what i have been reading about the seeds is this, if you soak the seeds in paper towel then the stress caused when putting it in soil causes a higher male ratio, the tiny root has little hairs on it and putting this in the soil causes these hairs to become damaged, its when the sees is this young that it decides if its male or female, so this time round i planted my seeds in small pots and strait into soil, they say only plant them as deep as the seed is, so if the seed is lying on its side you need to bury it twice as deep as the seed, any deeper and it might not pot, so i planted all my seeds only as deep as the seed itself, and normally when i soaked the same strain in paper towel it took around 4 or 5 days to pop the seed then id wait till the root was big enough to plant, but doing this stresses the seed, so i tried putting it strait into the compost and not very deep, i soon found that after 48 hours my seeds had popped and was growing out the soil, so i found it is a lot quicker putting them strait into soil,
another thing i tried was changing how wet the soil was i was growing in, i put the seeds in then gave one pot a good water and then left it till it was dry then water again, but the other seeds i watered and soaked the soil then gave it a small amount of water each day to keep the soil really moist, i then found that the soil i let dry did not grow the seeds as quick as the soil that i had watered every day,
so i found the best option was to only bury the seed a tiny amount so i planted the seed as deep as if the seed was lying on its side then i buried it twice this depth, but still it was only a few mil in the soil, im not sure why they say its best to plant them lying sideways, maybe its the best female ratio, but it has worked and all seeds are not growing really well, its a lot quicker than soaking the seeds, this time i planted all my regular seeds, so ill soon find out how many fem i got, i struggled to get fems out of 1 of the strains but i had 2 seeds left so ill see what happens, if i have higher fem ratio then ill be using this method again with all regular and fem seeds, seems like a good idea and they did grow a lot quicker and 100% success,