You might find this intesting:feedback please

Not so much cannabis, as "Mind or Mood altering drugs. There are many many plants that alter your mind. Bitternut (Guam) Obviously poppy, peyote, mushrooms or many varieties, Coca in the Andes and elsewhere, Many roots in Africa and South America, Alcohol in many varieties too.

So I would have to argue that MOST cultures got high somehow :)
Not so much cannabis, as "Mind or Mood altering drugs. There are many many plants that alter your mind. Bitternut (Guam) Obviously poppy, peyote, mushrooms or many varieties, Coca in the Andes and elsewhere, Many roots in Africa and South America, Alcohol in many varieties too.

So I would have to argue that MOST cultures got high somehow :)

I agree, Boss. I think it's somewhere around 85% (of neolithic cultures using mood and mind altering substances). The thing is, not many of them used cannabis, but they did have other things... Almost all cultures had alcohol, and then of course there's kava kava, passion flower, st. john's wort, peyote, amanita mushrooms, psilocybic mushrooms, belladonna, hemlock, oleander, salvia and the list just goes on and on and on.
Check out this article:

"Cannabis has an ancient history of ritual usage as a trance inducing drug and is found in pharmacological cults around the world. Hemp seeds discovered by archaeologists at Pazyryk suggest early ceremonial practices by the Scythians occurred during the 5th to 2nd century BC, confirming previous historical reports by Herodotus. In India, it has been engaged by itinerant sadhus for centuries, and in modern times the Rastafari movement has embraced it. Some historians and etymologists have claimed that cannabis was used as a religious sacrament by ancient Jews, early Christians[1] and Muslims of the Sufi order.

In ancient Germanic culture, cannabis was associated with the Germanic love goddess, Freya. The harvesting of the plant was connected with an erotic high festival. It was believed that Freya lived as a fertile force in the plant's feminine flowers and by ingesting them one became influenced by this divine force (Rätsch 2003). The Celts may have also used cannabis as Hashish was found in Hallstatt, birthplace of Celtic culture."

Read the entire article here: Spiritual use of cannabis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Check out this article:

"Cannabis has an ancient history of ritual usage as a trance inducing drug and is found in pharmacological cults around the world. Hemp seeds discovered by archaeologists at Pazyryk suggest early ceremonial practices by the Scythians occurred during the 5th to 2nd century BC, confirming previous historical reports by Herodotus.

Took the words right out of my mouth! :cheesygrinsmiley:The Herodotus reference to the Scythians is believed the earliest written reference we have for the use of cannabis.
Not all early prehistoric and/or neolithic humans and hominids believed in the use of cannabis. To say that all early civilization found mind altering plants acceptable is largely untrue. ...Take it from an anthropologist. (me), lol. The world was just as large and diverse thousands of years ago as compared to now. There's never been a global "pothead-ship" that we know of. However, there have always been groups, both small and large, that were "potheads" so-to-speak. But hey, here's something that's not such a downer - Our mission here IS to bring about global pothead-ship and peace and harmony. So toke on!

:bong: :Rasta: :bongrip:

UMM... not to be a dick but if you're gonna disagree with someone then don't turn right around and agree with someone else that re-phrases the same statement. What you disagreed about was "Not all early prehistoric and/or neolithic humans and hominids believed in the use of cannabis. To say that all early civilization found mind altering plants acceptable is largely untrue" but I never stated that in my post nore would I. Then you recanted to another member? You may be a anthropologist I am not and you probly know more about the subject of anthropology than I but careers aside in the end you made the same base statement as I. Like I stated not trying to be a dick just clarifying.:smokin:
Honestly, it can be argued either way. I was stating one opinion, but then I played around with the opposite idea. I was just exploring the possibilities since no one can really know for sure.
I really wasn't trying to be mean or anything of that nature. That aside....
Thank you to everyone that replied to this thread. I posted it as brain food and
O'Gelato's hit the nail on the head as to why I posted it. But thank you everyone for your thought.
No prob. Discussions are what we're all here for :Rasta: ...Along with legalizing marijuana and staying high, lol.
Everything else dead on I can't smoke(long story short If I smoke I go to Prison)
BUT I still grow cause want the law can't find the law can't prove.:cheesygrinsmiley:
Im sorry to here that man ! be safe don't let the pigs win .. stay clean ! Im not shure how long you cant smoke for but just think of that time when you will be able to smoke again be like your first time all over again
Thanks Ugodmade> December 26th, 2011 will be the next time I can smoke my goal is to find some of my favorites for that day which is ok cause it might take that long to find them but happy smoken to everyone and happy new year:cheesygrinsmiley:
Man, I thought they made great body cleansers you just drink before the test. Mine worked when I took a test 4 years ago.

I used protox brand and it works if you are a "average" smoker but I put down around 1/8-1/2 of bud almost everyday when I smoke so all it did for me is lower it down to a very low fail but plus I'm 6'3" and like 210lbs. so it stays in my system longer:thedoubletake:
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