Yeatster's Grow Box Journal - Jack Herer Auto - LED - 2016

Update for Jack & Coke: Jan. 28, day 7.

First up, Jack.

Jack is almost a day older than Coke, I will treat them both as day 7.
This is Coke.

She's a tad behind her sister but I think all in all they look pretty happy.

I will begin AN, M/G/B, @ .5ml/L in a few days.
I have given them straight water so far. About 1/5 L each, every few days, as needed. I use a small squeeze bottle and slowly squirt a tight circle around the base, hopefully getting to the bottom. Water has not run off but I am assuming this technique is adequate.
I am basing my feed schedule from the Atrains auto feed for beginners, so after a few feeds I will increase M/G/B to 1ml/L.
looking sweet mate .and I switched to led to lower temps in my tent and has worked out great.elec no problem for me anyway but I do slightly miss my 600 hps so do my plants ha ha;)
Here we go again :thumb:
Thanks for checking in mb5200, so far so good. :)

looking sweet mate .and I switched to led to lower temps in my tent and has worked out great.elec no problem for me anyway but I do slightly miss my 600 hps so do my plants ha ha;)
Thanks beast.
Are you suggesting I use my LED now? Not exactly sure when the best time is. I asked this question a while ago, and got no response. Expected, seeing I have asked so many, ha-ha.

They look very good for 7 days. If they keep going like that you should easily be able to top at day 14.
The simple adjective "very" made me smile. The encouragement is well taken. Thank you so much for your help so far. I feel like I have a team of experts with me. Certainly makes it less intimidating.

Everything seems to be coming along Yeaster. zcongrats and Keep up the good work :byebye:
Thanks a lot MzSiroz, I don't know where this grow would be right now without the support from fine peeps like yourself.
I was sad to see your journal come to a hault. I have been waiting on an invite to the next episode. Ha-ha.
I am assuming it is the redemption grow? I will be right over.
Update for Jack & Coke: Jan. 28, day 7.

First up, Jack.

Jack is almost a day older than Coke, I will treat them both as day 7.
This is Coke.

She's a tad behind her sister but I think all in all they look pretty happy.

I will begin AN, M/G/B, @ .5ml/L in a few days.
I have given them straight water so far. About 1/5 L each, every few days, as needed. I use a small squeeze bottle and slowly squirt a tight circle around the base, hopefully getting to the bottom. Water has not run off but I am assuming this technique is adequate.
I am basing my feed schedule from the Atrains auto feed for beginners, so after a few feeds I will increase M/G/B to 1ml/L.

they look great bro. atrains schedule is great. i follow the advanced feeding schedule but with some adjustments.
keep it up mate.
Are you suggesting I use my LED now? Not exactly sure when the best time is. I asked this question a while ago, and got no response. Expected, seeing I have asked so many, ha-ha.

General advice is far easier to get help with than very specific, as there's such a range of opinions on what is "best" on just about every aspect of growing, right from how to acquire anything genetic through to how to consume it.

If you're thinking of adding a light to an existing setup, do it gradually and see how your ladies respond. If you're low on the watts per foot, it'll likely noticeably help, providing you're not otherwise negatively affecting their environment, such as temps and humidity.

Looks happy and healthy to me, if that's any reassurance. :)
General advice is far easier to get help with than very specific, as there's such a range of opinions on what is "best" on just about every aspect of growing, right from how to acquire anything genetic through to how to consume it.

If you're thinking of adding a light to an existing setup, do it gradually and see how your ladies respond. If you're low on the watts per foot, it'll likely noticeably help, providing you're not otherwise negatively affecting their environment, such as temps and humidity.

Looks happy and healthy to me, if that's any reassurance. :)

It is definitely reassuring!
I keep using the term "best", when I should be asking for general opinion.
I wonder if I used the LED for the main light and had the t5 on its side, rotating the plants for even penetration. Idk, I'm probably over thinking. You are right, they are doing fine.
Thanks rtk.
Now i got it man. sorry for my poor english.:thumb:

Hardly your fault, it's a limitation of the communication channel. No body language. If you saw one of us say it in person, you'd have picked up its meaning easily I'm sure.
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