Auntie, I give All the Plants, the exact same mixture, every single Time I Feed and Water. The Plants over Time, eventually just get acclimated to the amount I am giving them. They make up for it with extra growth. They seem to always Take off, every time I even give them their first dose in their 4 Inch Pots, They Immediately take off growing!!! I keep My Lights about an inch or so From The Tops Of My SEEDLINGS/PLANTS, when They are starting Out. This Keeps The Pants Short and Stout, Sorry miwa, I need to show some Pictures, and think You would like to see them as well?!? So Please Do Not Feel Disrespected, or like I am Hijacking Your Site, cause I AIN'T!!!
All of these Starts are from Seeds of Varying Strains, and are about 10-13 days old, maybe 2 Weeks. I use black Gold, at this stage of My Grow Process, Because I have found Black Gold to be the most Trustworthy Soil for Starting Seeds, they always seem to All come up within 2-7 Days, depending on type and age of Seed Stock. I let them go for about 5 days, or until they are getting Dry, and Water and fertilize, For the first time with Grow Big, After they have All, or all that are going to come up, COME UP!!! I use 1-2TBSP per Gallon of Water, This always makes the plants Start to Grow Fast Immediately!!! They can Quadruple, or More I think, in 7 days Time. The nice thing is that I am using Regular Old Shop Light Fluorescent Lights, that are very cheap to Run, I have sets. With 2 Bulbs Each, in the regular old I believe it is called on the light, Regular Light- Indoor and Out I believe, they are both cheap, and will both work just fine. These lights are in the Blue Spectrum of Light, a little secret I was told By a Grower, "Lights in the Blue Spectrum, tend to Allow more females Over All, when it is Time to Sex". I have always used His anthology, and found it to be True, I tend to get about 75% Females, Just about every time I Plant from SEED. I truly believe that the Blue Spectrum of the shop lights is a Major factor in why I get so many Females!!! I am not bragging, it is Empirical Evidence, of My own, I might add. It has always been thus with My Seed Stock, which is Good and Bad, Sometimes I want some Males from My Plants for Pollen, A Few at least, and sometimes I get like only 2-3 of the Strains of the Males I want. This is frustrating to Me because I want more males, for More genetic Variance, I do not want he Ones I have kept Going for Many Moons, to in up like In-Bred Mutated, I did My Sister, and have a Son/Nephew!!! No Offense Please, just being cute! I want their to be genetic variance so nothing weird like that Happens!!!
Anyways, I could use a few more Males sometimes, others I seem to have just the right amount, or More than I need, at the expense of the ones I do Need. If I do not get enough of the males of a Kind I had planned on Seeding, I just wait till next year and hope that I get enough pf this Strains Males this time to be able to SEED. There's always plenty of Females, and this is NOT a problem for My Seeding Purposes. So Yeah, Cool Blue Spectrum Lights, in My eyes, make for more females, and Shorter Sturdier Plants, just My View. The Picture of the Fence, in case You were wondering, Is All The Legal Paperwork That MUST Be Posted On Your Garden!!! No Exceptions, No If's And Or Buts.
Just the way it has to be for a LEGAL MMJ Garden, PERIOD. Sorry miwa, I have taken up way to much of your Space and Time, Feel Free To Come To My Thread And Do The SAME ANYTIME!!!