Just finished the trimming.
Except for the 3 box lids full of popcorn, which may get tossed in the trash unless the rest of the harvest is really really good. Just a pain in the ass to trim and not as potent as bigger higher-up buds.
I'm about to sample a little almost-dried-but-not-cured SLH, and I'll report on that later tonight. I ground it up and am letting it sit in the open for a bit so I'll be able to ignite it... Only trying about a bowlful or maybe a gram - too lazy to get out the scales and weigh its tiny self.
The water-cure bud is dry, will try some of that later tonight when I can properly judge it. The water cure stuff came from the Kandy Kush, and after trimming that sticky mess (talking about the other KK which wasn't water-cured) I'm curious about how it's going to smoke. The water-cured stuff doesn't look bad at all, not all pale like some people said it would be. It does look like it might be a bit harsh, though, if you can tell something like that from looking at it...
Will post some pics later. Took some of the drying rack and of the 2 samples. The total is actually looking bigger than I thought it would be, size-wise, but I have no idea what the weight is going to be.