2nd Inside Grow

One more time...everybody likes pics right..plus i got to learn how to use this camera...i got bud shots to learn...these are shots of miss hermie...can you find the nuts???


The stem on this looks identical to my mutant, is that an early sign of being a hermie? I am still blown away that i found another grower with a plant like mine


ok thats really it...relax time...:ganjamon:
that plant of mine was grew in my inside grow...you have to see the whole serries of pic to really see this plant...the stem is flat...its a clone i took from one of my Jock Horrow females that hermied on me...it looks like your stim is round...i'll try to find a better pic of mine and post it...
that plant of mine was grew in my inside grow...you have to see the whole serries of pic to really see this plant...the stem is flat...its a clone i took from one of my Jock Horrow females that hermied on me...it looks like your stim is round...i'll try to find a better pic of mine and post it...

I will also take some better shots of mine, but the stem on mine almost looks identical to yours, like you said, it is flat and has leaf growth sites all over it in random places, all of mine were started from seed, so i am just calling it a mutant until we discover the true sexes. I appreciate you responding to me so quickly.... + REP for that. Thank you
Miwa, I don't know about the root getting stuck to the paper towel. I have never had that problem because I keep the towels moist by adding a bit of water everyday. 3-5 tsp. depends on how gig and many seeds you are doing. I have germinated like that with 12 seeds and 1 turned male because I shocked it in to that. My fault. If you keep the paper towels moist enough they won't stick. I 'm just saying.
But it really comes down to what you prefer. What works for you. Aloha
Nope...you know i had smoked that bolw...i just sent the wrong:oops:what i was saying was i had problems with the root growing into the towel...then rather then try to manuever the seed out...i would cut the towel going around the seed and plant towel seed and all...i mean they all sprouted..i just like a easy 2 step...puff puff pass...oh thats 3 steps:oops:
Ok...enough is enough...temp today..103...good for the plants...so tired of carrying water...too hot to build anything and i need a watering system...love these outside grows..every year i find out i need to build or make something ...i did build a compost bin...maybe one day my outside grow spot will be all humus with a depth of 6 inches...i'm also making plans to build 1 (ONE) tomato cage that would run around the perimeter of my garden instead of 1 cage for each plant..i seen a trellas on u-tube...that i think would be the sh*t...i got tomatoes at the ends in cages..they are 7 feet and still growing...someone need to start a bug thread...practice ...get to know your camera...anyone know what this is...i touched it with a stick and it flew away...

this one i know is no threat...i think he may be one of my kin...look at his eyes..been smoking a lot...red eyes

my tea is ready..its been bubbling for 72 hours...even with fish fert in it ...it smells good..Ok..stay cool everybody..
Hmm, my favorite fish Fert Tea, I love my teas/I need to feed my clones some tea also, they are getting pale, need greening up/that bug you called a relative just said" Help Me", "Help Me", famous line from The Fly/grace
One Flower does not mean that Your Plant has started to GO into Bud Mode, some just express their sex a little More!!! Your Code MS, does that stand for Mazari Shareef, Massachusetts Skunk, and if I read earlier, I could Probably find the answer on My own!!!:biglaugh: I just got a little lazy, is all, forgive ME:blushsmile: I still can't GO now though. Oh DUHHH, it's right IN FRONT OF ME, MYSTERY SEED #!!!!:oops: See what NO SLEEP can do to YOU!!! I think it is in Full Vegetative GROWTH STILL ,( IT'S JUST TRYING TO BE SEXY,LIKE A TWELVE YEAR OLD TRYING TO LOOK OLDER, THAT SHOULD NOT, AND CANNOT!!!) but saying "LOOK AT ME, I am 12 year old, and just am getting ready for Puberty!" Definitely the get Ready, Bud Time is Approaching!!! But still Time to Enjoy Her Before She Hits Teenager Hood!!! So Let Her Get Big as Hell, as You Will, and keep feeding Her Your Vegetative Mixture, and wait till You actually SEE many Many Pre-Flowers before you switch to Your Bloom Teas!!! miwa I am sure You know all this, just adding for People that do not. Keep up your GOOD DILIGENT WORK, Stay Cool My Friend(ALMOST A JOKE ISN'T IT!!!)NOT!!! I hope things Cool Off for You, or You at least have a Nice Air Conditioned Place To Go TOO!!! And let that Baby Grow!!! SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN. I really wonder what Strain it is??? Looks Definitely Hybrid, Or a Thicker leafed Sativa, I just cannot TELL!!!:high-five:!!! Sorry Post so long, half asleep writing it, No Offense To You, I have almost been Up 4.5 Days!!!:thumb: Y is in HORRIBLE CONDITION and POSITION, as far a competency of Doctors, and Her Over all DETERIORATION in Health!!! Sorry this is Your MMJ Post, NO HIJACKING!!!
Just doing a drive by Miwa since I haven't stopped in for a few. I am so envious of you and those who can actually do a garden outside. I was doing mine on my fire escape but I brought them in when I found out they weren't getting enough direct sunlight. Hope all is well.
Sounds like genetic Mutation I have seen before Many Times, If I visualize what you are saying right, Two Stems have melded together, into One, if that sounds like it, We call that a Club or Club Foot. When it Buds, it looks so Strange, like an Amoeba Joining Together, or Siamese Twins, the bud it will produce, can really only be used for Personal Smoke, as it does not separate like a Normal Bud!!! You really have to watch them for Mold as well. Because that melding will separate the Bud into two Spheres(LIKE A BRAIN), holds onto moisture really well. I used to Think How Cool They Looked, that I would let them Bud and Get Mature(IF MOLD DID NOT GET THEM), and keep them as kinda Novelty items, and trip out people with them. I noticed that it always seemed to happen with One particular Strain, ATOMIC HAZE. By Dr. Atomic Seeds. The Strain is one of My very favorites to Grow and Smoke, when I was able SMOKE!!! I have never Grown a bad Plant of this Strain, it exhibits a Couple of Phenos as far as Structure goes, but the Smoke, Like the Buds Appearance, Smell, Flavor and High are pretty much the Same. All AAA I might add!!! But this Strain always would have one or two, out of like 3-7 Plants, that would do this every year. After awhile, I would just cut the Arm or Top off as soon as I noticed it was happening!!! Because the Bud looks to weird, and therefore No One wants it, and it ends up becoming Hash Material, or Cannabis Brandy, for Butter and edibles. If You catch it at it's earliest Stage, You can remove it, and the Plant will just fill the area in with something else, maybe not as big as the Club left alone would have been, but with something that you can make better use of. Sorry I could not have answered your guys Questions earlier, Too Hectic around here with My Wife!!! BTW, Dr. ATOMIC SEEDS are KILLER, Cheaper, and always produce magnificent Herb!!! I just got an E-Mail from Him a few days ago, letting Me Know some of the things he is working on. One was a what He called '"A MIND F>>K HAZE" a "Super Lemon Thai" that were both Pollinated with his NL Strain that goes back to the late 80's early 90's. It is an original, of the original NL's, line, just a different Pheno, from the same batch of originals that the first NL came from!?! What a MOUTHFUL. I actually prefer his Pheno to the Original one!!! So if You are interested in his seeds, He sells through mostly Victoria island Seed Co. and several others. He mentioned V.I.S.C. to Me, I think because they get his first and Youngest seeds, or most Viable ones!!! I feel kinda lucky, because he told me I could By pass the SEED Co., and get them directly from Him, I was HUMBLED!!! He is also working on Strains From Africa, Colombia and Thailand, that He Breeds with his original NL Strain. All of the Seeds I have ever grown from Him turn out Awesome. So if You are looking for something new, Good and different, I would check Him out, He is a damn good Breeder. Take care Friends, SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.PS, it had been about 4-5 years I believe since i last grew his Stock, glad i found Him Again!!! Prattlen, Prattlen, Prattlen!!!
miwa, I have no idea what the first Bug is, it does not look harmful, in it's current state(FROM WHAT I CAN SEE), but it could lay Eggs, that have Larvae, that eat Plant, maybe not Cannabis, or it could Lay Eggs, Hatch Larvae, that Eat other Bugs!!! But really I have NO IDEA on it???:thedoubletake: Keep Your EYES on It(DUHHHH), like You will!!! The Fly, or Fly's, are Probably around because of some of your Wonderful Tea's!!!:high-five: They can SMELL the Cow Manure, Fish, ETC,ETC. And are attracted to it, looking for a FOOD source. But Hey, That is the Expense of Organics, and worth it in My opinion!!!:blushsmile: Plus if the Spiders and Wasps and such get left alone, They will have Ready Food available to Them all over the Place!!! But it can turn into a Fly infestation, if Trash cans and Feces and rotting stuff in General`is also Stored around Your Plants!!!:winkyface: But I KNOW YOU would NEVER DO THIS,PERIOD!!! Just putting it out there for those That do no Know, the importance of such Matters miwa. Plants are really "LOOKING LIKE THE S.it!!!" They are so Healthy and vibrant Colored, Good Job:goodjob::laughtwo::biglaugh:Take Care Friend!!! SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb: I also just Posted another post to yuor site about a Minute ago, so don't miss it, I started writing Two at Once,what an Airhead!!!:loopy:
Good morn Growers...Relief,,relief...storms came through last night..temps are down..but its only a 2 day relief...i sure timed this one right..folar fed my plants and veggies with my tea..then 2-3 hours later mother nature rinsed everything off...Queen..the best spot for outside growth is the south side of your house..JTG..that photo i posted was only a leaf started out...no flower...i didn't see flowers last year until the last of august..yeah..mystery seed...yeah i lost track of my clones and sprouts..that comes from not putting tags on the plants...(u will forget.)..also lable your bottles..well suns out..time for plant maintanance..got to find some softer stems to get some clones..these hard reveg stems don't want to root..we'll getter done..off topic...i got melons ..those butter-flies did their job...
@ChronJon, the 4th picture down in your list of pictures is a male mate or a hermie, the 4th picture down clearly shows male sacs if im not mistaken, im sure someone else can jump in and correct me if im wrong, but those little balls at the nodes look like pollen sacs and this points to it been male or a hermie, id pull it before you get pollen on all the plants, would be a shame to have them all turn to seed, pictures on page 77 of this journal, 4th one down is male im pretty sure thats what im looking at
hows it going miwa, im interested in that big hitting auto, such as is it herbies that sells is and how long is the grow from start to finish, is it quick finish like other autos or is it a longer grow, i asked the same question in my journal mate
@donpaul. The mutant in my journal has not showed any sign of sex yet. It was started from a gods gift fem seed, unless stress made it hermie on me, but I dot think that's the case. We will see when he goes into flower. They are still on 20/4 light cycle. Update today!

DP is right...your plant has balls or pollen sacs...
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