Winging It In Winter By The Window: Soil Auto Grow

Hi Carmen! Those blackout schedules are crazy how can anyone live like that? Do you ever think about leaving SA? Doesn't seem like things are getting any better for you. Great trich pics good job :thumb:
Thank you BK! Ah to leave the country of my birth... not so easy. I love my country. Anyway I have nowhere else to go. You need to have capital to move to a new country and most don't allow immigrants who have no special skills to offer them. South Africans are required to have visas to travel to most places, and you can't just become a resident of another country. If the opportunity existed I might consider it.
:ciao: Hi Carmen! Ahhh, I have so much to say but I have to remember three pages of journal…. :hmmmm: Ok. Here goes.
Before I go ahead with my update I must tell you that our power is off from between 7.5 hours a day to 11.5 hours a day the whole of this week due to worker strike action and a broken grid.
It looks like this was the only quote I captured…but a good one. I had a power issue but it was nothing at all like yours. However, it did make me lean towards autoflowers because they do have some very good qualities - one of which is their flexibility with light schedules.

Your CK sounds like the Blackberry Kush autoflower I grew over the winter. I was growing in a new space and she was a strong grower but the buds were airy and not what I’ve grown lately. She was covered in really long trichomes and a dark purple in color. I was a little disappointed about the airy buds and light harvest, but oh my gosh! This weed is just amazingly good. It is my go to for sleep, and it’s just so smooth and smells like berries. CK looks amazing. I really hope you enjoy it.

OH! @InTheShed response to your trichome pics made me laugh because Ive gotten the
same response from him before (and he’s right) but I so wanted it to be “she’s ready! Choppity chop!”
Your grows look awesome Carmen. :love:
Wednesday 29 June UPDATE

Before I go ahead with my update I must tell you that our power is off from between 7.5 hours a day to 11.5 hours a day the whole of this week due to worker strike action and a broken grid. I am fortunate because Cape Town government picks up the slack a bit from our national carrier, as we have hydro electric power to help ease the pain. The rest of the country are on Stage 6.


The inconsistent lighting is bound to have an effect on the plants. I have foxtails on my extremely airy buds on the CK. I am hoping my vegging photoperiod plants don't flower.


I am copy pasting the next paragraph from a chat with a friend, clarifying my grow context in case anyone else is wondering.

"This is my first time under a light and a first with autos. Other than that, I have grown in the same bags before, with the same soil outdoors, and in coco-perlite and synthetic nutes indoor and outdoor. I like the coco-perlite but it requires complicated nutes mixing and ph - ing which I do not want and that is why I chose the best craft cannabis soil our country has to offer, so that I don't have to be bothered with any of that. I have a very small space to grow in. It's mid-winter and all the conditions are working against me. The light is also not very strong. I don't expect to bring in monster harvests. I anticipate light, airy bud but since it is only for my smoke I don't care."

I do of course care and am disappointed in the buds of the CK, but it is what it is and judging from the smell, the sticky and the glitter, I will have something to smoke at the end.


Caramel King
58 Days AG, 39 Days In Flower 34 cm tall / 13 inches tall

CK is coming to the end of her flowering soon. That was pretty quick and since I only have other people's harvests to compare with, I imagine it is because I am growing her in winter room temperature without any humidity control, under a light that I am still getting to know and she was over-watered on the up-pot.

Lavender Best 43 Days AG, 20 Days In Flower 46 cm /18 inches tall

Drinking 2L every couple of days. Adding kelp, humic and fulvic acids and microbes once a week.
28 June.JPG

Bruce Banner 2
25 Days AG, 15 cm /6 inches tall

She was up canned to 5 L / 1 Gal on 21st, watered moat to run off on 22nd (too wet), then watered 500 ml to run off today. LST has begun. The leaf problem appears to be arrested.


Wedding Cake 25 Days AG, 13 cm /5 inches tall

She was up canned to 5 L / 1 Gal on 21st, watered moat to run off on 22nd (too wet), then watered 500 ml to run off today. LST has begun.


A family pic

Thank you for visiting my journal and have an awesome hump day y'all :circle-of-love:
Wow great detail on the update, well done. Sucks about your power grid. Yeah I have found that improper RH is a major factors in buds that don’t achieve density like you want. My Jack Herer turned out airy and I don’t even want to smoke it I’ve spoiled myself so badly. I feel you on that. They look great though!
Saturday 2 July UPDATE


Caramel King
62 Days AG, 43 Days In Flower

Watered with nutes to run off 4 L / 135 oz
2 July 2022a.JPG

2 July 2022c.JPG
2 July 2022b.JPG

Lavender Best 47 Days AG, 24 Days In Flower

Watered with nutes to run off 3.5 L / 116 oz

The same rusted looking leaves persist in places, high up in the growth.

Bruce Banner 2
29 Days AG

Watered moat to run off today 750 ml / 1 quart

Noticed gnat looking creatures near the run off this morning and promptly ordered Bacillus Thuringiensis and yellow sticky tape to catch the flying ones. There weren’t a lot of gnats but enough to prompt immediate action.

Some of the leaves have yellowing tips (gnat action?)

Wedding Cake 29 Days AG

Watered moat to run off today 750 ml / 1 quart

The rusted leaf issue has taken hold and again I hold my breath and hope it doesn’t work its way up to the newer growth.

Family Pic:

Leaf Issue:
This is when each of the plants became afflicted with the rusty leaf issue:

CK day 25

LB day 8

BB2 day 17

WC day 24

:ciao: Hi Carmen! Ahhh, I have so much to say but I have to remember three pages of journal…. :hmmmm: Ok. Here goes.

It looks like this was the only quote I captured…but a good one. I had a power issue but it was nothing at all like yours. However, it did make me lean towards autoflowers because they do have some very good qualities - one of which is their flexibility with light schedules.

Your CK sounds like the Blackberry Kush autoflower I grew over the winter. I was growing in a new space and she was a strong grower but the buds were airy and not what I’ve grown lately. She was covered in really long trichomes and a dark purple in color. I was a little disappointed about the airy buds and light harvest, but oh my gosh! This weed is just amazingly good. It is my go to for sleep, and it’s just so smooth and smells like berries. CK looks amazing. I really hope you enjoy it.

OH! @InTheShed response to your trichome pics made me laugh because Ive gotten the
same response from him before (and he’s right) but I so wanted it to be “she’s ready! Choppity chop!”
Your grows look awesome Carmen. :love:
Thank you Boo! Your Blackberry Kush sounds right up my alley if it is helping you to sleep. That's my big challenge and so far the only strain that has helped with this is the Wedding Cake I grew last year. I'm hoping the CK will be good for that too, and the Lavender Best. Blackberry Kush sounds marvelous and has been noted :)
Wow great detail on the update, well done. Sucks about your power grid. Yeah I have found that improper RH is a major factors in buds that don’t achieve density like you want. My Jack Herer turned out airy and I don’t even want to smoke it I’ve spoiled myself so badly. I feel you on that. They look great though!
Thank you Jon!

Thank you for visiting my journal and keeping me company while I grow. Have a fabulous weekend all.
Leaf Issue:
This is when each of the plants became afflicted with the rusty leaf issue:

CK day 25

LB day 8

BB2 day 17

WC day 24
It's got to be some reaction to something in your soil mix vs your nutes. Maybe an excess of something causing a calcium lockout? What do other growers using that same boutique soil use for their nutes?
It's got to be some reaction to something in your soil mix vs your nutes. Maybe an excess of something causing a calcium lockout? What do other growers using that same boutique soil use for their nutes?
Hi Azi. When I use the term "nutes" to refer to what I add to my water once a week, I am referring to kelp with humic and fulvic acids, and a microbial plant biostimulant. I use dechlorinate water. Other growers use same / similar products. I won the Epic 5:2 (former) so I use it as prescribed. The Biodyne Environoc 401 (latter) was recommended to me by a grower at a retail outlet and he uses the same soil as me, also used as prescribed. I believe it is possibly a nutrient lockout due to sudden dips in temperature. I will find out when I grow at a warmer time of year again, but I grew in this soil last year and had no issue. I have canvassed other growers and they don't have issues. It's a mystery...
Thanks for your thoughts @BubbaKush909 . I asked Jamie directly if it can be calmag issues and he said no. I have seen his grow and his plants are faultless. He adds nothing but water. I have canvased other growers. I follow other growers on Instagram. Nobody else is having this issue. A growmie visited a few days ago. He was also perplexed.

I will take more photos and send them to a different grow shop and ask what they recommend. I've already been to a second grow shop and they recommended the microbial stuff, the Biodyne Environoc 401 that I bought. Surely if they thought it was a deficiency they would be trying to sell me all sorts of potions for plants. It's exasperating not knowing what to do.
If anyone else has anything to add, please do :reading420magazine:
Some of the leaves have yellowing tips (gnat action?)
No- the gnats themselves do no harm, except for being sooo damn annoying, since they can't eat, they can only drink...their larva, however are a different story-they can eat roots, but only if they run out of their favorite meal, which is decaying organic matter.
You would have to have a huge gnat problem before there would be enough larvae in the soil to really do any noticeable damage- and that damage would likely show as a stunted plant...
I have canvassed other growers and they don't have issues. It's a mystery...

If anyone else has anything to add, please do
I'm just wondering is it's even worth chasing a cure- is it really hurting anything ? (other than being kinda ugly)
I'm only saying this because I have actually made problems worse by trying to fix things that I probably should have left well enough alone...
just my 2 cents...
I fell behind but had a nice time catching up Carmen!

Don't give up on the airy buds. They can be fire! :Rasta:
No- the gnats themselves do no harm, except for being sooo damn annoying, since they can't eat, they can only drink...their larva, however are a different story-they can eat roots, but only if they run out of their favorite meal, which is decaying organic matter.
You would have to have a huge gnat problem before there would be enough larvae in the soil to really do any noticeable damage- and that damage would likely show as a stunted plant...

I'm just wondering is it's even worth chasing a cure- is it really hurting anything ? (other than being kinda ugly)
I'm only saying this because I have actually made problems worse by trying to fix things that I probably should have left well enough alone...
just my 2 cents...
Thank you Carcass. I've gone and bought some of this stuff this morning, and I will give it a try after all. No matter if it is a ph thing, a temperature thing or a nutrient deficiency in the soil, or all of the above, it does indeed appear to be showing up as a calmag issue. Most of the folk who have commented have suggested this and it took some reading, persuading and a local opinion from a competing grow shop for me to agree to treat the plants with chemicals. It has 30,42 g/kg calcium; 30,36 g/kg nitrogen; and 6,70 g/kg magnesium. Jamie said not to treat the soil, and the other crew suggested this treatment.
Thank you to those of you have patiently suggested this to me whilst I have stubbornly resisted. I will mention @BubbaKush909 @Azimuth @Jon @InTheShed and anyone else I have forgotten to mention. Sorry guys. :green_heart:
Carmen how do you take such good glitter pics?

Mine are truly rubbish.
Hey T. Thank you for the compliment! I bet yours aren't rubbish, but this is what I do :) I have a 90mm macro lens that I go right up to the plant with. I focus manually with a mid-point aperture, and and adjust my shutter speed accordingly, then I shoot off as rapidly as I can and hope like hell I get something in focus :rofl: It's a full body workout! Then in Lightroom I zoom right in and crop where is it most in focus and most attractive to my eyes. I can't hold a phone steady enough to take pics with the phone camera, which is a pity because that can take some nice sharp pics.
I fell behind but had a nice time catching up Carmen!

Don't give up on the airy buds. They can be fire! :Rasta:
Hey GDB Thank you! I feel honored that you took the time to catch up! I hope it does turn out to be fiyah :hippy:
Be.....a.....Utiful.... Funny how your like "I cannot take better pictures with the Lupe, my camera says don't block lens"......and then BAAAAAMMM gorgeous trich shots :laugh: .

Looking great your getting super close.
Be.....a.....Utiful.... Funny how your like "I cannot take better pictures with the Lupe, my camera says don't block lens"......and then BAAAAAMMM gorgeous trich shots :laugh: .

Looking great your getting super close.
Thank you Happy, and cgts of the photo of the month win!
Thank you to those of you have patiently suggested this to me whilst I have stubbornly resisted. I will mention @BubbaKush909 @Azimuth @Jon @InTheShed and anyone else I have forgotten to mention. Sorry guys. :green_heart:
Ha! No worries. We're just trying to help a fellow grower diagnose a troubled plant. When it's as perplexing as yours it becomes a challenge to right the ship! There are so many variables that can be at play and none of us, including the soil producer, can know each of your particular variables.

I remember reading about a cloning process that almost everyone who used it had great success with, except this one guy. Everyone focused on all of the same things from temps, to humidity, to wetness of the soil, to bottom heat, to lighting and on and on.

Turned out he had some funky and unique water supply that was blocking his success. He switched water source and BAM had success first try.

So, it's hard to identify all of the variables sometimes because many of the standard fixes work for almost all of us and so sometimes it's hard to expand our solution set especially not knowing all of the nuances for your grow.

You'll figure it out, bit it can be a bit frustrating until you do. :Namaste:
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