Wrek0ne East Coast Outdoor Patio Grow - Growology - 1st Grow

only thing i could really say ( being new to this myself ) is check the trichomes see what they look like and if theres to much nutes in the soil maybe just maybe if you took off the top 1/2 to 1 inch of soil and got rid if that maybe it would help remove some nutes that are still sitting on top..... but if you only have a week left id say light addict is right just give her a good flush and try not to worry to much...

"im new, i dont know what to do" joe dirt

"lifes like a garden dig it, make it work" joe dirt
On the nute deficiency I really cant add more hen what has already been said. There isnt enough time until harvest to correct what went wrong. If any of the buds themselves are burnt they wont have much or any trichomes and really wont get you high but you can cut em with the other stuff you smoke if you dont mind doing so.

As far as your critical she looks very healthy my friend and you are on the right path. Without knowing strain specifics you cant go wrong with 12hours of light and 12 hours of darkness to trigger the flowering hormone. Since you are growing outdoors this will happen naturally as the days shorten. The only reason you would force flower outside is to get better potency from the stain as the uv rays are higher on the uv scale pre harvest the more potent your plant will be if you decide to go that route check your uv index for where you live. If not just let nature do her thing. Your plant looks wonderful and will provide you a good quality medicine with what looks like will be a very nice yield. Nice training but my suggestion would be to turn your pot so the short side receives the most light. Good job and welcome to the site.
Subscribed by the way.If you dont mind me looking in and offering advice when you need it :)
On the nute deficiency I really cant add more hen what has already been said. There isnt enough time until harvest to correct what went wrong. If any of the buds themselves are burnt they wont have much or any trichomes and really wont get you high but you can cut em with the other stuff you smoke if you dont mind doing so.

As far as your critical she looks very healthy my friend and you are on the right path. Without knowing strain specifics you cant go wrong with 12hours of light and 12 hours of darkness to trigger the flowering hormone. Since you are growing outdoors this will happen naturally as the days shorten. The only reason you would force flower outside is to get better potency from the stain as the uv rays are higher on the uv scale pre harvest the more potent your plant will be if you decide to go that route check your uv index for where you live. If not just let nature do her thing. Your plant looks wonderful and will provide you a good quality medicine with what looks like will be a very nice yield. Nice training but my suggestion would be to turn your pot so the short side receives the most light. Good job and welcome to the site.

So should I force to flower or should I just wait it out until the time changes here on the beast coast
If you have enough from your soon to be harvest to last you a while, I'd say let it go naturally. But if you're looking to get it done sooner or are afraid the weather might get too cold then force it to into flower.
Yeah you are on your first grow so let it go. I just tend to give useful bits of info for people to absorb. But yeah first grow you for sure want yield this way it lasts you until your next grow. Do you plan on taking the act indoors once the weather cools? East coast summer has been shitty this year. Hardly any hot days but enough warm days I suppose although its been cloudy and rainy a lot this summer. The luckiest people grow outdoors in hawaii where the lowest uv index is 7 which is above some regions highest. What I am going to do indoors is provide 10% of my watts with tanning bed lights for the uv. I train for yield at about 1.6/1.7 grams per watt but now I want to increase potency while trying to obtain a 2.0 /watt ratio
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