Yes the tobacco was my first guess but dont smoke around my plants or in the house.This disease is veary unlikely but possible will keep an eye to see if it persists.
As long as you wash your hands with hot soapy water between smoking and touching them, I would agree that it is unlikely.
I believe its just high humidity these plants dont have a high tollarence I think their just stressed.Plant is showing signs of to high humidity think this particular plant rather be in soil.
Entirely possible. You might try to greatly increase the amount of aeration that is taking place in your buckets, either with more airstones or a small aquarium powerhead.
Also slightly over fed I have been having to lower ppm was 700 now Im at 500.Feeding chart says I should be up to 1400 but I am not seeing that...
Feed charts are good general starting points but of course different strains of tomatoes have differing requirements.
What is your pH range? I've always heard that 5.5-6.5 was best for tomatoes grown in hydroponic setups, and it is not a bad idea to start your nutrient solution towards the bottom end of this range and allow it to slowly drift up through it (which it will do as the plant consumes the nutrients - if it suddenly takes a nose-dive, look to your root-zone for nasties).
Tomatoes like an extra shot of magnesium (like another plant), and often a general nutrient mix will not have an adequate amount. Are you supplementing in any way? If not, you might give them a bit of epsom salts if you have nothing else. I might guess that they are slightly deficient (but I might be wrong, lol).