Winging It In Winter By The Window: Soil Auto Grow

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I'm so glad it doesn't get tired after you've been doing it a while (your ladies have beautiful canopies and look gorgeous in your tent ready for flip) Otter, I couldn't resist ....

Not at all for me. Every one is different and needs slightly different care to make them into what I want. Which for me is 4 plants in a 4 x 4 in 10 gallon pots all having the same canopy flatness and height. It's impossible without blocks and then only close.
Not at all for me. Every one is different and needs slightly different care to make them into what I want. Which for me is 4 plants in a 4 x 4 in 10 gallon pots all having the same canopy flatness and height. It's impossible without blocks and then only close.
Those would be 45 L pots! Those are big pots! :adore: And your canopy!
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Thank you for the pic Boo. My little top branchies have to grow a bit before I can do more. I hope by snipping 4 little blades from fans, the lowers are exposed to more light whilst the uppers develop some more.
Good morning Carmen, so I top at forth node beginning of fifth node.... Waiting to late to top autos "can" cause them to stunt In growth and development. I find when you top them as early as possible they recover better and you get more time to train the new heads you created for optimal bud sites. But what ever you choose we will stand behind your decision.

Good morning tortured soul, so I have grown autos both with being topped and without... And I have to say that topping is important for autos. You don't get alot of time to dick around with them..... From seed to chop most auto strains are 75-100 days....that's not to much time to bend, train, and be all delicate to wait for new spots to show....kinda got to get in there and force it to work over time to produce enough sites to make growing them worth it. But again this is my opinion and experience....everyone has they're own way.

Two pictures to show the difference.



Yes, I... er... forgot that the plants in question were autoflowering ones. Too many threads, I suppose. I suppose things are a little different when you cannot keep the plant in its growth phase long enough to fill an eight (sixteen, whatever) square foot space. Probably why large single-plantc scrog auto grows are... scarce :rolleyes: .

But was that second plant trained at all?

Apologies for having lost the thread, as it were. I am as embarrassed as I would be if a neighbor told me he was going to put a pool in his backyard, I offered advice about site preparation, fencing requirements, minimum acceptable distance from his property lines, which local concrete supplier has the the best reputation - and then, the next day, saw him unpacking an inflatable pool, LMAO. (As if half my neighbors could afford a pool, and the other half wouldn't destroy the thing during the attempt to pull things off to steal and sell.) I'll just crawl back under my rock now ;) .
Yes, I... er... forgot that the plants in question were autoflowering ones. Too many threads, I suppose. I suppose things are a little different when you cannot keep the plant in its growth phase long enough to fill an eight (sixteen, whatever) square foot space. Probably why large single-plantc scrog auto grows are... scarce :rolleyes: .

But was that second plant trained at all?

Apologies for having lost the thread, as it were. I am as embarrassed as I would be if a neighbor told me he was going to put a pool in his backyard, I offered advice about site preparation, fencing requirements, minimum acceptable distance from his property lines, which local concrete supplier has the the best reputation - and then, the next day, saw him unpacking an inflatable pool, LMAO. (As if held my neighbors could afford a pool, and the other half wouldn't destroy the thing during the attempt to pull things off to steal and sell.) I'll just crawl back under my rock now ;) .
Lol it's all good growmie... So yes that topped plant was heavily trained almost stem snapping Into a star shape. With my first three autos that I didn't top at all from my first thread "hazmatz Cerberus grow", I let them grow no topping and lst.... And they got tall... And seemed to devote more into growth than stacking buds.
As for my just finished grow journal "Hazmatz happy hut", I topped and lst/hst all of them and you can see the night and day.

I cannot speak for photoperiod plants on topping, training, etc....I only know autos currently. So your advice may be right idk lol

But yea I lose track of journals all the time... I think we all have that problem. So don't be embarrassed or hide under rock....unless you got some cool things under there haha.
@Trala and @Carcass, I took the leap. I have staked two hooks. I think I've done ok. Was I right to stake these branches. The hooks are on the third node I believe. And the snipping of the fans? I must say, she is putting up with me handling her a lot today.

@HappyHazmat88 please feel free to reference your plants. I think it helps to explain when one tries to illustrate a point. I am all about the pictures when learning and am glad you are here :)
Looking good Carmen
Only thing I would say is when you top autos, just pinch out the middle tip, not the two young leaves either side as they will power the two new shoots, which reduces recovery time and retains florigen
Looking good Carmen
Only thing I would say is when you top autos, just pinch out the middle tip, not the two young leaves either side as they will power the two new shoots, which reduces recovery time and retains florigen
Oh no, I didn't know that. I have to Google florigen sharply and I will look into this. Thank you Growings!
Topping a cannabis plant is unnecessary, you know (I hope). If you're looking for cutting fodder for rooting clones, snip a bottom branch. If merely wanting to encourage branching, you only need to train the plant, in other words, pull that top down and tie it in place. If you're worried that you might break the main stem (having to "splint and tape" it back together is annoying, I know - although everyone should have the opportunity to experience it... once :rolleyes: ), just don't get into a hurry. You can train actual trees into all kinds of contortions, lol; cannabis is pretty easy. Little bit today, little bit more tomorrow, more still the day after... And you get to keep the top of your plant.
So is waxing and plucking my eyebrows but I still do it lol!

For me I love the way a low trained grow looks. I have an untrained plant atm and that plant has taught me a valuable lesson. Always top. Lollllllll
I feel there is more control over photo than auto's.
You got that right! :thumb:
when do you suggest I begin the Carhooking, and will any defoliation or leaf snipping be required?
I usually give the top branches 4 or 5 days to grow before I start tying them down- and be sure to be very careful with those top branches- they break off real easy (doesn't really hurt anything, but your plant will look a bit "funny")
Don't try to bend them down all at once- go a few mm at a time, with half an hour or so between "bendings"
I don't do any defoliating until later on, but cutting a few leaf "fingers" off right now isn't going to hurt anything.
Should I pull the lowers sideways out of the shade of the fans, or leave them alone for now?
Yes- you want the branches to get as much light as possible, as soon as possible..
I think I've done ok. Was I right to stake these branches. The hooks are on the third node I believe. And the snipping of the fans?
You've done great! Staking those branches was the right thing to do.
Snipping fans is ok- just not too many this early...
@Trala and @Carcass, I took the leap. I have staked two hooks. I think I've done ok. Was I right to stake these branches. The hooks are on the third node I believe. And the snipping of the fans? I must say, she is putting up with me handling her a lot today.

@HappyHazmat88 please feel free to reference your plants. I think it helps to explain when one tries to illustrate a point. I am all about the pictures when learning and am glad you are here :)
Good morning sexy ladies :)

She looks GREAT!

Well done you!

Me cheering —> :cheer:
I know what you mean

Oy, come back and enjoy the fun :) This is the first time I am growing an auto from start to finish so I am learning on the fly. I welcome your thoughts TS!
My evidence that topping autos, not only the main stem but side branches as well, is simply this.....Titan. Titan only exists due to lots of topped branches and the main topping. Good enough for me. I wouldn't NOT top one, ever. Lol. Everyone does it how they do it, to each their own.
Good morning tortured soul, so I have grown autos both with being topped and without... And I have to say that topping is important for autos. You don't get alot of time to dick around with them..... From seed to chop most auto strains are 75-100 days....that's not to much time to bend, train, and be all delicate to wait for new spots to show....kinda got to get in there and force it to work over time to produce enough sites to make growing them worth it. But again this is my opinion and experience....everyone has they're own way.

Two pictures to show the difference.
I know TS jumped back in, but here is the difference between not topping and training (which is what TS recommended) on my first two Blueberry autos.

Disclaimer: no comparisons of autoflower plants are relevant:

I know TS jumped back in, but here is the difference between not topping and training (which is what TS recommended) on my first two Blueberry autos.

Thank you!

Now I find myself wondering whether Neil's massive 2.95 pound (dry) autoflower harvest plant was topped, or just well trained.
I know TS jumped back in, but here is the difference between not topping and training (which is what TS recommended) on my first two Blueberry autos.

Disclaimer: no comparisons of autoflower plants are relevant:
Do you remember the respective weights by chance?
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