Wrenn’s Grow: Maui Waui By Nirvana Seeds & Lemon Kush Headband By HSO In DBHBB

Thanks sticky :high-five:

Good to know they only need 6-7 hours of direct light I think they will get that and a fair bit more. Maybe 8-9 hours of direct light.
I’ll throw something out there this spring. I have hardly any experience growing outside well. Sorta worried about pests. Animals etc. There’s a ton of rabbits. Skunks and stuff in my neighbour hood and they eat up my neighbours veggie garden pretty well.

I wouldn’t mind using a 15-30gal pot and have a little dolly to move it inside during the night. It would suck to move it everyday but I would like to know it’s safe at night too.

Our next house has to have a backyard so I can get a greenhouse lol. Wife wants a jacuzzi tub I want the backyard. SW exposure would be ideal.
I have fencing around mine that keeps anything larger than a rat out of there when you grow outdoors there will be pests but there are natural predators ladybugs do a nice job of keeping them clean some praying mantis around is good so if you plant outside try to include some marigolds around them a lot of bugs don't like the smell whiteflies love them and live on those the marigolds don't care they just keep growing they will nibble on your plants but they wont make your plant home :)
That’s it outside there is a lot of things and I’ll be mentally prepared to deal with failure if it does get that bad.

I think Doc’s Kit and retaining a high Brix will help the plant a lot to repel pests. I have never bought predatory insects but it would be cool. Seen lady bugs and mantis before in other members gardens it’s super cool.

do you find much differences in the terpenes plants express with sun grown vs indoor ? I’m interested in running some cuts outside even to see how it differs if any.

think Doc’s Kit and retaining a high Brix will help the plant a lot to repel pests.
a real healthy plant will have a certain amount of repelling action they get chewed on for sure best not to plant them to close to other plants out in the yard the more your plants are by themselves the better but your rite about the ladybugs and praying mantis its good to have them around you can buy ladybugs where I live most of the destructive bugs come around in august and September the borers and tomato worms you can spray them with captain jack or green cleaner to help with those bugs maybe they wont be bad where you live there pretty bad here I picked a lot of worms from my plants last summer they were bad theres lots of opinions on spraying when you spray your plants that also gets rid of the natural predators so if your going tp spray you have to keep it up I prefer predatory bugs but they weren't available so I sprayed :) if you do grow outdoors your going to like the smoke its imo more potent and hangs on longer and they get a lot bigger lots of jars filled!
Thanks for the tips sticky. I can only use a pot tho due to a very small concrete patio area that is fenced from the roadway. If someone comes up to my porch though. They would encounter a plant. Lol I don’t mind though I can tuck it near the corner. Got to keep it under 6ft though! I’ll look into some predatory bugs. Lady bugs are so cool in the garden.

I was thinking to sit a fairly big pot on low height Raised grate. Might go with a large fabric pot so it can get air wick from the bottom and get more wet and dry cycles in.

Whatever I do it’ll have to be on the down low. Ideally I would remember to move the pot into the garage each night and take it back out in the morning but that probably isn’t realistic. Not a morning person and not a fan of lifting :rofl:

When’s your road trip begin ?
Not much happening at mine the Maui’s have gotten ripe as heck in the last few days. Flopping all over. been throwing up 3-4 Yo-yo’s every night. Sadly they were more photogenic before now all the fans are fading fast. The buds are still gorgeous and filling out more and more.

Harvest is set for Friday night and Sat night. I’ll try and take down as many plants as I can Friday. The Lemon Kush grow I will likely postpone harvests until next weekend on some. Might take 1 or 2 plants this weekend if we have the time. Super bowl is Sunday so won’t have much time then.

here’s a few last shots of the ladies





Lemon Kush’s






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Looking Great wrenn. Who is going to be playing Sunday ? That's one of the times I watch Football so I haven't stayed up with who made it to the Super Bowl.
Thanks PC the fan leaves are a bit rough this round but I got lazy with Brix the last month of flowering so it is what it is.

SB will have Kansas City Chiefs vs SF 49ers. I’m just happy Belichek and Brady aren’t in this one. Finally :woohoo:.

I think I will Root for the 49ers. Jimmy G (SF’s QB) was Brady’s backup lol. Should be a good one. Was hoping Green Bay would defeat SF but sorta knew SF had their number based off the first meeting this year.

Half time is going to be J-Low & Shakira! Who knows maybe a double wardrobe malfunction this year:rofl::headbanger:
Took a few more pics the other night. Things are getting floppy in the 5x5. The buds are swollen right up and I think they are ready to chop. I’ll take down MW4 and 3 on Friday evening. Got a few friends coming by to lend a hand. Then sat I will hopefully take the other two. And possibly a Lemon Kush as well. One LK is not even close to done and is growing crazy foxtails with all white pistils. She’s the one that got broken in half and was stunted for 1-2 weeks. Not very much frost on her too idk what she will do but it’s day 60 in there and the others are looking proper.


Above is MW4 she’s the most ready and is sporting some big ass buds. She will come down Friday for sure @ Day 69 of 12/12 probably more like Day 80-85 from first pistils


Above is a Lemon Kush @ Day 65ish. Love her smell. Super fruity.




Above is MW2 aka Young Maui the star of the show






I’ll take some more pics this weekend of the harvest. Have a great day Gang :ganjamon:
Thanks for the kind words Brotha Doog’s. :Namaste:

I think I might need you to mentor me next grow as I can’t seem to keep my fan leads healthy past mid bloom & your plants are always so vibrant and green! No biggie tho I’ll get the hang of it here one of these grows. Glad the nugs were not affected

No worries on the trimming. I don’t think it will be bad I don’t trim until it’s all dry so this weekend is just cutting them down and into branches to bud wash. Drip dry. And then fit as much as I can into the fridge for low and slow.

15-21 days later will come the trim work but these buds haven’t got much leaf so thinking I’ll only serve a little time in Trim Jail.

Hope your having a good day my friend. Almost time to go home eh :slide:

Cheers Bud:ganjamon:
Hey Ken...ya...time is fast approaching. Goin to the bank to get my US $$ is gonna hurt more than u know.
I so , cant afford this trip...but i need it so badly.....not a great spot to be in with so many unexpected expenses on my plate. I get so discouraged doing and paying for EVERYTHING my self........pockets run dry ....know wat i mean.
Wine , wine wine...gimmy some cheese.....sakes... :rofl:
Enjoy the night my friend. Ha...me mentor you.....:rofl:
Heyas Doog’s. And “Don’t worry about a thing... Cause every little thing... gonna be alright” :ganjamon:

:rofl: Cheese eh ya I got some for ya :cheesygrinsmiley:

As my Grandma always said. “We all come into the world as dust and to dust we shall return” Nothing else will go with us. So just live ur best life my friend.

Don’t fret when the going gets rough just remember there is always people less fortunate then us.

Sometimes we just need a slice of humble pie to set our minds at ease and put things into perspective. Happens to us all. You will always be able to handle what comes your way even if it seems hopeless.

Sorry didn’t mean to preach bud, shit u know better than me. I do hear ya tho & I feel the same more then ya know. Just gotta keep up the good fight Brotha:high-five:

Also ur not alone if you ever need a hand or anything just ask. Anyways u will be in JA soon, sunshine, sand,cool breezes , cold beer, good food, and with Brotha Neiko :cool:
The universe is just trying to test you a bit more before u get to enjoy all those things.

Hope your Max’n & Relax’n with a Stella bud! Cheers:passitleft:
Oh boy.....i see your biggest challenge PC.....and it aint your plants....its keeping your wife happy/content while you try your best to bring in the goods!!
I feel your pain....trust me when i say ....her attitude WILL change with time .....when she sees how much produce you harvest...and then maybe some cash rolls in from it........
A tip.....DO NOT keep talking about it with her...leave her out of the chit chat unless she asks ok. You DO NOT want her to get annoyed or irritated cuz you spend so much time and effort on your plants and maybe not as much time with /for her.
I would treat her like a friggen queen...take her out for a nice supper...to a NICE resteraunt
and DON'T talk about your hobbie....just a couple thoughts bud.
Good luck.. .
Oh and BTW...get to a dollar store and grab a few packs of pipe cleaners....bestest way....bar none.
Also , you are going to need some plastic stakes.....get the 4 footers.
U will need approx 12 of them.. .ok.
I dont like the bamboo ones...but they will work.
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