2046 : Chimp vs. Sativa

Hey are you or they Hiring?
my son would like to have a Job so I say:) he is a big boy so he could load many bars into his gut ..I Mean truck so that no, not one single person goes without and he is cheap.
Nah. There's a slacker in my newly acquired company is what there is. Hey, you there down on the production line! There's somebody's T-shirt wrapped around the bottom of that candy bar machine handle holding it on 'cause I'm too cheap to buy a replacement bolt! Hold the damn handle further down it'll soak up the blood! That way you can quit whining about arterial bleeding and speed that line up! C'mon the Dow Jones industrial average is dropping even as we speak! So's my Chimply Caramel Chocolope Bar stash!

heh heh heh
Hey are you or they Hiring?
my son would like to have a Job so I say:) he is a big boy so he could load many bars into his gut ..I Mean truck so that no, not one single person goes without and he is cheap.

Sorry, our company goal IS for every single person (besides myself of course) to go without. His interests seem to be in conflict with our corporate goals also, except of course the cheap part. Perhaps he can apply at the Hershey's company; I hear he's in good with the majority shareholder there. :)
Sorry, our company goal IS for every single person (besides myself of course) to go without. His interests seem to be in conflict with our corporate goals also, except of course the cheap part. Perhaps he can apply at the Hershey's company; I hear he's in good with the majority shareholder there. :)

ROFL, as someone who was a corporate exec for years before becoming disabled, that is a mentality I saw all too often both within our companies, as well as partners and competitor's companies... and of course, I got bent over in the end as well, so yeah, that sounds about right for corporate attitudes... flash backs, ick, lol.

It's sad when I think about the fact that these jokes are funny because they all have varying degrees of accuracy. Anyone else miss the days when it wasn't strictly all about $$$ and greed above everything and corps didn't have the kind of control they do now?

I'd much prefer to be groping batgirl though, much more happy thoughts and smiley faces there, lol.
I remember when health insurance came automatically, even with low wage jobs. I remember when if someone came on TV, or was quoted as saying in an magazine article that smoking cigarettes causes loss of production and wasn't worried about the health of the smoker or well being of his family this entire country would put his selfish head on a chopping block and ridicule him to the point of having to leave here and go somewhere else to live. I remember when it was embarrassing to admit to being greedy or selfish. I remember when if someone considered hiring foreign workers there were enough people around whose brothers and fathers were recently killed by them that they would have not tolerated it under any circumstances. I remember when you could say what you wanted to say and didn't have to be afraid of being labeled as something you're not. But do I miss those days? No. When it all comes to be, mankind being the deuce that drops out of its own a$$ is going to be the funniest joke the universe has ever seen and the chimp will be there to laugh.....

ooh ooh ooh, AHH AHH AHH!!!!!
I truly think he would be a asset to your home.. um.. er company!
he is dedicated to a new system not the old Hershey thing. that's so yesterday. and he really has no clue what profit is. so he is a shoe in for the corporate office or government:scratchinghead::scratchinghead:
please reconsider your previous thoughts. he also knows how to find cheats on video games:)
Sorry, our company goal IS for every single person (besides myself of course) to go without. His interests seem to be in conflict with our corporate goals also, except of course the cheap part. Perhaps he can apply at the Hershey's company; I hear he's in good with the majority shareholder there. :)
Not Wonka!
Holy flying vaginas, Chimp. I fell in love with your old man's haze :)

They are all beautiful ladies, but there is something magical about them skinny leaves :)

Normaly I like my leaves like my women. Fat and Juicy, but them skinny leaves are doing strange things to me.
I feel like makin love to a skinny girl in a caravan behind an old fat bricklayer who's watching WWF wrestling on a small black & white tv, pretending not to notice.... ;)

+Reps and bananahotdogs.
good weed PC give Bessy a hug for me:)
I will :)
Well I managed to trim up the scary virginia but it seems to have taken on a completely different appearance. Can't quite put my finger on it.....


ooh ooh ooh,
A Soyuz rocket?
I will :)
Well I managed to trim up the scary virginia but it seems to have taken on a completely different appearance. Can't quite put my finger on it.....


ooh ooh ooh,
Joke list for above pic:

1) Adds a whole new dimension to the phrase "bud porn", huh?
2) Should've named that strain "Viagruh".
3) I decided to grow BC Bud Depot's "The White" instead of "The Black", so I didn't have to turn my camera sideways and use the panorama setting for this pic.

hope I don't get kicked off here :(
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