Who Let The Dogs Out? Chem Comparison Grow!

We name our plants both male and female names. Our next grow, I am going to start making them after old sitcoms. After conversing with Fish-Eyed Fool about Sanford and Sons, I thought it would be pretty funny. I think I am leaning towards the Adams Family this coming grow. What do ya think?
I am looking for a couple Girl Scout Cookies seeds. Send me a PM please if you can help.

Oh, and if my plant ever grows roots I'll name her Clarice.
Hey everybody, I’ve been a bit under the weather and haven’t had the time or ambition to do an update. I just wanna post up a pic so everyone can keep up with where I’m at.

I labeled the Cookies n Chem. They’re getting big and loving life. I just today defoliated and tied down #1. She was getting way out of control in the center... tops everywhere.

That clone looks good Beez. No yellowing, no drooping. :bravo:

Doesn’t yellowing on clones mean they’re eating fan leaves to make roots? That’s what I’ve been led to believe. I don’t remember where I read that, but that’s what I’ve seen in my experience.

According to the history, the Chemdawg strain was started in 1991 ... and ... in 1991 Terminator 2: Judgement Day was the highest grossing film.


So, I have decided to do a tribute to this awesome movie in my HSO Chemdawg grow.

The first seedling will be called "The Terminator" and the second seedling will be called "T-1000".

There's no way I can go the rest of my life calling cannabis plants only girls names :)


I have two seeds that I just started to germinate in FF Ocean Forest Soil.

I have been doing a lot of research this past week and I really want to do my HSO Chemdawg grow in coco-coir.

I know my FF Gringo Rasta Nutrients and Advanced Nutrients nutrients will work with coco.

I know I need to go out and get some coco-coir.

Can someone please point me to a few getting started in coco threads here on 420.


Here’s a good place to start Using coco as substrate

Also if I’m not mistaken, Penny uses coco. I’m sure he could give you the finer points.

Fingers crossed @beez0404 . Have you rooted clones off of this plant before?
Fingers crossed @beez0404 . Have you rooted clones off of this plant before?
I have rooted clones of this plant before. Several generations actually. I just can't remember how long they took to root. But I do seem to remember it was a good while. They'll root in time I'm sure of it.

Hope you're feeling all better.!
Can someone please point me to a few getting started in coco threads here on 420.

Hey SQ...

Lots of great resources here on 420 forums. Not sure if you have seen the whole sub-forum on coco growing?

@Barney86 has a really helpful thread going on feeding in coco.

And... if you want to venture out into the big scary world outside of 420, there is a website about coco. I don't think that I am allowed to link it, but if you google "coco for cannabis" it will pop up. I thought the section their under "tutorials" was really helpful, especially with respect to "charging" coco with cal/mag before first using it.

And, of course, there are a ton of journals from different members growing in coco.

Hope this helps!
Hey everybody, I’ve been a bit under the weather and haven’t had the time or ambition to do an update. I just wanna post up a pic so everyone can keep up with where I’m at.

I labeled the Cookies n Chem. They’re getting big and loving life. I just today defoliated and tied down #1. She was getting way out of control in the center... tops everywhere.

Doesn’t yellowing on clones mean they’re eating fan leaves to make roots? That’s what I’ve been led to believe. I don’t remember where I read that, but that’s what I’ve seen in my experience.

Here’s a good place to start Using coco as substrate

Also if I’m not mistaken, Penny uses coco. I’m sure he could give you the finer points.

Fingers crossed @beez0404 . Have you rooted clones off of this plant before?

Hope that you are feeling better soon. Plants are looking good!
Hey SQ...

Lots of great resources here on 420 forums. Not sure if you have seen the whole sub-forum on coco growing?

@Barney86 has a really helpful thread going on feeding in coco.

And... if you want to venture out into the big scary world outside of 420, there is a website about coco. I don't think that I am allowed to link it, but if you google "coco for cannabis" it will pop up. I thought the section their under "tutorials" was really helpful, especially with respect to "charging" coco with cal/mag before first using it.

And, of course, there are a ton of journals from different members growing in coco.

Hope this helps!

Nice! I will read @Barney86 's thread now ... I am pretty sure making the transition from soil to coco should be straight forward.

I am expecting to pre-soak with CalMag, water daily at a quarter nutes, check feed/run-off pH and ppm, pH between 5.8 and 6.3.

I can use all the other skills I have developped so far.

Just gotta figure out the water now.

I was told soil buffers tap water ... I'm hoping tap water won't be too much of an issue with coco.

Thanks for the help amigo!
Nice! I will read @Barney86 's thread now ... I am pretty sure making the transition from soil to coco should be straight forward.

I am expecting to pre-soak with CalMag, water daily at a quarter nutes, check feed/run-off pH and ppm, pH between 5.8 and 6.3.

I can use all the other skills I have developped so far.

Just gotta figure out the water now.

I was told soil buffers tap water ... I'm hoping tap water won't be too much of an issue with coco.

Thanks for the help amigo!

just when you have to start tracking ppm :)

Coco is usually used in a drain to waste hydroponics system. Here are some tips:
  • Don't go in with any preconceived notions.
  • Find a journal from someone using the same nutrients as you plan to use and read it carefully.
  • Check the PPM of your tap water, if you use nutrients that are affected by it. For example General Hydroponics has two versions of Flora Micro, one for hard water, and one for not so hard water.
  • I highly recommend NOT checking the PPM of your nutrient solutions, or your run off. Instead carefully measure out your nutrients and water. The PPM of your solution will be where it needs to be for the concentration of nutrients that you added. PPM of the run off can get very high, just like with soil. Bits of coco will break off and find their way into the run off.
  • NEVER mix more than seven days worth of your nutrient solutions.
  • DO check the pH of each of your nutrient solutions, and adjust it when you first mix it. Then forget all about it. Use a pH meter with a minimum accuracy of ±0.05 pH, and precision of ±0.01 pH.
  • When you can, add automatic watering. Coco works really well with two or more waterings per day from late veg to harvest. One of my tents needs it three times per day.
Nice! I will read @Barney86 's thread now ... I am pretty sure making the transition from soil to coco should be straight forward.

I am expecting to pre-soak with CalMag, water daily at a quarter nutes, check feed/run-off pH and ppm, pH between 5.8 and 6.3.

I can use all the other skills I have developped so far.

Just gotta figure out the water now.

I was told soil buffers tap water ... I'm hoping tap water won't be too much of an issue with coco.

Thanks for the help amigo!

I really like coco. I grew a lot of orchids in that medium in the past, so I knew a bit about it. Of course cannabis is a different story, but similar principles.

There is some debate, but I think it is generally agreed, that you can't over-water in coco, at least once the plants are past the seedling stage. But you can definitely underwater - need to keep the medium moist all the time. Otherwise, the salts in the nutes can dry out and burn the roots. You can also get dry pockets that are hard to re-moisten if it dries out.

Personally, I really liked the combination of coco and fabric pots. Lots of air getting to the roots, even with the moist coco. I water once per day from late seedling through early bloom. Then several times a day through harvest.

You'll hear some people say, and I agree, to treat coco like hydro. Since coco is completely inert (no nutes or anything else beneficial) you need to provide everything that the plant needs. pH like hydro, with the numbers you mentioned. Start with a lower pH in the early stages, and then towards the higher end of the scale in flower. But let the pH "bounce around" from one watering to the next, so that different are available.

Once you are getting ready to start, let us know. Lots of folks happy to help with any questions you have as you get going.
Coco is usually used in a drain to waste hydroponics system. Here are some tips:
  • Don't go in with any preconceived notions.
  • Find a journal from someone using the same nutrients as you plan to use and read it carefully.
  • Check the PPM of your tap water, if you use nutrients that are affected by it. For example General Hydroponics has two versions of Flora Micro, one for hard water, and one for not so hard water.
  • I highly recommend NOT checking the PPM of your nutrient solutions, or your run off. Instead carefully measure out your nutrients and water. The PPM of your solution will be where it needs to be for the concentration of nutrients that you added. PPM of the run off can get very high, just like with soil. Bits of coco will break off and find their way into the run off.
  • NEVER mix more than seven days worth of your nutrient solutions.
  • DO check the pH of each of your nutrient solutions, and adjust it when you first mix it. Then forget all about it. Use a pH meter with a minimum accuracy of ±0.05 pH, and precision of ±0.01 pH.
  • When you can, add automatic watering. Coco works really well with two or more waterings per day from late veg to flower. One of my tents needs it three times per day.

As always, Mr. Salt added a bunch of valuable information.

One thing that I don't think either of us mentioned is the importance of cal//mag. Even if you charge the coco prior to planting, it will still be a calcium hog, especially when paired with LEDs. I had to add cal/mag at every single watering otherwise the leaves would show deficiencies really quick.
As always, Mr. Salt added a bunch of valuable information.

One thing that I don't think either of us mentioned is the importance of cal//mag. Even if you charge the coco prior to planting, it will still be a calcium hog, especially when paired with LEDs. I had to add cal/mag at every single watering otherwise the leaves would show deficiencies really quick.

I use CALiMAGic as part of all my nutrient solutions from seed to harvest. I never use plain water, nutrients are added every time. Currently I'm at 35% of everything I use, except for the CALiMAGic. That's at 45%. The strength of nutrients required depends on the strain, light, nutrients used, and water source.
I use CALiMAGic as part of all my nutrient solutions from seed to harvest. I never use plain water, nutrients are added every time. Currently I'm at 35% of everything I use, except for the CALiMAGic. That's at 45%. The strength of nutrients required depends on the strain, light, nutrients used, and water source.

Slightly different approach for me... I don't use the package instructions/dosing for nutes. I use EC and pH, and change the NPK ratios over the duration of the grow. Cal/Mag is always 0.3-0.5 EC for me, and then the other nutes are on top of that. I started in the 0.2 range, and was consistently getting Cal deficiencies.

Since we've wandered a bit from the Chem grow topic, I'd invite anyone who wants to continue the coco discussion to come on over to my grow journal, or we can start a new thread in the coco forum. Not trying to discourage the conversation, but don't want folks who aren't interested in coco to have to slog through pages of materials looking for the chem stuff! :)
Hey SQ...

Lots of great resources here on 420 forums. Not sure if you have seen the whole sub-forum on coco growing?

@Barney86 has a really helpful thread going on feeding in coco.

And... if you want to venture out into the big scary world outside of 420, there is a website about coco. I don't think that I am allowed to link it, but if you google "coco for cannabis" it will pop up. I thought the section their under "tutorials" was really helpful, especially with respect to "charging" coco with cal/mag before first using it.

And, of course, there are a ton of journals from different members growing in coco.

Hope this helps!

I just went through @Barney86 's thread ... the only outstanding question I have still is using tap water in coco ... I might need to check things ... or maybe go with an RO system ...

I haven't read about that yet though ... but I'm getting a lot closer to trying coco ... maybe even today today ...
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