Will these two plants yield a lb?

So good core coverage for good par for flower is only about 1' x 1.5'? Wow, you need more light. I wont let my plants have ANY less than 1000 anywhere across the canopy in flower. Usually 1150-1200.
i was under the inpression anything over 800 ppfd was not usuable by the plants without co2 supplementation.
my tent is only 2.5 x 2.5
do you mean i need more light in the tent or more light to grow a lb? i thought the hlg 260 was enough for this tent
getting a supplementary light or another hlg has crossed my mind just didnt know if it was neccasascary
was thinkjng about a full spectrum led that had a couple uv diodes in it so i could get my uv and then could move the t5s i to my veg area
do you mean i need more light in the tent or more light to grow a lb? i thought the hlg 260 was enough for this tent
getting a supplementary light or another hlg has crossed my mind just didnt know if it was neccasascary
was thinkjng about a full spectrum led that had a couple uv diodes in it so i could get my uv and then could move the t5s i to my veg area
Anything over about 1100-1200 isnt generally usable without added co2. I shoot for a minimum of 800 at my lower branches in flower.
OK, I’m gonna be the bad guy for a sec.

1- The hyper focus on growing a lb is freaking me out.
2- Dude, a lb isn’t happening.
3- Let’s shift focus to growing killer weed.
4- Whatever weight that is will be OK.
im focusing on growing the maximum amount i can pull off of my space tent whether its a lb or not thats my goal

im focusing on growing killer weed whether i get a lb or not is questionable

last question i asked is whats wrong with my leaf, you see the picture? guess not

whatever weight is a pretty shitty outlook, im not selling myself short
do you mean i need more light in the tent or more light to grow a lb? i thought the hlg 260 was enough for this tent
getting a supplementary light or another hlg has crossed my mind just didnt know if it was neccasascary
was thinkjng about a full spectrum led that had a couple uv diodes in it so i could get my uv and then could move the t5s i to my veg area
hey thanks fanleaf for helping me out with the info, i might not neccasarily use all of it on this grow, but im trying to get my mindset correct to continue to produce more in the future.
the information is valuable to me, thanks
Going to go look at that leaf now.
Are you talking about the lime colored new growth?
its the lime colored new growth and also the weird discolorations on the leaf edge. also getting some crinkled leaves, the plant itself is showing vigor in terms of new growth growing and spreading out, but having some leaf issues.
also i found a couple fungus gnat larvae when checking the first couple inches of the soil to see if it was dry. i sprinkled some diatomaceous earth and worked it into the topsoil and also put out some sticky cards just in case. i will continue watering with mosquito dunks (BT) to combat the pests
its the lime colored new growth and also the weird discolorations on the leaf edge. also getting some crinkled leaves, the plant itself is showing vigor in terms of new growth growing and spreading out, but having some leaf issues.
also i found a couple fungus gnat larvae when checking the first couple inches of the soil to see if it was dry. i sprinkled some diatomaceous earth and worked it into the topsoil and also put out some sticky cards just in case. i will continue watering with mosquito dunks (BT) to combat the pests
It's honestly really hard for me to tell by your pictures. The light is a little bit off Colour and it's making it very difficult for me to spot anyting but what I will tell you is when a plant becomes mature it goes through a hormonal change and the top new growth can be a light, lime color and that is just signaling that it's mature. Take a look at this guy's Journal. If yours is looking like this as far as the new growth goes up top then it is perfectly normal and just hormones in the plant.Yellow new growth at tops?
I can't see the wrinkled and crinkled up leaves in the picture either. I wish I could because I'm sure I could tell you what the cause could be. I think your Quantum board kind of messes with the color in the pictures and it's not very close or clear. If they are kind of wrinkly like they look like they could be waterlogged inside that would be a watering habit or humidity issue but usually not major. If they're crinkly like they're getting crispy that would be a different story but like I said I just can't tell from your pictures.
also have noticed a few orangeish brownish rust spots on a lower fan leaf.
i am growing in a coco peat mix
Without a good picture that could be several things as well. It could be a calcium magnesium issue or it could be actually rust fungus etc. I would just really need to see a good shot of it with nice lighting.
also have noticed a few orangeish brownish rust spots on a lower fan leaf.
i am growing in a coco peat mix
ill pull her out of the tent and get a better picture tonorrow, i think it is a magnesium def, but we’ll see, i think she will pull through
In that journal that I put a link to that guys yellowing is fine. If yours looks at all different from that you really need to get some good pictures up so we can be sure it's not something like iron deficiency.
If whats circled below is weird new growth, check for mites.

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