:

TK:201 - Bitter Sweet Pie Lite
TK:202A/B - Bubblegum Lite
TK:203 - Feyleaf - Pair:00-G:00/2022
TK:204A/B - Wildling:00/2019

Just realized I need to rethink my timing here. I work from 10:00 - 14:00 Monday through Friday now, so can't be here for a noon wakey. No biggie. For this first Dark/Light cycle, they will get a bit of extra dark and can sleep in until I get home. Tomorrow though, they get put to bed at 19:00 and then wake up around 8:00 or 9:00.
2025-01-07 / 00:00


Starting 2 each of each Wildling that isn't already started or tokenized (So no WD:00 or WD:06, since WD:00 is already represented as TK:204A and TK:204B and I have a set of 4 WD:06 started already.) Starting tonight, we have 2 each of:

(Just noticed I don't seem to have a WD:03 journal. Oops. Guess that will be 2025:02)

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