2nd Inside Grow

I watched it during the grow for motivation until I found you guys here/grace

Wow...that sounds like a compliment...i and 420 thank you...just got in from the garden and thought i would post what pre-flowers look like...at the red dots...

those are female pre=flowers...don't see any males yet...but you can GOOGLE...off topic...do anyone know what this is on my melons...they are all over the garden..they were here last summer too
Im not to sure. One way I check is by squashing. If green gooey shit comes out, that might mean they are eating your plants. Lol I could be wrong but my buddy told me that and I've been doing that ever since I stopped spraying. Trying to learn the different predators. I always leave my spiders now unless they are effecting growths. Ever since I stopped killing them I don't see much bug damage at all.
Lol Unless of course they are poisonous looking. which they all look poisonous to me. But I'm learning to face my fear more and more and find the positives out of what I hate. Spiders.

Everything is here for a reason, those spiders are needed in some homes, I'm not allowed to kill any, hubby won't allow it. though we don't have alot, they capture alot of other predators in their webs, so they are welcome as long as they don't come upstairs/that black thing kinda of looks like a hornet, are there alot of them? Are they eating the leaves?
Just a drive thru. Least I caught up the last 3 pages. You still got some plants that are going to kick out some good wieght their my friend. Sorry to hear bout the hermie. They have a way of kind of messing things up or can anyways. Bummer here, I had 5 seeds of this plant P-91 and looks like the 3 I grew out are turning up males. Hey isn't a reason in the world you can't hit a LB on a plant. You still have some nice plants going out there. They should be popping out some flowers pretty soon, guess that depends on where you are back there.

Hopefully you got outta the heat. Man ya'll been getting slamed with the temp's back there. My Boy moved back to Ind. and said they had a 120 degree day, with the heat index anyways, but that's still hott. Man I can't handle them temps anymore. I'd be sitting in front of a fan infront of the AC unit with my plants. My Bro back in Mo. said he can about walk across parts of the Mississippi that are under 12' water normaly. I bet alot of plants fried back there. Bout that bug I'd leave him. But around here I do have a bounty of 5$ on any of the moths or small butterflies in the house. I've lost plants to caterpillers before. The are pretty common pests to the marijuana gardens. I'm pretty sure that wasp feeds on caterpillers and larger pests.
One thing I seen written back afew pages was about the soil and organics. My personal favorite. Probly the most forgiving ways to grow but to me it seems rite. Alot of work if ya was doing a all hydro grow. Some more work than others but still abit more work than my back will let me take on rite now. I might fire up my drip ring systems this winter tho.

Well plants look happy heathy. Keepem Green
i haven't saw them eating just flying around...last year i didn't have any veggies..they were just flying around landing on my plants and taking off,,i think i Google them up last year ..i went on line and looked at all the predators...thought about ordering some...spiders ??? my house is full of spiders..i can be watching tv and they drop down from the ceiling...i don't bother them...they eat flies...Deege you couldn't stay at my house..i got bats in the attic...i don't know how they get downstairs but sometimes i will be watching and one will fly down the stairs.make 3-4 passes over me ..i'll be laying on the couch...then it will fly back upstairs they are looking for a way out ..i'll open the door and finally it will go out...i just don't like to take a life ...only if do or die...
ENDURE, ENDURE, ENDURE miwa!!! DEEGE has the rain, is not Sharing!!! At least Your Grilling, I ate a Sandwich and some really GOOD RIPE SEEDED WATERMELON!!!:high-five: I hate unseeded Watermelon, just is not sweet enough, to ME!!! Stay Cool as You Can!!! SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
Aloha, answer to your ? about up or down. Root (white tail) goes in soil first. That is the start of your root system. Use a pencil or chop stick to make thae hole deep enough to fit the white tail in it then cover it lightly ( not to lightly) just a pat or so on the cover soil and water the next day. But moisten the soil a bit before putting the germinated seed in the pot or where ever you are putting it and use clean tweezers. Do not touch the root with your fingers.
aloha and keep it green. Sunnyside58
Aloha Miwa,
Use clean tweezers and put the seed with white tail (root) down in soil first. Moisten soil first, use a pencil or chopstick to make the hole about an 1/4 of an inch. DO NOT TOUCH SEED with your hands. Water a bit the next day and go from there. Good Luck and always" keep it green". Aloha, sunnyside58
what i have been reading about the seeds is this, if you soak the seeds in paper towel then the stress caused when putting it in soil causes a higher male ratio, the tiny root has little hairs on it and putting this in the soil causes these hairs to become damaged, its when the sees is this young that it decides if its male or female, so this time round i planted my seeds in small pots and strait into soil, they say only plant them as deep as the seed is, so if the seed is lying on its side you need to bury it twice as deep as the seed, any deeper and it might not pot, so i planted all my seeds only as deep as the seed itself, and normally when i soaked the same strain in paper towel it took around 4 or 5 days to pop the seed then id wait till the root was big enough to plant, but doing this stresses the seed, so i tried putting it strait into the compost and not very deep, i soon found that after 48 hours my seeds had popped and was growing out the soil, so i found it is a lot quicker putting them strait into soil,
another thing i tried was changing how wet the soil was i was growing in, i put the seeds in then gave one pot a good water and then left it till it was dry then water again, but the other seeds i watered and soaked the soil then gave it a small amount of water each day to keep the soil really moist, i then found that the soil i let dry did not grow the seeds as quick as the soil that i had watered every day,

so i found the best option was to only bury the seed a tiny amount so i planted the seed as deep as if the seed was lying on its side then i buried it twice this depth, but still it was only a few mil in the soil, im not sure why they say its best to plant them lying sideways, maybe its the best female ratio, but it has worked and all seeds are not growing really well, its a lot quicker than soaking the seeds, this time i planted all my regular seeds, so ill soon find out how many fem i got, i struggled to get fems out of 1 of the strains but i had 2 seeds left so ill see what happens, if i have higher fem ratio then ill be using this method again with all regular and fem seeds, seems like a good idea and they did grow a lot quicker and 100% success,
Yeah...i dropped that towel method..had to cut towel around seed because root grew into towel..now i soak overnight...put in pre-soaked medium seed length deep,,cover loose with medium...my sprouts in cups..i set the bottom 1/3 of the cups in solution for about 1 min...water from bottom up...even if i have a large enough container i water all my potted plants from bottom up..it clears drain holes and completely soaks the medium...i even feed that way..
sounds like a good idea, i never tried watering from the bottom, it would possibly stop the soil getting clogged up around the seed, im going to give that a try next time round, thanks for the tip mate, reps for that one
DEEGE my man..u have started some shit...my 100th trip to my garden...checking MS #1 I saw this...

wth is going on...this is july..it looks like this plant is going into full flower mode...on another hand..i can change this plants name...it is no longer a Mystery Seed,,,MS #1..she is definately female...is this Climate change
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