New Member
It would be cool if there was a list of the products that we use that haveh202 is another thing i change my mind about all the time, so many conflicting reports on it....
"From what i read in a Urban grower magazine, peroxide is not all its cracked up to be.
Keeping your res. cool works much better than using peroxide. I read it damages the roots somewhat, which would make them weaker to the next invasion of bacteria if you had by chance not used enough to kill everything. Obviously it will kill the viruses and bacteria that cause root rot, but good hydroponics practices would prevent this all together. From the same article that mentioned the root damage, the author also mentioned that the oxygen released by the peroxide into your res is not in a form that is readily taken up by the roots. (never heard this before!)
Also, if you have a hydro setup that implements beneficial bacteria, this would obviously not be an option, as the peroxide would wipe them out as well, the same goes for soil".
beneficial bacteria in them so we would know what and what not to do with them. I'm sure no list exists however. .V.