Why buy Crop King Seeds

Just avoid autos all together. Do one run with photo periods and you can have clones forever with out buying auto seeds for every single grow. Growing from clone is also quicker than auto's!
This is from an 8" clone I took from clone stage to 12/12 in DWC April 8th. This plant had no training, no PH'ing the water just straight AN pH perfect line trio at full strength from tap water to see what would happen. Was a cool experiment and the plant speaks for itself. At times not even looking at it for 4 or 5 days.

If I would have popped an auto White Widow April 8th I would not have anything like this. Auto's are NOT quicker then actually running photo periods from clone.

Edit: Sorry, it is a CANUK Seeds White Widow! Not PH'ing my hardwater (7.3-7.6 180PPM)) and running at 100% strength nutes I thought for sure I would F*** this crop of two white widows and 2 blueberries so badly, just to prove myself right about AN Nutes. Man was I wrong...

Thanks man, it is somewhat mind blowing considering.

The CANUK blueberry plants did not take to it well until I added AN Senizym at 20ml per 14L water. Even though res temps at 20c they did form a little root rot where as the white widows did not. All about learning the genetics you run, not switching it up for new auto genetics every go...

The CANUK Blueberry plants will also finish nice! Learn and grow on!
Hey tortured, my wife is completely against pot, she believes Fox News lol. I know 3 growers that spent few years in prison because of spouses. People in general will tell on you. My wife thinks I'm cheating on her, when I go and check on the girls. I would rather get divorced than tell her the truth. If she smoked i would probably be a little different about it. I work 60-80 hrs a week, I'm on way to work now.
Hey tortured, my wife is completely against pot, she believes Fox News lol. I know 3 growers that spent few years in prison because of spouses. My wife thinks I'm cheating on her, when I go and check on the girls. I would rather get divorced than tell her the truth.

... Overheard in every bar, ever:

"Marriage is great!"
- Said by exactly three guys, ever. And all three were lying.

"Sure she's fucking crazy, but I knocked her up so I married her."
- Every guy who ever failed an aptitude test, ever.

"Every time I leave the house she accuses me of cheating on her. But she's a great girl, mostly, except when I let her near knives."
- A guy who is on enough pharmaceuticals to keep an elephant tranquilized and therefore, stays married. Or has a father in law who's part of an Italian "family" that believes that the only way out of a marriage is via the trunk of a Cadillac.

Ain't love grand? ..
I decided to ask about my shipment waiting on response did anyone do the messenger thing to talk to them ? I'm on vacation on beach but guess I could call if not ?
ruderalis hemp originated in what used to be called russia, if my memory serves me rightly. In the 80's, neville got ahold of some seeds & tried to breed some hybrids that'd be well sorted to extremely short growing seasons. The results weren't favorable & the project was scrapped. The recent re-interest in ruderalis mainly comes from its very hemp-like autoflowering proclivity, which a handful of p.t. Barnum-esque snake oil salesmen have foisted on the canna community, in pursuit of profit, & ofc at the expense of quality. "autos" are fucking garbage, and so far nobody can give any valid reason for their commercial existence.
/lightbulb/ crossing missouri ditchweed with drug cultivar cannabis will increase cbd exponentially, it won't be a minute until some asshole "breeder" starts selling "superfuckingduper missouri cbd lightning" seeds & i'm sure lemmings will line up to part with their hard earned shekels.
As to "femmd" seeds, well, of course some of them are fucking mutants. Look at how they're produced. But, hey, it's another corner that can be cut, and since the majority of the people growing them aren't pros, they likely won't be miffed @ the results. I don't know a single professional grower that runs femmed seeds. Not one. I'm sure someone can cite some a-hole with a youtube channel who built a 40,000w grow with dad's money who runs them, but real pros? Nah. You say, "skunk, i'm not a pro, i'm just a guy w/a tent & a dream." and i get that. If you want professional, world class results, then grow like a pro as best you can. Another analogy; do you want to be a fry cook, or a chef? Fact: Nobody wants to be a fucking fry cook though some will settle for it. My advice: Never settle. Never be satisfied. The grows you see here that make you drool? Those guys like canna & nismo, or carestaker, are never fucking satisfied.
Growing cannabis is a discipline. Like tae kwan do, or yoga, or buddhism. If you half ass it, you'll never find enlightenment or reach nirvana. Kali rewards those who seek diligently, and with focus.


Defiantly new company completely different management from what I can tell they just reshipped the order that was mixed seeds 756 USD order from what they say anyway time will tell . But from they way they treated the situation they seem legit now
Damn, I just checked tracking # they sent yesterday. It's already here. I'll pick up when I get back. That was quick, they shipped it Monday evening. Looking forward to trying green crack again, I board 2 packs when they 1st released it. It was great, out of 20 seeds, only had 2 phenos. Big colas, and very easy to grow.
Everyone one should continue to buy from CKS the re-seller who won't tell you anything about their genetics, and re-name some strains to be their own LOL. Sounds like a great idea!
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