2015 Dr. Bearkenstien Goes Crazy Grow Journal

Sheesh Bear! We have to find someone else for your black cloud to follow...

will send it to you gladly bar LOL :laughtwo:
Wrong approach B A R. Bear, sometimes life just sucks and you have to keep going anyway. Sorry this grow was a bust too, but stop and take a breath.......................

You have better lights. You know more than you did before about filtration and environmental control. Every step you've taken has brought you closer to the goal of a successful grow. Do whatever you need to do to burn off the frustration (I assume you know that anger serves you no purpose here, so let it go) and get right back on that bike. We're all here waiting for you to get up and running again.

You know you want to. You know you will eventually. Make it sooner rather than later, ok? And Bear - this really sucks hon. :hugs: :Love:
I will be back sue soon as I can find seeds or clones I know i will succeed. As for roommate she will get hers in the end KARMA is a BYTCH
hey all am alive and well. working on getting the grow going but looks like it will be awhile. Have some major bills to get caught up on. Wonder if praying to the grow gods for beans is wrong lol :lot-o-toke: :ganjamon:
possibility I will be back sooner than I thought. Friend offered to send me seeds ( ty Mr.Green ) would like to know how to nominate someone for member of the month :ganjamon::Namaste:
well prayed to grow gods and was told go north my son so am on a trek to the northern tundras. will hopefully be back and will come back soon and with some wonderful finds :rollit: :ganjamon:
So now that you have acquired my fine Canadian genetics how will you start them?

I usually soak the seeds in water for 24 hours. Then put them in a damp paper towel until they have a half inch sprout. Then into hydro. For dirt I would put them into dirt once half inch too. Get a big pot so you don't have to transplant it until it is big. Make a half inch deep hole and put the sprouted seed in it. Then put soil over it loosely and keep it damp but not wet. If you find it hard to keep it just damp then maybe use a spray bottle to mist instead of drenching.
Good luck!
well am back from the great white north and had a fruitful trip. Came across a jolly ole fat man with dreadlocks in a red suit and had a couple of bowls with him and he gave me some of his private stash then gave me a ride home WOW what a strange trip it has been. Here is the line up

Grow Mix: coco/soil/perlite mix
Lights : t5 250w for seed the a 600w hps for veg and flower
Nutrients : Roots Organics Budda Grow Budda Bloom Trinity
Strain : Jackalope and Thunderpaws
Ph 6.5

Am not at my house right now so dont have pics of anything yet Was just so excited to be back on line. have six seeds germinating in thier pots and six of em germinating in water/paper towel/into their pots not gonna do any transplanting at all ( or that is the plan Ya'll know how plans go ) the germinating in soil came from a website by a guy named Jorge something or other. the other method seems to be generally used on this site. My seedling period is gonna be 3 weeks from day of sprout then a 5 week veg period and a 10-14 month flower time ( figure plants and ya'll will tell me when they are ready ) well have to run for today so until tomorrow see ya in the funny papers.:ganjamon: :hippy:
Remember when using paper towel methods that the seed should be above the waterline so it wicks the water up. Put the seed underwater for too long and risk killing it. Same with soil, too wet is fastest way to kill.
Once it sprouts, continue to not overwater it, and add a fan to blow the spouts and strengthen stems.

You have around 15 of each seed if I remember correctly so you have extras if something goes wrong.

Good luck!
Jorge Cervantes is his name and he's a genius. I really appreciate the things he's done and what he says.

Seed in soil with water, don't make anything complicated.

Can't wait to see you do some crazy stuff with these seeds my man!


I met that same guy with dreadlocks. One hell of a fella!

Take care buddy!

:passitleft: :Love:

Well Here it is a week and boy what a week it has been. Rasta Claus gave me 2 Jorge Cervantes videos for xmas. I am in love with those things and learning a lot. Have a ? for the general public that come on here anyone know how to make emotes i want to make a rasta claus one.Now for the info some people ( hi og) couldn't wait for. I have 3 jackalopes and 1 thunderpaw 2 days old so far have under a t5 HO 24 w 65k lamp at 24/7. No fotos cause the ones i took didn't show the sprouts well enough. Am making a list of stuff I am going to need
Jeweler's Loupe
ph/ec meter
new thermo/rh meter
making a new grow mix for the next run so am gonna need
ground coco
expanded clay pellets
worm castings
mineral magic
trichoderma inoculant

The grow mix comes from Jorje. Well that is all for today will be back in a few days :ganjamon:
I would start more than 5 as there are likely to be close to half males that you will have to throw away.
Ideally I would start at least 8 each so that you make sure once you kill half males you have 4 of each to get a good chance of getting the best phenotype. These are first generation crosses so there are likely to be several phenos. So you find the one you like best and clone it from then on.

Good luck!
everyone is alive and well even have new seeds germinated and almost ready to be planted.looked this morning and have a new jackalope coming up so that makes 3 jacks and 4 thunderpaws.Am waiting till everything is in the dirt and sprouted to actually start the grow clock as they are all getting planted in their final homes. Trying to make it as easy as possible for me this time with no transplanting from cup to 2 gal pot to final home.Made the decision last night that I am gonna paint the walls in my closet ( ain't been done in 3 yrs ty Jorge for that advice) Also realized that using those wool grey horse blankets for a door was causing me to loose 10-20 % light ( again ty Jorge) am gonna switch to Panda Cloth for the door. Will also be changing things around to hopefuly better my grow enviorment. Am kicking the idea around to keep one male to pollentate one female for seeds in a seperate closet. Any ideas on that last one from anyone would be accepted:ganjamon:
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