2nd Inside Grow

Thanks for the correction on where the idea came from miwa, I did come up with it, but I have a feeling that overtime, if People like it. It will become like 420, with many different ideas as to where it came from:high-five:. Most People will not even know what JTGT stands for anyways, unless they were here when the name was come up with!:blushsmile: It would be nice to see it given the credit where it is due, but these things tend to run out of Control, especially if People Like it. Be Prepared for the Truth to Morph into something not even remotely like the Real Way It Was Brought Out Into The Public Eye. Someone will Probably either get half the story correct, or none of it at all, and someone that is way to Smart for their own Britches, will come up with a completely Untrue Story as to where the Idea came From:whoa:. Like from Aliens giving it to them in a Dream, or they Learned it 40yrs ago from a Poor Pakistani Hash Maker, or some such non-sense. I guess, as long as we can go back to the Original Thread where it was Posted, We might be able to prove People otherwise, but You know how these things Go!!!:straightface: I am just glad to have been able to SHARE THE IDEA!!!:laugh: But it would be nice for People to know the REAL TRUTH about where it Originated!!! I guess Time will TELL:thumb:! SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.
No WORRIES, DEEGE420!! Mistakes Happen, we are only Human after all. But I am Honored that You would consider using this method!:thanks: It really worked well for Me, and it looks really cool when the Stem Has Trained it's self to Grow like a Corkscrew, as it winds around the Pole and Hardens off:high-five:, It will Trip Your Friends/Family, or just You out!!!:thedoubletake: A it looks so Strange!!! Good Luck. SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.
been outside cutting yellow and dead leaves off..its getting too hot...to much sweating and itching...so i took some pics of my Pineapple Express...i had to modify my pot so i could spred the branches...

i started some more bag seed...and a seed fell off my PE into the pot and sprouted...i;ll give her a week and i'll re-plant...:thumb:
great idea miwa! again! always coming up with great little ideas! 420 community should gather together and make like the ULTIMATE GROW! who's down. I say we go somewhere in spain. :Namaste: :thumb:

Thanks Deege...yeh...Spain...anywhere i can grow in peace...:thumb:
Thanks Deege...yeh...Spain...anywhere i can grow in peace...:thumb:

thats a great idea.your all welcome..i dont know about getting peace the heat is unbearable this summer.:thumb:..ive got a spare camp bed in my grow room dont know how many will fit but feel free..lol:welcome: good idea spreading branches miwa full of knowledge..:peace:
thats a great idea.your all welcome..i dont know about getting peace the heat is unbearable this summer.:thumb:..ive got a spare camp bed in my grow room dont know how many will fit but feel free..lol:welcome: good idea spreading branches miwa full of knowledge..:peace:

i got a tent...a set-up next to Heart #1 will be just fine...
Hope them there mites have bitten there last leaf. GL and sorry to hear about the hermies. Keepem Green
Hope them there mites have bitten there last leaf. GL and sorry to hear about the hermies. Keepem Green

oh yeah the mites are being contained...one thing... this grow will answer a lot of Q"s...all my plants are re-vegs...and females...1 was a hermie...no balls yet...the rest of the plants were polinated by the overstressed JH...from the Orgy in my garden i got 1 pineapple express hermie seed in the ground...she;s performing on the pole...i got a white shark hermie seed growing in a pot...and another PE in a pot...so ...will these seeds be females...will the hermie re-veging hermie again...thats ok...next year i'll be smokin hermie seeded med with a dish of mites on the side...but i'll be Highhhh...:lot-o-toke:
Keep a Positive Attitude miwa, it's all Part of the Experience. What Good is Good, if there is No Bad to Compare it Too? The Bad things that Happen, Make Us appreciate the GOOD things when they do Happen, so much MORE!!!:high-five: And besides Usually, unless You have some really Bad Karma or something, WAY more good things happen for Most of Us, than Bad on the Norm:wood:. That Plant that You have ready to Do the JTGT, is gonna Be Killer, I predict!! If that site Gets Much Sun, Your Gonna Have One Fat Ass Plant, the arms are gonna Shoot Straight Up, and Your Gonna Have Many Tops. It's gonna look awesome.:thumb: Take Care. JAMESTHEGREEN.
if the seeds are from a hermie than try not to stress them to much as they will hermie again, thats only what i have heard, most hermie seeds should be fem, most hermie seeds will grow into decent plants as long as they are not under or over watered, i wouldnt worry to much, i dont think they will hermie on you the same as their mothers did, you should be ok mate, just keep an eye on them, all been well you will end up with some very nice ladies.

if the plants that went hermie are from fem seeds then chances are the seeds you have planted will also be fem, if they plant that went hermie was a regular female plant then id say their is a chance they could turn out male, but you should get some fem from them like you would with any normal regular seeds, but if they was from femenised seeds then they should turn out as fem plants,
True hermies tend to be hermies. I don't think you'll be a happy camper when late in the fall and all your females are flowering up nicely, and some hermie decides to do its thing and seeds out your whole crop. Hermies tend to do just that. You want to get some fem seeds, try that silver stuff. Granny got it to work nicely. Hermies are a scarey blood line to continue. True alot will go term and might never give ya a problem. But like homie said up there it might not take much to flip em over to males later. Alittle stress does it. Plants going thru that reveg are stressed alot in that time. So maybe the genetics had hermie in it. Alot of strains tend to lean to hermies. Myself I'd get rid of them beans and get working on some others. Maybe a small grow tent to help produce alittle pollen then hit a lower branch on your favorites. Now thats just me. And that's just my 2 cents worth. GL with that LST PVC pipe. Makes me rememeber once I grew a plant and wrapped it around a banister on my front porch. Man she looked cool, from one side anyways. Keepem Green
You are right on all points...i'm trying to cover all bases..some of my plants are mobil...i hate to pull females because of what they may do...hell i got plants in the ground that haven't been sexed...but like last year i just pull when i see marbles..one day i'll learn to sex clones and sprouts...i know how...just don't like to waste veg time...like this re-veg..lol..
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