Winging It In Winter By The Window: Soil Auto Grow

:woohoo: Growing weed AND knot tying AND Light learning! We have it all going on here! It's a wonderful day! :ciao: Hi Carmen!
Hi Otter it is a wonderful day indeed. Thank you for the visit :green_heart: :)
Hi, Carmen- my seedlings get 12-16k lux from day 1 , it actually slows their growth a little, and gives real close node spacing.
The first day or two is when most of the stretch seems to happen with sprouts, so they get pretty intense light right away to prevent that initial stretch.
You can just bury the tall ones a little deeper at transplant, so the stretch isn't an un-fixable thing, it's just easier if you don't have to...
Hi, Carmen- my seedlings get 12-16k lux from day 1 , it actually slows their growth a little, and gives real close node spacing.
The first day or two is when most of the stretch seems to happen with sprouts, so they get pretty intense light right away to prevent that initial stretch.
You can just bury the tall ones a little deeper at transplant, so the stretch isn't an un-fixable thing, it's just easier if you don't have to...
Carcass, thank you. I will make a note of that on my spreadsheet for my next sprouts. I buried a bit of CK's stem when I up-potted her, and I know I will probably do the same for LB.
CK Update 20 Days AG

Hi folks,

Is it normal for autos to be so tiny? This plant is only 15 cm / 6 inches tall and I see pistils in the 4th node already. They started yesterday on day 19 above ground. I think it is still too soon to top gathering from @BooWho2's photos of her Wedding Cake. I think I must wait a few days until there is another node and more pistils, not to mention the roots... Considering I have recently up-potted 3 days ago, I'm not quite sure about the logistics for the next up-pot as surely there won't have been time for the roots to have colonized the 4 L (1 gal)? Should I make a 4 L size crater in the 20 L bag and shuffle her across as gently as possible? Fortunately I can cut the plastic bag.
I know it is part of the same operation, does the topping come before or after the up-pot? I would think after? Do I begin to hook her branches immediately or give it a day or two? A lotta questions again.

Thank you for visiting my journal and contributing your knowledge and experience, and have a great Sunday.

Yesterday: Day 19 AG, first pistils
CK Day 19 first pistils b.JPG

Today: Day 20 AG, pistils visible on node 4
CK Day 20a pistils.JPG

Today: Day 20 AG - height 6 inches / 10 cm
CK Day 20 stem sheath.JPG
CK Update 20 Days AG

Hi folks,

Is it normal for autos to be so tiny? This plant is only 15 cm / 6 inches tall and I see pistils in the 4th node already. They started yesterday on day 19 above ground. I think it is still too soon to top gathering from @BooWho2's photos of her Wedding Cake. I think I must wait a few days until there is another node and more pistils, not to mention the roots... Considering I have recently up-potted 3 days ago, I'm not quite sure about the logistics for the next up-pot as surely there won't have been time for the roots to have colonized the 4 L (1 gal)? Should I make a 4 L size crater in the 20 L bag and shuffle her across as gently as possible? Fortunately I can cut the plastic bag.
I know it is part of the same operation, does the topping come before or after the up-pot? I would think after? Do I begin to hook her branches immediately or give it a day or two? A lotta questions again.

Thank you for visiting my journal and contributing your knowledge and experience, and have a great Sunday.

Yesterday: Day 19 AG, first pistils
CK Day 19 first pistils b.JPG

Today: Day 20 AG, pistils visible on node 4
CK Day 20a pistils.JPG

Today: Day 20 AG - height 6 inches / 10 cm
CK Day 20 stem sheath.JPG
Morning @Carmen Ray! You are planning to up pot her again? I would argue that based on the size she is right now and the size of the bag she's in, you have no need to up pot her again. Her roots aren't even close to filling that bag yet. Sure it's possible, but it won't give you anything to do it now. If it were me I'd leave her there, and begin training her however you intend to. If you simply water to the edges of the bag and let it dry between waterings and focus on filling that bag with your root ball, you'll see her take off in the stretch and in flower. Those "pistils" you mention don't look like flowering pistils to me, they just look like that little pre-pistil stuff that happens. No way is she going to flower on day 19. You have some time yet. That's my Sunday 2 cents for you.
Morning Carmen! I agree with Jon, there's no reason to transplant her anymore she's going to be small. My Cream Cookies did the same thing, she started flowering when she was 6" tall and only got to 11". What is the soil like that you started her in? I'm currently working on the theory that hot starter soil and auto seedlings is not a good combo. I think it retards their early growth and if that happens with autos there's no time to recover.

For what it's worth she should still produce quality buds, just not a whole lot. I got about 44 grams wet from the CC, so maybe an ounce when dry. Personally I wouldn't top her, she's already behind schedule, but I have no idea if that's the best approach.

Whatever you decide I'll be watching with interest, good luck!
Water heater!

Around here, the hillbillies call it a "hot water heater." If you ask one why they feel the need to heat water that's already hot, they produce such a dumb look that it's difficult to not laugh. I regularly hear people talk about how poor the education system is in the USA - but I have come to suspect that the actual problem is that there's only so much educating that a moron will accept before it's... full?
Good morning Carmen. I personally think that an autoflower 6 inches tall at 20 days old is a great specimen. I didn’t realize you had up potted her to a 1 gallon bag, I thought you put her in her final pot. My 2 cents is different than the others…. You may have triggered flower (but I don’t think what you are seeing is flower yet) by up potting, yet I think she’s just doing what autoflowers do. If it were mine, I’d do what your instincts told you...gently move her over to her final pot (I prefer 3 gallon), water around the edges of her 1 gallon footprint in that pot, and wait and see. You could do that now, or wait until she shows you flower and then transplant and top at the same time. Based on the opinions above, what do you have to lose? You’ve got at least 6 or 7 more weeks for her to fill a larger pot with roots. Good luck my friend! :high-five:
Good morning Carmen. I personally think that an autoflower 6 inches tall at 20 days old is a great specimen. I didn’t realize you had up potted her to a 1 gallon bag, I thought you put her in her final pot. My 2 cents is different than the others…. You may have triggered flower (but I don’t think what you are seeing is flower yet) by up potting, yet I think she’s just doing what autoflowers do. If it were mine, I’d do what your instincts told you...gently move her over to her final pot (I prefer 3 gallon), water around the edges of her 1 gallon footprint in that pot, and wait and see. You could do that now, or wait until she shows you flower and then transplant and top at the same time. Based on the opinions above, what do you have to lose? You’ve got at least 6 or 7 more weeks for her to fill a larger pot with roots. Good luck my friend! :high-five:
Actually, I didn't realize that was only a one gallon grow bag, I thought it was a three. In that case I agree with BooWho2, definitely up pot to a bigger end pot asap. You will get next to nothing from a one gallon pot. Sorry, my bad, I should have looked back to see the volume of the bag.
Good morning Carmen. I personally think that an autoflower 6 inches tall at 20 days old is a great specimen. I didn’t realize you had up potted her to a 1 gallon bag, I thought you put her in her final pot. My 2 cents is different than the others…. You may have triggered flower (but I don’t think what you are seeing is flower yet) by up potting, yet I think she’s just doing what autoflowers do. If it were mine, I’d do what your instincts told you...gently move her over to her final pot (I prefer 3 gallon), water around the edges of her 1 gallon footprint in that pot, and wait and see. You could do that now, or wait until she shows you flower and then transplant and top at the same time. Based on the opinions above, what do you have to lose? You’ve got at least 6 or 7 more weeks for her to fill a larger pot with roots. Good luck my friend! :high-five:
Ima do a Boo :) I have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I will wait until you tell me it's the right time to top and then I will transplant her and top her as you would. Thanks Boo.
Thank you to the @Jon, @BubbaKush909 and @StoneOtter let's see what happens if I follow Boo's practice which is what I set out to do, and if I get it wrong it will be on me.
Otter, you may be right about the training. Those little branches are very small, I have fat fingers and my hands shake. I hope this plant is a Cinderella who transforms herself for the ball.
It's not worth my while to grow tiny plants to be honest. I am paying for the seeds, craft soil, the electricity and the extras. I don't know how much stretch to expect and 1 ounce of weed is not going to touch sides. I'd have to grow a bunch to get what I needed.
Around here, the hillbillies call it a "hot water heater." If you ask one why they feel the need to heat water that's already hot, they produce such a dumb look that it's difficult to not laugh. I regularly hear people talk about how poor the education system is in the USA - but I have come to suspect that the actual problem is that there's only so much educating that a moron will accept before it's... full?
Hi there TorturedSoul, thank you for visiting my journal. Yes we all have our quirks and linguistic customs don't we, and it can be both amusing and frustrating. I'm disinclined to consider people morons, no matter what... with the notable exception of some politicians, officials and their sycophants. "Hot water heater" is a good one :) I see you are from the Virgo Supercluster... we must be related :p

An oldie but a goodie
I should probably be kinder in my thoughts, instead of just my deeds. On the other hand, where I live is sort of a "hold my beer, and watch THIS" area.
Morning Carmen! Only you can decide what's the right course of action for you, I don't think there's a perfect answer about what to do.

I am still curious about the soil you're starting the seedlings in. Does it have nutes built in? I think that really hurt my seedlings and subsequently has been keeping them too small. I'm with you, I don't want or need giant plants but I don't want to go through all this for 1oz plants. I want 2-4z's per plant.

All we can do is keep growing and learning.... good luck!
Morning Carmen! Only you can decide what's the right course of action for you, I don't think there's a perfect answer about what to do.

I am still curious about the soil you're starting the seedlings in. Does it have nutes built in? I think that really hurt my seedlings and subsequently has been keeping them too small. I'm with you, I don't want or need giant plants but I don't want to go through all this for 1oz plants. I want 2-4z's per plant.

All we can do is keep growing and learning.... good luck!
Hi BK, it's my first time growing autos. I'm used to big photoperiod plants, so this is all new to me. The soil I am using is our top local craft soil. It's excellent. She seems to have shot up a little over night, so hopefully will continue to do so. I don't yet see more pistils. I agree, keep on trying and follow in the footsteps of those who achieve masterful results. Thank you for the good wishes... and I wish you the best in your grow too :green_heart:
Good mornin I do agree with the crew about the up potting at least to a 3....but also with that being said I just got 1.5 oz off an autoflower that was in a 1.5 gallon pot... So if done right you can still produce some good weight from pigmy plants in small pots....not to ruffle feathers or make others advice seem untruthful I'm just giving info on what I have seen.

But keep up the good work and have a great Monday.
Morning Carmen! Only you can decide what's the right course of action for you, I don't think there's a perfect answer about what to do.

I am still curious about the soil you're starting the seedlings in. Does it have nutes built in? I think that really hurt my seedlings and subsequently has been keeping them too small. I'm with you, I don't want or need giant plants but I don't want to go through all this for 1oz plants. I want 2-4z's per plant.

All we can do is keep growing and learning.... good luck!
If you guys are having trouble using the living soils off the bat with your seedlings, a good option might be to try some version of the Sohum method I learned. In that method (this is what the Zkittlez is growing in), the pot looks like this:

- bottom 50% all Sohum or living soil
- top 50% is 3/4 Sohum and 1/4 some base soil, like FF Happy Frog
- down the middle of the whole pot is a column the width of a nute bottle with just Happy Frog.
- add any additional stuff you're adding like bokashi, frass, perlite, whatever before you layer the pot and mix in with soils

Then you begin the sprout in plain soil, like the Happy Frog. When you transplant, it goes into the prepped final pot as outlined above.

This mitigates the "over hotness" that Sohum and many living soils have out of the bag. I learned it from some guru on Youtube. It works extremely well.

An option!!
It's not worth my while to grow tiny plants to be honest. I am paying for the seeds, craft soil, the electricity and the extras. I don't know how much stretch to expect and 1 ounce of weed is not going to touch sides. I'd have to grow a bunch to get what I needed.

That's essentially why I have no interest in growing autoflowers going forward. The autoflower that I consider a staple in my repertoire, Dark Devil, has as one of its parents Big Devil XL, which delivers the same kind of high as the Dark Devil but with a better yield. So once I'm done with the Dark Devil seeds I own (16), I won't grow it again.
Hey Carmen.

Here's my two cents on the sticks.

I use some thin garden plant ties to attach the thicker wire to the stick. The garden ties are much easier to wrap on tightly.

Mine look EXACTLY like this.

I’ll get a pic when I get up.
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