2nd Inside Grow

Just about any Plant will Hermie if given Less than 10hrs of Light a Day. That is How SEED BREEDERS get their Female Seeds, they just deprive what they want of Light, and then collect the Male Flowers(BANANAS) when they show Up. Unfortunately, ANY Plant can HERMIE!!!:hmmm: And Fem SEEDS are more apt to HERMIE, because they come from a HERMAPHRODITIC Plant already!!!:high-five: Give ME Stable Male Female SEEDS anytime, I'll use the Males I like the looks and smell for Pollen, and Pick the Nicest Females for the Garden and Breeding. Of course I realize most people cannot afford to do it this way, that is why I think if You are Gonna Grow from SEEDS, make Your Own!!!:blushsmile: And if You do have limited resources, FEM Seeds are ok to work with, just be careful about them going Hermie on You, especially if You are an Outdoor Grower!!!:loopy: Norcaliwood, Nice Post!!!:;): You like Oregon Better than Nor-Cal for Growing? I have a Friend in Portland, and He says it is Beautiful, But that Nor-Cal is way better for Growing Outside anyways. I also realize Oregon is a Huge State, and that the Middle Part of the State Is Way Warmer and Sunny Than Portland, maybe You live there!!! Or have a Green House, Guess I should LOOK at YOUR Threads and Find Out!!!:winkyface: Take Care, and Happy Growing!!! SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
Just about any Plant will Hermie if given Less than 10hrs of Light a Day. That is How SEED BREEDERS get their Female Seeds, they just deprive what they want of Light, and then collect the Male Flowers(BANANAS) when they show Up. Unfortunately, ANY Plant can HERMIE!!!:hmmm: And Fem SEEDS are more apt to HERMIE, because they come from a HERMAPHRODITIC Plant already!!!:high-five: Give ME Stable Male Female SEEDS anytime, I'll use the Males I like the looks and smell for Pollen, and Pick the Nicest Females for the Garden and Breeding. Of course I realize most people cannot afford to do it this way, that is why I think if You are Gonna Grow from SEEDS, make Your Own!!!:blushsmile: And if You do have limited resources, FEM Seeds are ok to work with, just be careful about them going Hermie on You, especially if You are an Outdoor Grower!!!:loopy: Norcaliwood, Nice Post!!!:;): You like Oregon Better than Nor-Cal for Growing? I have a Friend in Portland, and He says it is Beautiful, But that Nor-Cal is way better for Growing Outside anyways. I also realize Oregon is a Huge State, and that the Middle Part of the State Is Way Warmer and Sunny Than Portland, maybe You live there!!! Or have a Green House, Guess I should LOOK at YOUR Threads and Find Out!!!:winkyface: Take Care, and Happy Growing!!! SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:

Ok..JTG..these seeds i have is not seeds from a herm plant...they are seeds from my other plants that were polinated from a hermie and reveged...i smoked a bowl last night and found some more beans..i'm going to soak and put in a pot ...
...i havent saw my red-bird in a while..saw this checking out my grow...
...more pics later...
hi mate, hows it, right with these seeds, if the pollen come from a hermie and pollenated a normal fem plant, then this means you have 100% fem seeds, thats how they make fem seeds, the stress a fem and make it hermie then collect the pollen, they then pollenate the normal female plant that has not hermie, they then collect them seeds and this gives them pretty much 100% fem seeds,

hope you can understand that, not the best explanaition but its along them lines
Ok...My Critical Mass is the only one in a pot thats putting out 7 finger leaves..

the Pineapple Express is my largest potted plant...

the White Shark is putting out 5 finger leaves...

and bringing up the rear is Purple Haze...still on 3 finger leaves...

also coming right along is a clone from MS #1...a mystery seed ...unknown sex...

My pride and joy...a Jock Horror clone from this winter..6 and 7 finger leaves..really stretching..ok...thats not all...more later...
Wow don't know what happened there...ok...she has a pole..my star to be..my Pineapple Express was polinated by my Jock Horror #1 who hermied...this is a seed...

Mystery Seed...MS #3...been topped 1 time...

MS #2...also been topped 1 time...

MS #3...the largest MS...been topped 25 times and supper cropped...

last...the bitch that hermied...JH #1

All plants have been out of restraints for 2 days..they will be tied down again tomorrow...still got a lot of trimming to do...dam re-veg...10 plants in veg...4 bagseed sprouts...maybe 3 out of these 4 seeds i found will sprout...today i will take clones from all plants...:thumb:
hi mate, hows it, right with these seeds, if the pollen come from a hermie and pollenated a normal fem plant, then this means you have 100% fem seeds, thats how they make fem seeds, the stress a fem and make it hermie then collect the pollen, they then pollenate the normal female plant that has not hermie, they then collect them seeds and this gives them pretty much 100% fem seeds,

hope you can understand that, not the best explanaition but its along them lines

i understand...thats what i thought...now...what about the plant that hermied..she is still in the ground re-vegging..think she will hermie again ??? if she does i will yank...
great update mate, them plants are getting huge, so in theory your seeds are femenised so the sould be fem for you, i couldnt say on the re-veg mate, its something i have not seen done with hermies, but i tell you what, if it did work and turned out fem without the hermie then this would mean a lot of people could re-veg their hermie plants and get them back as fem, mate if it works which their is no reason why it shouldnt then people should know about it, i mean if it hermie then you re-veg it this means the plant would be a lot bigger when its re-veg and then flowered, so it would yield a whole lot more, im very interested in finding out how this turns out mate, i think with little to no stress their is no reason why it cant be 100%fem, i dont think anyone has ever tried this, your the first as far as i know, this is going to be very interesting mate, try asking someone like jandre or deege, they may have some idea of this, its something i have never come across before
A little Yellow Bird!!! What kind of Bird is That miwa???:blushsmile: It looks pretty cool. The beans look Good and Healthy!!! They look nice for Planting!!! I would Plant em, like you are, and see what Happens!!!:winkyface: STAY COOL. SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:

The bird is a wild canary..an offspring from a pet canary that got away...yep beans look ok..i put them in water over night...3 is still floating..i'll put them under anyway...:thumb:
WOW, you've been very busy, I think that hermie was stressed, keep it growing,it's a beautiful plant, I think he/she will turn into a she/keep up the good work, I will definitely check back to see the results. Everything looks wonderful:goodjob:
WOW, you've been very busy, I think that hermie was stressed, keep it growing,it's a beautiful plant, I think he/she will turn into a she/keep up the good work, I will definitely check back to see the results. Everything looks wonderful:goodjob:

Good thinking...all my plants gets stressed...with all the training i do...i'm surprised when they don't hermie.even i am stressed...look at my eyes...
Your escaped canary??? Either way, it is Cool to see them continuing to propagate Their Species, even in the Mid-West Somewheres?!? Glad Your got Your Beans Planted!!! Do it ASAP! (I KNOW YOU ARE!!!).:bravo: Keep Cool miwa, Don't want You to Overload!!!:high-five: Take Care, Plant Porno Posting Tonight. SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
Your escaped canary??? Either way, it is Cool to see them continuing to propagate Their Species, even in the Mid-West Somewheres?!? Glad Your got Your Beans Planted!!! Do it ASAP! (I KNOW YOU ARE!!!).:bravo: Keep Cool miwa, Don't want You to Overload!!!:high-five: Take Care, Plant Porno Posting Tonight. SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:

Overload??? ha ha...always good to have a back-up...i am now in the process of getting at least 2 clones of all my plants...including bag-seed..which will make me have 18 clones...i put the beans in cups last night..i should see something by friday...my grow-rm is not in operation now but i have more plants inside than i do out..sitting in windows..i was looking at UT last night..saw a plant grown hempie style that yielded 1 pound dry ...i'm ready for some plant porn but now i got to water and feed..i should have mulched my garden...i didn't know we was going to have a long heat wave...which is good in a way..no one out strolling and looking...too hot...later :thumb:
i got to agree thats some nice heavy yield for one plant, i dont want to go any bigger than the 2ltr hempie yet, im not into the hydro or big dwc just yet, theirs so much to keep in check, such as res temps and ppm's 'etc etc, root rot just to name one problem people have when they got water standing around, i wonder if it could be filtered the same as a fish tank filter, could use some calcium filters and carbon filters to keep it clean between res change, ive got an old fish tank i could turn into a res, now you got me thinking about bigger dwc's, but ive not got the space till ive got this and the next grow out the way, hmmmm, i wonder, 1lb off one plant, would be nice.
are you going to give it a go i just dont know enough about growing in water to risk giving it a try so for now ill stick with the 2ltr hempie, well at least till this grow is out the way
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