2046 : Chimp vs. Sativa

Progress pics (or lack of progress pics) -
Greenhouse Seeds - Super Lemon Haze (clone):


Close-up w/flash:


A few GDP clone shots:


Two-headed GSC nug:


Poor shot of a Soma Seeds - Free Tibet nug:


Poorer side shot of a Golden Tiger clone/reveg:


The GT is close. I'll 86 the GSCs and put two G13s in here ASAP, OK?

hee hee hee figure that out, PRISM.....
ok so you had to get me started again didn't you!
that dang prisimstuff:)
I would like to say your buds are awesome but I am in fear of saying so so I wont.!!!
I need to try Super Lemon Haze Mr.Chimp :) everyone says its some high grade medicine,i like GHS strains the problem is the bunch of phenos, if you cant get your hands on the right one it can be awful, not talking about the hermies either...:straightface:
Mars Candy Co. Corporate Memo (which I now have the authority to implement): Since my mega purchases of Milky Way Simply Caramel chocolate bars puts my interest in the company at over 53% I, your new CEO, now have controlling shares of the company and am formally announcing the renaming of our fine product as the Milky Way Chimply Caramel chocolope bar. Thank you all, and I'll see you at the company picnic.

Nice :thumb: i will buy a pack of 3 seeds :)

Tried Super Bud (GHS) last year outdoor, hermied and pollinated my Kaya Gold from Nirvana seeds,1 good seed, so i have a cross of Super Bud fem. with Kaya G. i guess...:whoa:

I have 2 lemon skunk seeds and 1 cheese by GHS, MAYBE i will give them a try but i doubt, i want something stable.
OH I see! its come down to the mars against my controlling interest in Hershey's!
Just so you know I have many shares in Nestles! and plan on eating most if not all of that.
want to trade for a crunch bar? I do like me a mounds. you know you can have half and still have a whole:)
Mars Candy Co. Corporate Memo (which I now have the authority to implement): Since my mega purchases of Milky Way Simply Caramel chocolate bars puts my interest in the company at over 53% I, your new CEO, now have controlling shares of the company and am formally announcing the renaming of our fine product as the Milky Way Chimply Caramel chocolope bar. Thank you all, and I'll see you at the company picnic.

Additional company memo:
I just got back from the grocery store and there were only six packs of Chimply Caramel bars left so no more days off until further notice. If you're pregnant and go into labor you can have the little goober right there just keep that Milky Way machine going c'mon now you can do it knuckle down and show a little company spirit.
Additional company memo:
I just got back from the grocery store and there were only six packs of Chimply Caramel bars left so no more days off until further notice. If you're pregnant and go into labor you can have the little goober right there just keep that Milky Way machine going c'mon now you can do it knuckle down and show a little company spirit.

* snort, chuckle, choke * Capitalism at it's finest? lol
don't be so hard on the candy girls PC.
I bet if you go back in the store room there is a stoner stock boy with chocolate all over his face. stashing empty wrappers under the Latin lettuce boxes.
don't be so hard on the candy girls PC.
I bet if you go back in the store room there is a stoner stock boy with chocolate all over his face. stashing empty wrappers under the Latin lettuce boxes.

Nah. There's a slacker in my newly acquired company is what there is. Hey, you there down on the production line! There's somebody's T-shirt wrapped around the bottom of that candy bar machine handle holding it on 'cause I'm too cheap to buy a replacement bolt! Hold the damn handle further down it'll soak up the blood! That way you can quit whining about arterial bleeding and speed that line up! C'mon the Dow Jones industrial average is dropping even as we speak! So's my Chimply Caramel Chocolope Bar stash!

heh heh heh
With an attitude like this, I'll be on the cover of Forbes in no time. :)

Wonder how much they'll pay me to take pictures of me being out of my element and actually looking important.....

I'll just let them use this pic of me on the left; I have a certain upper level management look about me in that one.
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