Dennise Growing Under A Znet4 In Soilless Medium With Growology

"Cannabis Connoisseur" how sweet it is.

O' yeah, Subscribed.
Hi Den,

I thought you was growing in just pebbles, so scrub my comment.

I noticed you broke thee stem of. I did the same. just pushed it back and put some wire around the stem all good now, one thing I do which help for bigger buds, get the top of the plant and bend over so level with the next highest stems. make sure you crush the stem so the top is floppy, what will happen is when the plant heals a knot will form at the bend, this will push more nuts to the flower, hope that made sense. also all your tips will be the same hight and get even light, which means more large flower heads.
That's an interesting statement, LOL! So because I am a woman I'm less scummy? Why thank you. :)

I think he was trying to say with women involved with the cannabis growing process it seems to make everything more civilized. People tend to think the way society has programmed them to think and a woman's touch makes it seem more mainstream, it's not a bunch of guys sitting around fartin' and telling jokes.
I think he was trying to say with women involved with the cannabis growing process it seems to make everything more civilized. People tend to think the way society has programmed them to think and a woman's touch makes it seem more mainstream, it's not a bunch of guys sitting around fartin' and telling jokes.

You don't think women sit around farting and telling jokes? I know what is being said and I also know there was nothing malicious about what was said. But, having been a woman for the better part of 60 years, I can say without pause that, women are no angels. We just have you all duped! :)
Right on GF, we all have to look in the mirror and live with ourselves. All that being said it's nice to have some ladies in the mix and I would expect a lot more in the near future.

You don't think women sit around farting and telling jokes? I know what is being said and I also know there was nothing malicious about what was said. But, having been a woman for the better part of 60 years, I can say without pause that, women are no angels. We just have you all duped! :)

Oh how so true...
Right on GF, we all have to look in the mirror and live with ourselves. All that being said it's nice to have some ladies in the mix and I would expect a lot more in the near future.


Indeed. Long Live us all! And definitely thank goodness for MMJ. It's amazing. I've been smoking earlier than I had been. I get into TV more and can concentrate better on things. However, I have not been sleeping through the night. For the past two nights in a row I smoked right before going to bed and slept through. NO waking up again. MMJ works for insomnia, I am living proof. FU other drugs that can kill you BUT you can sleep on them. Friggin' marketeers.
Indeed. Long Live us all! And definitely thank goodness for MMJ. It's amazing. I've been smoking earlier than I had been. I get into TV more and can concentrate better on things. However, I have not been sleeping through the night. For the past two nights in a row I smoked right before going to bed and slept through. NO waking up again. MMJ works for insomnia, I am living proof. FU other drugs that can kill you BUT you can sleep on them. Friggin' marketeers.

Heheh ... TV. You should be able to relate to this ...

Ok, so I'm an old guy. I know this because I look like one, so everyone treats me like one, but also because I for instance, still "watch TV".
Do you realize that in this century people don't just sit down and simply watch TV? LOL. Heck, I turn mine on and it stays on until I leave the house or go to sleep. Anyway, so I find that just like adware popups online, the advertisers know my demographic and a LOT of the ads are for drugs. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Eventually, they all begin to blend into each other. This drug makes these pretty people happy, that drug makes other pretty people happy. And then comes the pleasant quiet list of side effects ... on and on. I know they have to mention every little thing that might go wrong, but sheesh. Heheh, so I've taken to talking back to the TV. I chant "but it's good for you" as the list drones on. "But it's good for you". :laughtwo:

And then ... I try to remember the awful side effects from this particular Class A regulated, prohibited substance that will accidentally grow in your own back yard if some person or animal drops one there. THAT stuff is good for you. Cannabis is dangerous though - ?

Right on GF, we all have to look in the mirror and live with ourselves. All that being said it's nice to have some ladies in the mix and I would expect a lot more in the near future.


I'm going to take a dangerous stance in this room scented with lady testosterone (deep breath) and mention that I and a several others are growing medically on behalf of the women we love. So there are already more here than it appears :)
There you are! I was wondering. I cannot believe that is the same plant. I am ordering cal/mag right now just in case. What a response.

I'm off to bed. cu2morra
I think it is a miracle drug... only not 59 seconds worth of side effects.....:circle-of-love:
ooooh she nice :circle-of-love: :popcorn:
Thank you Care and nice to see ya here....:circle-of-love:
they looking great.
"Cannabis Connoisseur" how sweet it is.

O' yeah, Subscribed.
Yea 60... So glad you made it.....:circle-of-love:
Hi Den,

I thought you was growing in just pebbles, so scrub my comment.

I noticed you broke thee stem of. I did the same. just pushed it back and put some wire around the stem all good now, one thing I do which help for bigger buds, get the top of the plant and bend over so level with the next highest stems. make sure you crush the stem so the top is floppy, what will happen is when the plant heals a knot will form at the bend, this will push more nuts to the flower, hope that made sense. also all your tips will be the same hight and get even light, which means more large flower heads.
I have her bent over a bit with a little bit of LST and had I not broken the 2 limbs the canopy was real even but when I broke the limbs it made one side lower so have the top bent over again to try and give all of it time to catch up.....:circle-of-love:
:) :) looking damn good!!!
:passitleft: High Light....:thanks:....:circle-of-love:
I think he was trying to say with women involved with the cannabis growing process it seems to make everything more civilized. People tend to think the way society has programmed them to think and a woman's touch makes it seem more mainstream, it's not a bunch of guys sitting around fartin' and telling jokes.
:high-five:....Welcome aboard.....:circle-of-love:
You don't think women sit around farting and telling jokes? I know what is being said and I also know there was nothing malicious about what was said. But, having been a woman for the better part of 60 years, I can say without pause that, women are no angels. We just have you all duped! :)
Right on GF, we all have to look in the mirror and live with ourselves. All that being said it's nice to have some ladies in the mix and I would expect a lot more in the near future.


Oh how so true...
:thedoubletake: :circle-of-love:
Amen Sista !!
Indeed. Long Live us all! And definitely thank goodness for MMJ. It's amazing. I've been smoking earlier than I had been. I get into TV more and can concentrate better on things. However, I have not been sleeping through the night. For the past two nights in a row I smoked right before going to bed and slept through. NO waking up again. MMJ works for insomnia, I am living proof. FU other drugs that can kill you BUT you can sleep on them. Friggin' marketeers.
:) :circle-of-love:
Heheh ... TV. You should be able to relate to this ...

Ok, so I'm an old guy. I know this because I look like one, so everyone treats me like one, but also because I for instance, still "watch TV".
Do you realize that in this century people don't just sit down and simply watch TV? LOL. Heck, I turn mine on and it stays on until I leave the house or go to sleep. Anyway, so I find that just like adware popups online, the advertisers know my demographic and a LOT of the ads are for drugs. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Eventually, they all begin to blend into each other. This drug makes these pretty people happy, that drug makes other pretty people happy. And then comes the pleasant quiet list of side effects ... on and on. I know they have to mention every little thing that might go wrong, but sheesh. Heheh, so I've taken to talking back to the TV. I chant "but it's good for you" as the list drones on. "But it's good for you". :laughtwo:

And then ... I try to remember the awful side effects from this particular Class A regulated, prohibited substance that will accidentally grow in your own back yard if some person or animal drops one there. THAT stuff is good for you. Cannabis is dangerous though - ?

They make 5 second drug commercials with 55 seconds of side effects... Pharmaceutical companies do not make cures they make customers......:circle-of-love:
I'm going to take a dangerous stance in this room scented with lady testosterone (deep breath) and mention that I and a several others are growing medically on behalf of the women we love. So there are already more here than it appears :)
And very lucky ladies they are.....:circle-of-love:
Don't really have much of an update today. My Green XXXXX that I germinated has still not popped her head so I dropped another to germinate last night so please send her some green karma. That is my first one not to make it so am going to leave her a bit longer and maybe she will surprise me but I'm kinda doubting it but a new one shall be here soon.
I am going to go install the new fans in the Secret Jardin tent since my fella showed up early to deal with the snakes. Seems they were laying up under my house nesting so I got 3 of them before he made it home and he has gotten 1 and there are small ones left up under there but not many and they may all be gone now. He has cut down all the honeysuckle and I hate it had to go but I don't like snakes and the pastures on both sides of the house are being bush-hogged this weekend so any thoughts I had of planting in the field is over. First and foremost because of the snakes and secondly because the 5 acres around the house will be bare now and no where to hide and the rest of the property is to far for me to tend to so will keep things as they are now.
I will post pics of the fan installation as it proceeds...:yahoo:.....:circle-of-love:
I am embarrassed to say that I jumped my way through loads of pages to get here:passitleft: any how listen I hope that you have some eye protection for the Lovely new lights that you have :)I am gonna try an back track now well tomorrow its after 9 now:popcorn:grow on Sis I know this will be great have a brilliant day :circle-of-love::peace::circle-of-love:
Love to the unborn Bean give her a little time she will pop:Namaste:An I just read you have secret Jardin tents REPs+++I have one but its to big for our space I dream of one of the kids Ahem32&36 will move out an I get it up :rofl::rofl: Love to you an yours Lady Dee:circle-of-love:
The honeysuckle will most definitely come back no matter how much you chop it off! It is kudzu. I'm not so sure removing it all would keep snakes out, but if you feel better you must go forth!

Were the snakes definitely rattlers? Why you? Why you? So weird.
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