Greetings Irishboy and all you sport fans!
Got into the LED club July 3d with Mike's 180w and I'm impressed and blind! (Gremlin Voice...Bright Light! Bright Light!).
DIY worked awesome, I just added 3" packing tape to cover glass. Next time I'll leave a 1" border cause I had to peel back tape to access the glue glass.
The total brightness is just amazing as it affected my judgement. I 1st eyeballed 14" distance and when I measured the next day it was only 8". I also was crowding the plants so I used a plywood to show me the core saturation.
I immediately took 4 outside ladies (2 W Widow, 2 NY-47) and started 24/0 veg cycle. When time to flower, I'll see if 2 will finish outside (should beat their outside sisters which normally be ready after Halloween) and 2 will finish with LEDs, (1 ea strain).
I've also tried cloning for the 1st time and I've learned that Mike's LEDs have the SAME affect as DON'T!
As far as your bloom demo, it's a shame a form letter is the knee jerk reaction when it could be a great opportunity for these companys to get the word out. After all I do own a grow light and I would never have invested without your honest, BS absent reporting. I hope Mike makes bank, (you know, reward for risk).
We all know how this thread is exploding. I started visiting PapaGreen's sub and when the 180w showed up I ONLY had to catch up on 54 pgs!
So + reps for the DIY and awesome LST grow on them 300w's.
Now if only they would stop rearrainging the furniture while I'm visiting the LED room.