Discuss Crop King Seeds Germination and Growing

Cal - Mag is necessary, but you should look at this chart to see what is wrong before you treat it
Hey All...first time grower here, and just purchased some White Cookie seeds. Was looking for some advice about after the seeds are germinated...should I plant them in a small pot, or put them in the one that i'm going to harvest them out of (this would mean not transplanting them into a bigger pot after they start to grow larger), and what kind of soil should I use, and would miracle-gro or something along those lines help them grow better? thanks for the help :)!!
Hey All...first time grower here, and just purchased some White Cookie seeds. Was looking for some advice about after the seeds are germinated...should I plant them in a small pot, or put them in the one that i'm going to harvest them out of (this would mean not transplanting them into a bigger pot after they start to grow larger), and what kind of soil should I use, and would miracle-gro or something along those lines help them grow better? thanks for the help :)!!

hey mj, it's best if you put them into a starter pot. Only autoflowers go straight to their final pots, as they can't take to transplanting very well.

As for soil, don't make the same mistake I did: I used potting soil which was enhanced with lots of nutrients, esp. nitrogen. It killed my plants right when they went to bud. You want something organic, and mix it with some compost and perlite/vermiculite. Maybe a bit of peat moss as well.

If you can find an organic fertilizer, it is much better than Miracle-Gro, as it doesn't contain micronutrients, just chemicals with the bare minimum nutrients.

If you look around the web, you can find many decent mixes for soil. It's best if you don't try to go cheap or take the easy way out. Take the time to do up a decent mix of soil and nutrients and your plants will be much better in the long haul. That part took me a few attempts to get figured out and my most recent batch of plants are taking right off. I've only been at this since March myself and in many ways I'm learning on the fly.

Take it easy and keep us posted on how your plants are doing.
Hi, I'm looking for advice on how and when to flower my CB Dutch Treat. Germinated seeds 3/21/17, they grew pretty slowly the first three weeks or so, attached are current pics.

Thanks in advance.
I'm growing them outside about 8 hours (I live in the DC area), then inside under a T8 LED light, for a total of about 20 hours of light. Any suggestions for improvement? I use compost tea, worm castings and an organic seaweed/fish fertilizer. Maybe I just need to be patient, this is my first time growing weed, but I grow a lot of vegetables, herbs, etc. Thank you!
Sounds like you are doing everything right. You may want to check other grows where people are using the same or similar nutes as I am not really familiar with those other than hearing people talk of them. The girls have good coloring and no signs of deficiency so all is good. If you get yellowing leaves add Calmag and if you get stem purpleing add 1 tsp of epsom salts. Patience grasshopper...lol
I purchased from one of crop kings resellers a package of Candy Cane and not one of the seeds germinated. The seeds were soo small I have a hard time saying I even received seeds. All of the instructions were followed exactly as posted on the website and absolutely nothing. One seed was not even shelled it was a tiny pinhead and soft. I then went back to the store and was told they were no longer resellers I would have to go to crop king for replacement. I then wrote to crop king and received nothing but a total run around and a set of instructions that had they of read my email it was exactly as I did. This is very expensive to have such low quality seeds with no results and neither of the stores will honor the guarantee , the guarantee is obviously fake... BUYER BEWARE

The business was sold to another group a short while ago. The original ownership held line quite well.
So many other reliable seed banks around now.You pay a little more but they are trustworthy and have better genetics.
Wow, I bought 10 White Widow seeds from them last year and I grew 5 last summer and people were love the herb. Grew the other 5 this year and only one didn't work out, the others are monsters. Even though I grow outside people were saying it was the best indoor they ever had. This year I went with Bonza Seeds as they have great prices and a hell of a huge selection and my plants this year are monsters and I will buy from them again.
I put down a 5-pack of Dwarf Low Flyers in my growroom last week and as of today I have 100% germination. I bought the seeds the month before last and kept them in the fridge until I was ready to use them and I still have three more packs of seeds in there. I didn't bother with the paper towel nonsense, just put the seeds directly from the pack into soil and waited.

Don't do any unnecessary steps when getting seeds going; it's just more things to go wrong.
Hey I have an issue, my seeds germinated fine. I planted them few days ago and first signs of colour were green.
Now there is yellow evolving on the plant.
It has only been 4 days and already a problem.
My soil is canna terra professional, maybe to nutrient for it at this stage..
Can anyone give me some advice?
Hey I have an issue, my seeds germinated fine. I planted them few days ago and first signs of colour were green.
Now there is yellow evolving on the plant.
It has only been 4 days and already a problem.
My soil is canna terra professional, maybe to nutrient for it at this stage..
Can anyone give me some advice?

Does it have any nutes added whatsoever? I killed my first grow because of that. They limped along until bud and then died a few weeks in. If it's enriched soil it may be wise to get them into something of a starter soil for seedlings with lots of peat moss. It doesn't overpower the plants in their fragile stage and buffers the humidity level in the soil.

Best of luck with it.
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