10 Plant Grow With 3 x Mars Hydro LED & Autopot

Just got an update and sorry Deville im using your grow but bunch off cool help full guys and gals i think??
I think i have a serious stretch problem too. As this my first indoor grow i let them veg too long and now got 17cm between top and lights.
im going to have to do a lots of manipulation and bending their!!!! And shortening of light cables to raise them more.
looking ok and still spraying for thrips. Is that stretch normal. Looks like they been racing towards the light.
Pls give some comments what you think.

a friend in need is a friend in deed!!! a friend with weed is better!!
Your light is to far away. Leds haven't the power of hps 30 inches to 20 watch and make sure they don't burn. It don't take long depending on the power of tour light

Sent from my HTCD100LVWPP using 420
They sure are stretching indeed. I would put the lights as close as possible without burning them. My plants don't even get burned when 10cm away. Usually I try to keep them 30-40 cm away.

Sent from my SM-G935F using 420 Magazine Mobile App
My lights are 17cm from top branches. And that is how they stretching!!! WTF !!! Going to have to make a plan and shorten wires to to pullies. And bend branches down. Think I been done in with cheap kak (shit) SA lights.
Not happy

a friend in need is a friend in deed!!! a friend with weed is better!!
Long story. Short version. Where i am from not so easy to get seeds through post. So used bag seed. Also took a young plant out garden and put in with seedlings. So theycare different ages. And bringing the plant in from garden is what must have brought in trips. NEVER AGAIN!!!! Not sure of time. But these are seeds with no instructions if you know what i mean.
Alas i should be getting proper seed soon.
Then will start again.
Was just to keen to get started growing.

a friend in need is a friend in deed!!! a friend with weed is better!!

DAY 47

Today's update won't be very long or interesting. Just wanted to let you in on yet another disaster due to me being a clumsy fuck.

So I was removing old yellow leaves from the bottom of the plants when I all of a sudden managed to fall over. I discovered after getting up on my feet again that the top of the Northern lights plant that was stunted due to being re-potted, was broken. This plant has gone through a lot. However! Since it was not completely snapped in two, and because marijuana is a very sturdy plant, I simply taped it back together again. Guessing there is a 50/50 chance it will be able to heal itself. The only tape I had available in the grow-room was a black duct-tape so that's what I used. What do you think folks? Will it survive?


The top of Northern light taped back together

Then some good news!

Several of the plants have started the final stretch. I could see the nodes were no longer symmetrical but indeed asymmetrical, telling me the flowering has finally begun. In not very long, we'll see white threads everywhere. This tells me the new timer is doing the job and that everything else is in order.

I also checked the humidity/temperature history. The lowest temperature was 17 degrees and the highest was 28. It seems the electric heater is struggling keeping the heat during lights-out. It's however within an acceptable margin, so I decided to fuck it and just let it be. Lowest humidity was 42% and highest was 55%. At this point in time this is absolutely acceptable and no measurements need to be taken. The humidifier is no longer in use. Packed it away until it's time for a new grow.

The plants are getting incredibly tall now. Still have some overhead but am slightly worried. I see that some branches are starting to grow outwards into the empty room. They will need support very soon. So I cut down a lot of sticks from misc plants on the property, washed them and then sterilized them with bleach to kill whatever may have lived on them. They're now drying.


Just a bunch of ridiculous plants stealing my work-space.

Did also prepare some soil, vermiculite and perlite for the clones. They will need to be potted very soon. I can see two of them are clearly having roots now. Just waiting for their friends to come along before I pot the entire bunch. One of the Big-bud clones is clearly struggling and I do think it is going to die. So be it! I still have two living clones of that strain so no big deal. Survival of the fittest!

I will put them in some small but very cool pots. They're far from optimal for big plants, but as I do want to keep them small until I know which of the clones to keep as mother-plants, they'll most certainly do for now. Won't post photos of the pots just yet. Want them to be a cool surprise for you good folks ;) Am preparing something kinda macabre for you

The plants have been thirsty. About 30 liters in 2 days.

Over and out
My lights are 17cm from top branches. And that is how they stretching!!! WTF !!! Going to have to make a plan and shorten wires to to pullies. And bend branches down. Think I been done in with cheap kak (shit) SA lights.
Not happy

a friend in need is a friend in deed!!! a friend with weed is better!!
Where in SA did you get your lights from Growbro? :)
Today's update won't be very long or interesting. Just wanted to let you in on yet another disaster due to me being a clumsy fuck.

So I was removing old yellow leaves from the bottom of the plants when I all of a sudden managed to fall over. I discovered after getting up on my feet again that the top of the Northern lights plant that was stunted due to being re-potted, was broken. This plant has gone through a lot. However! Since it was not completely snapped in two, and because marijuana is a very sturdy plant, I simply taped it back together again. Guessing there is a 50/50 chance it will be able to heal itself. The only tape I had available in the grow-room was a black duct-tape so that's what I used. What do you think folks? Will it survive?

She's gonna think you're trying to kill her. Better get a few extra jars.
Was originally planning for a big update today. Went out to do a lot of work in the grow-room, but gave up almost immediately. Seems I caught a cold or something. High fever and dizzy. Can barely walk. Was afraid I would faint in the grow-room so I took one photo and left again.

I'm not gonna call this an update. Instead I will spew out some more or less incoherent drivel for your entertainment.

Humidity is really starting to worry me. Was 70% when I entered the room. Considering to defoil just to slow down leaf transpiration. As some of you already know, transpiration is the process of water movement through a plant and its evaporation from aerial parts. The less leaves the less the plants will transpire and the lower the humidity will be in my grow-room. But I would rather not if I don't have to. I always had this idea that the plants know best themselves how many leaves they need to do the job properly. The leaves are the plants solar-panels and they need them in order to grow and to create buds. The plants are most likely capable of redistributing energy to lover buds even if they're covered up by leaves so they do not get optimal light conditions. Remove too much leaves and it will affect the plants ability to produce buds.

Was reading into high brix gardening and in this method there is a hypothesis that confirms my thoughts on this subject. It says that if you leave the plants alone and let them keep all their leaves, your yield may be slightly less, but the end product will be of higher quality. Then again - If I get bud rot due to high humidity I won't get any end product. I do find the high brix method interesting and have a desire to give that an attempt some day. What do you good folks think about these ideas?

Someone said I should try using cat-sand as a cheap dehumidifier. Think I'm gonna give that an attempt before I defoil. If anyone in here have other tips on how to lower the humidity fast and cheap, I am all ears :)

Anyway! Here is the one and only photo I took today. Just wanted to show you what's going on with the plants. Things are starting to happen indeed. Do you see what I see?


And that concludes this semi-official update/drivel

Over and out
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