2015 Dr. Bearkenstien Goes Crazy Grow Journal

yup I sure is now hope I can keep all the little pests out

Everyone got 1 gal of water with 10ml budda grow. they have ben in veg for 2 weeks and I am gonna top em this afternoon. Not much else to do am loving this water and leave alone approach to growing. Here are pics taken this morn
Alchemy 1 & 2 2 weeks In veg

Plant 1 close up

Plant 2 close

Plant 3 close

Plant 4 close

Plant 5 close

and introducing JACKALOPE day 3

well that is allll Folks see ya in the funny papers

today every one gets a drink of just water ( they got full strength nutes on Mon ). Moved one of the veg plants out to the seedling area cause I am gonna try and do a t5 & cfl grow Am also doing an experiment and see if i can keep a cherry tomatoe plant perpetualy growing. Have'nt been well so havent done much with grow except feed and water. Noticed my jackalope is not liking just soil so am gonna switch her to the coco and perlite and see how she does. Couldnt do my Johnny Appleseed methed with the 12 jackalopes so only have one out of 12 seeds not good not good at all. Transplanted jack and found out why she was so small she was growing down. have her in a better grow mix and will keep an eye on her. Don't know if she wil survive didn't know the prob till i was throwing away the "bad " soil and found roots all the way down a 5 gal bucket. I am so pissed and frustrated. gonna have to drop back and punt on this one
don't think jack is gonna make it she is all wilted and drooping. this experiment was a complete failure.

jack has surprised me and is bouncing back these plants never cease to surprise me on resilent they can be. Everyone got a gallon of water, We have 3 Alchemy x3 ( 3 plants braided) one Alchemy x 1 and Jackalope ( ty OG if you are out there ) So far jack has taught me alot am realy trying to get this one through a full cycle. Here is a ? for ya'll if a male gets in the room how many of the ladies will get pollenated? Hoping one of my x 3 gets a male in the pot so the 2 females will produce me some seeds or is that a bad idea? Here are some crappy fotos must ask santa for a camera and loupe for xmas

Alchemey plant 1

Alchemy x3 plant 1

Alchemy x3 plant 2

all are at four weeks of veg except for the jackalope who is 4 weeks old
yeah am real disappointed though only got 1 plant out of 12 seeds
it is me i think have to work on my germination
Yes, tell us what you did. ;-)

For me I germinated like this:
1 day soak in tap water, then put it on wet paper towel until pops, then drop it in hydro with weak solution.
But you could also go to soil (with very very low nutes) right after it pops. Had good results with soak then paper towel though.
THIS LINK will give you a nearly 100% germination rate. The only reason I say nearly is because you can't germinate duds.
i just put em a 1/8 in down in soil this time will try both techniques the next time
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