Yeatster's Grow Box Journal - Jack Herer Auto - LED - 2016

Is this the actual plastic and metal in the thermostat, being directly under and next to light, or am I running too hot?
They still look happy, but lights have only been on an hour, so far, today?
Hi of 91 and RH of 36%RH. You're good. You're getting a low of 24% though but at least you're not going over 45% so you'll be alright.

EDIT: when you get into the 90's just watch the margins of your leaves for them to turn up. If they curl upward a bit around the edges you're getting too hot for that strain, and need to worry, otherwise, you're fine.
You'll probably be fine, but when this happens to me I put my fans down low and let them blow upward to move the hot air above the lights. I usually like to keep mine at about 75 but it fluctuates very wildly throughout the lights on cycle.

I will try that. I only have a pc fan now, ordered a small oscillating fan though.
Thanks Scgtiggy!

Hi of 91 and RH of 36%RH. You're good. You're getting a low of 24% though but at least you're not going over 45% so you'll be alright.

EDIT: when you get into the 90's just watch the margins of your leaves for them to turn up. If they curl upward a bit around the edges you're getting too hot for that strain, and need to worry, otherwise, you're fine.

I will keep my eye out for that, thank you Jandre.
Thanks for hopping over from Camos place. As I recall, you were quite the coach in his early setup.
I haven't even gotten, in his journal, to the actual grow part. Lol
I will try that. I only have a pc fan now, ordered a small oscillating fan though.
Thanks Scgtiggy!
I have a couple clip fans for each cabinet that I move around. I can clip them anywhere they get a grip, and they swivel pretty much anywhere I want them. Best part: THEY'RE CHEAP!!

I will keep my eye out for that, thank you Jandre.
Thanks for hopping over from Camos place. As I recall, you were quite the coach in his early setup.
I haven't even gotten, in his journal, to the actual grow part. Lol
Hey, you needed help. I deal with heat all the time, working in wooden cabinets. Figured I could lend a brain cell or two.
It just dawned on me what you meant by "dry". I thought you meant plants. I assume you meant 25% RH. Doh!!!
Yeah, it is always dry in the morning cuz my beach towel dries up. House is wicked dry. My skin is lizard like.

yea dude i meant the readings on the digital meter:thumb:
Glad you got it worked out. They look fine to me. As long as things are green and healthy I'm not too concerned with temps. Hell, weed grows in Jamaica and during its coldest month the daily highs average 81 degrees. Summer months go over 90 regularly. I think we all have a tendency to over analyze things. I'm trying to simplify things myself and not worry so much. I'm doing better. Doesn't mean I don't still look at them 4 times a day.

Yeatster, if you want to clean up your signature, try this.

URL="Yeatster's Grow Box Journal - Jack Herer Auto - LED - 2016"]Yeatster's Grow Box Journal - Jack Herer Auto - LED - 2016 [/URL

Copy and paste what's above into your signature but put a [ at the beginning before URL="https:, and put a ] at the end after [/URL

That will make it where your link is your text instead of having it after your text.

It should come out looking like this:

Yeatster's Grow Box Journal - Jack Herer Auto - LED - 2016

Best of luck with the rest of your grow.
I know someone selling their rig.
This is the exact info I was given.

"5x5 tent, 1000 watt light(comes with hangers) with the flower bulb not the veg bulb. 6i inline fan and one 12in like the ones to keepair moving inside the tent and I have the 600 watt ballast. Lights are metal halide"

I know it isn't very specific.
Asking price is $500.
I am more interested in LED but if it's a good deal I will get it.
Does it seem worth it?
Glad you got it worked out. They look fine to me. As long as things are green and healthy I'm not too concerned with temps. Hell, weed grows in Jamaica and during its coldest month the daily highs average 81 degrees. Summer months go over 90 regularly. I think we all have a tendency to over analyze things. I'm trying to simplify things myself and not worry so much. I'm doing better. Doesn't mean I don't still look at them 4 times a day.

Yeatster, if you want to clean up your signature, try this.

URL="Yeatster's Grow Box Journal - Jack Herer Auto - LED - 2016"]Yeatster's Grow Box Journal - Jack Herer Auto - LED - 2016 [/URL

Copy and paste what's above into your signature but put a [ at the beginning before URL="https:, and put a ] at the end after [/URL

That will make it where your link is your text instead of having it after your text.

It should come out looking like this:

Yeatster's Grow Box Journal - Jack Herer Auto - LED - 2016

Best of luck with the rest of your grow.

Thank you kindly for the "clean up" info.
Also, thanks for addressing my concern. Much appreciated.
I know someone selling their rig.
This is the exact info I was given.

"5x5 tent, 1000 watt light(comes with hangers) with the flower bulb not the veg bulb. 6i inline fan and one 12in like the ones to keep air moving inside the tent and I have the 600 watt ballast. Lights are metal halide"

I know it isn't very specific.
Asking price is $500.
I am more interested in LED but if it's a good deal I will get it.
Does it seem worth it?

My setup is a smaller than that but considering:

I can find a 5'X'5 tent at a big online retailer (A****n) for $125. 4'x4' can be found for around a $100.
Mars Hydro sells their old style 300 watt (180 actual draw) lights on E**y for $125 per pair. I have 2 pair.
A 6" duct fan at the same online retailer that sells the tent is $25.
A 27" tower fan is $19 at Wally World.
You'll need something to hang the lights, from that big online retailer again, 2 pairs, $18.

So a tent, 4 lights, a duct fan, a tower fan, and some hangers comes out to $487. Close enough to $500 for me. If you are interested in LED's, I say pass. You can put something together on your own for about the same $ and it will all be new and what you want. You can always add more LED's as your wallet and grow dictate.

Here's what my setup looks like.

I know someone selling their rig.
This is the exact info I was given.

"5x5 tent, 1000 watt light(comes with hangers) with the flower bulb not the veg bulb. 6i inline fan and one 12in like the ones to keepair moving inside the tent and I have the 600 watt ballast. Lights are metal halide"

I know it isn't very specific.
Asking price is $500.
I am more interested in LED but if it's a good deal I will get it.
Does it seem worth it?

Metal Halide is a veg bulb. High Pressure Sodium is the Flower Bulb. . . Just sayin'

I think you're set up in LED's anyway, and unless you're setting up a secondary veg/mother space, I see no reason to go changing anything around.
My setup is a smaller than that but considering:

I can find a 5'X'5 tent at a big online retailer (A****n) for $125. 4'x4' can be found for around a $100.
Mars Hydro sells their old style 300 watt (180 actual draw) lights on E**y for $125 per pair. I have 2 pair.
A 6" duct fan at the same online retailer that sells the tent is $25.
A 27" tower fan is $19 at Wally World.
You'll need something to hang the lights, from that big online retailer again, 2 pairs, $18.

So a tent, 4 lights, a duct fan, a tower fan, and some hangers comes out to $487. Close enough to $500 for me. If you are interested in LED's, I say pass. You can put something together on your own for about the same $ and it will all be new and what you want. You can always add more LED's as your wallet and grow dictate.

Here's what my setup looks like.


Metal Halide is a veg bulb. High Pressure Sodium is the Flower Bulb. . . Just sayin'

I think you're set up in LED's anyway, and unless you're setting up a secondary veg/mother space, I see no reason to go changing anything around.

Thank you for both of your input.
Here is my thinking

1) kid selling this paid 1,300. Being a close friend to the family, I have no reason to doubt this quote.

2) If, after I see and can verify, with help from you guys and research, it is a decent price, the wife will most likely allow it.
She is a dollar store shopper, if it is used for a good price, she will be more apt to give me the go ahead. I have the $$$, I need permission. Lol

3) I do plan on having a larger space for flowering. I got the grow bug, and I can't foresee it going away any time soon. Although I prefer LED, my better half, for odd reasons isn't as concerned with the Elec. bill. It's the upfront money that is her most concern.(wierd, I know) I tend to splurge for the top of the line, where she likes 2nd hand just as well.
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