What's In Jim's Grow Room?

Beautifully presented Jim. :bravo:

If she's already showing preflowers, you likely have an auto. Drat! I mean, great for you, and if you get the cuttings to root, even better to have bonus babies, but I was hoping she'd be a photo. They look extraordinarily healthy, so you're doing many things right, as always. :kisstwo: I'm really loving the glossy, DDA-style leaves yours is sporting.

Have a safe and warm celebration as you welcome the New Year in Jim. :hug: :love:
Happy New years to you buddy... many many well wishes for a prosperous and green new year!

Thanks for the tip and the link on the freezer hash.... I've kinda sorta been doing it the way you do it.. I cobbled together a rig like yours and I just didn't get the lid with screen thing right enough... I ordered some new screens... the last rig I made I think i put on a mesh that wasn't letting anything thru... so had to go back to the drawing boards as they say. Now I'm just doing it the laziest way ...stacking 2 screens with material in between and bought a catch base that works pretty good. So it's working but .. meh... I need a bigger container.. time to go to the dollar store. I think I have the same screens as you but mine are listed as "mesh" and "mesh" is not a standard measurement... so hard to say what screen I'm using.

Thinking of going to the art supply store and buying a silkscreen on a frame already made up and doing it the old fashioned way!

The cool thing about the freezer hash is its great as input to any sort of concentrate you wanna make.

Also easier to have around than containers of trim... I've got a bunch. I need to get that processed and get all that material not needed into the compost bin. If 5-0 ever stopped in for a visit, I'd prolly do some time just from the weight of trim I have. It's pretty useless in its present form.

I take my Keif after sifting and put it in some parchment paper and get the iron out.... flatten it with the iron for a few minutes until it gets a dark brown ... boom a nice hard chunk of hashish!

That Auto you have going there - that's the way I wanna grow autos... I never have any that look like that - I remember Nismo making seeds... her plants were epic! That should turn out really really good. DD is one of my favorites for taste and meds. After I cure that I pretty much puff on it till gone and give it away to friends .... its favorite for the bag appeal.

Stay warm and safe for the holiday... my wife decided instead of walking outside with the pups like we usually do every day, its soo cold we are now house cleaning for the new year.... yay me... I think its time for me to take a puff break. I think walking in the cold is more fun...little pup was shivering this morning tho..

I was looking at the long term forecast.... there's a disturbance in The Force, Jim.... Polar Vortex is coming our way.

Cheers & happy new years

Thanks Bo....Happy New Year right back at ya. I've decided also to do something about all these jars around here. My next venture into the unknown is taking a bunch of bud and infusing some oil and making some pain creams. I laid on my ass all day and got none of this even started.

Well, I did get a picture of the Bees Wax. More stuff made in China. Who knew?



Beautifully presented Jim. :bravo:

If she's already showing preflowers, you likely have an auto. Drat! I mean, great for you, and if you get the cuttings to root, even better to have bonus babies, but I was hoping she'd be a photo. They look extraordinarily healthy, so you're doing many things right, as always. :kisstwo: I'm really loving the glossy, DDA-style leaves yours is sporting.

Have a safe and warm celebration as you welcome the New Year in Jim. :hug: :love:

Ha....I thought maybe I had avoided the auto but knew all along of the possibilities. Well...maybe the topping will give me a better plant. I never topped an auto before.

Have a wonderful New Year Sue. I'll be asleep in a few hours as I get up fairly early but I always get a few hours of sleep. :love: :bongrip:
Happy new year Jim

Thanks so much ginganinja30. I have to admit I was a little down this morning but now happy for a lot of different reasons.

I started my pain cream this morning by decarbing some buds.

Into a 250o F oven for slightly longer than 30 minutes went an assortment of Blue Dream, Sugar Mango, Panama and some bag seed I grew; weighing in at 54.3 grams. I'll use 15% THC as my percentage if I choose to try to determine any potency. There's a calculation formula of this somewhere.

After decarbing I mixed the herb with 24 ounces of Grape Seed Oil and 1 Tablespoon of liquid Sunflower Lecithin. It's currently in a Crock Pot water bath on the HIGH setting. It will be there for 4 hours.

I'm not even sure why Lecithin is needed for a pain cream as it's primarily for bioavailablilty and I guess that includes absorption.

When this process is complete I'll stain the oil through some cheese cloth and it will go into a double boiler so I can add some bees wax to make the cream. Supposedly, the bees wax should be no more than 8% of the end product so I'll need to do some sort of calculation when I get all of the oil out. I want the cream to be creamy and I have nothing that I can think of to blend it other than a spoon. We'll just see how it goes. More to follow for sure.






While I was selecting the buds used here I found jars of Chemdawg and Jack Herer. Both of these strains along with Blue Dream are my "go to" buds and I had bad thoughts of running out.

Thanks so much ginganinja30. I have to admit I was a little down this morning but now happy for a lot of different reasons.

Good morning Jim, I'm glad your spirits are up a bit more now.
You are never alone on 420 magazine and there are many willing shoulders to help carry any burdens ..

I started my pain cream this morning by decarbing some buds.

Into a 250o F oven for slightly longer than 30 minutes went an assortment of Blue Dream, Sugar Mango, Panama and some bag seed I grew; weighing in at 54.3 grams. I'll use 15% THC as my percentage if I choose to try to determine any potency. There's a calculation formula of this somewhere.

That sounds like it's going to be an amazing mixture of medicine right there Jim .

After decarbing I mixed the herb with 24 ounces of Grape Seed Oil and 1 Tablespoon of liquid Sunflower Lecithin. It's currently in a Crock Pot water bath on the HIGH setting. It will be there for 4 hours.

I'm not even sure why Lecithin is needed for a pain cream as it's primarily for bioavailablilty and I guess that includes absorption.

I'm not too sure about the reasoning for lecithin for topical application but it can't hurt so let's get experimenting.

Maybe on your next batch if you run it the same without the lecithin for comparison on your pain relief. Everything has a learning moment to me so this will be very interesting.

When this process is complete I'll stain the oil through some cheese cloth and it will go into a double boiler so I can add some bees wax to make the cream. Supposedly, the bees wax should be no more than 8% of the end product so I'll need to do some sort of calculation when I get all of the oil out. I want the cream to be creamy and I have nothing that I can think of to blend it other than a spoon. We'll just see how it goes. More to follow for sure.

Yes that's the information I have re: no more than 8% beeswax.
Are you looking to get that nice creamy texture as your preference as I just usually skip this step as the oil itself can absorb quicker without.

The wax/coco butter/shea butter etc does add a nice feel to the skin and smell too. It's all about preference at the end of the day ..

A spoon will mix it together just fine Jim.
It'll take a couple of moments of cooling to check consistency that works for you, little amounts of wax added at a time. You can always add more but can't take it out.






While I was selecting the buds used here I found jars of Chemdawg and Jack Herer. Both of these strains along with Blue Dream are my "go to" buds and I had bad thoughts of running out.


That's a nice find to come across Jim.
Hopefully it won't be long before I have a nice supply of buds with great variations of profiles to choose from too.

Try administering the cream to the soles of the feet and palms of hand for absorbing into the central nervous system as well as on the site of pain.

Another very effective site of application I've learned too is on the back of the neck just where the skull and neck meet.

Do you have any peppermint and tea tree essential oils at hand?

3 drops peppermint and 2 drops tea tree into 10ml of oil/cream is a very good addition for pain relief. .

Sending you some healing vibes Jim

That's a nice find to come across Jim.
Hopefully it won't be long before I have a nice supply of buds with great variations of profiles to choose from too.

Try administering the cream to the soles of the feet and palms of hand for absorbing into the central nervous system as well as on the site of pain.

Another very effective site of application I've learned too is on the back of the neck just where the skull and neck meet.

Do you have any peppermint and tea tree essential oils at hand?

3 drops peppermint and 2 drops tea tree into 10ml of oil/cream is a very good addition for pain relief. .

Sending you some healing vibes Jim


I've no idea how I managed to do this but some of my comments are in your post and some are below .


No problem ginga. Ish happens! I sure hope you soon have large quantities of buds. My usage is not very great so making infused oils and creams fit right now. It's just a bunch of messy work.

My cream is turning out to be nice and of good quality I think. I just put some on my hand. I've broken both hands over the years and have a bit or arthritis. I'll try some of this on those other sites as soon as I get a good shower here. I haven't even taken the time to eat this morning but I started my wake n bake early so I'm good.

It took my forever this morning to figure out how to upload photos from this laptop. Site changes. Something else I have to figure out I'm sure.

Recap of making cannabis infused oil and pain cream

24 fluid ounces of Grape Seed Oil and 54 grams of decarbed buds. Jar was given a water bath in a crock pot on high for 4 hours.


Cheese cloth filter added and one jar drain into another


It yielded about 16 fluid ounces. I guess that herb is holding some and deal with that later.


I used 1.5 cups of the oil and a double boiler to add .5 cup of beeswax pastilles. Beeswax melts at 155o F and I understand it becomes discolored at around 175o F. Optional: I added 10 drops of Eucalyptus oil and 10 drops of Spearmint oil.


Once the beeswax is melted I began the stirring process with a fork. As it comes down to room temperature it begins to thicken. It has a slight beige color.


I attempted to capture the consistency in a few photos.






Almost the consistency of cake mix.


Now to get a late shower and something to eat. Have a great day folks. I'll be back later with some grow room information. :love:
Great work there Jim and you've captured the changes in consistency of the cream really well in the photos.
Fantastic tutorial as always

:thanks: ginganinja30

The consistency turned out nice and I like the fragrance of the Eucalyptus and Spearmint. The next batch will be Tea Tree Oil because I really love that. I have one very old tube of Bengay when it was made by Pfizer. I need to see what's in there. Camphor I think.

I rubbed some into the shoulder yesterday and have been relatively pain free there. I'm still testing and have just dosed a capsule of the infused grape seed oil remaining to test its properties...how high and how long.

Something not easily done....one hand camera work.




Here's hoping everyone has a great day. I have some sweet news to show from the veg tent. :love:
The veg tent is packed with little ones. My journal notes are a little shaky on the birth date of all the Fast n Vast x Master Kush x Panama (FVxMKxPam) seeds but two of them grew from one seed. The one I'll highlight is believed to come from that pair which was separated on Dec. 27, 2017. I'm not sure why I only noticed her today but she has 3 cotyledons and three true leaves. This is known as whorled phyllotaxy.

Whorled phyllotaxy is a relatively common cannabis mutation, and causes three leaves to grow from each node rather than the usual two. Along with the extra leaf, an extra branch is also generated at each node, meaning that plants with whorled phyllotaxy often grow extra bushy!

Whorled phyllotaxy is pretty and may lead to somewhat greater yields, but is generally considered relatively useless to breeders as the trait usually disappears with any efforts to develop true-breeding strains.
So I didn't know this was common. First time for me.












OK...I'm over it. It's a common mutation. :bongrip: My oil dose is kicking in.
Great update on the cannabis medicinals. That whorled phyllotaxy mutant helped me keep a tall growing sativa into a manageable sized sativa bush. Had it once on a pure indica that didn't benefit at all from it. Lots of colas either way though. :Namaste:

Thanks BL. I'm not sure what I expected from the cream but it doesn't surprise me that it works so well. Everything cannabis seems to work on me. :wood::winkyface:
I'm definitely saving the crazy oil blend for capsules. It's slightly different from the Blue Dream infused oil I made. Longevity is 5+ hours and I went through a slight drowsiness about 40 minutes after ingestion. Could be a good sleep med if I ever need it.

The Panama I grew did not really step out much as it was somewhat limited by pot size. I really don't know what to expect from the FVxMKxPam as the FVxMK I grew was male and I never grew another. I'll revisit those seeds one of these days.
I have some GSO made with Thin Mint GSC that I'll have to try as a capsule somewhere along the line. It's for pain cream, but I have jars of infused GSO to choose from when I need to make more cream. You inspired me. I think I'll do that now, as a matter of fact. My brownie this morning was Thin Mint, so it'll keep my buzz consistent. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I find the cream comes in handy for things like applying to the feet and hands before goin outdoors in the freeze and to keep the hands from chapping after working with water, something we do a lot of, working with hempy and making oil. Cleanup from oil production is messy, no way around it.

Have I told you how proud I am of your beautiful cream and the great tutorial? :hug: :love: I hadn't thought of draining from one jar into another Jim. Thank you for that idea. :high-five:

Reps....well deserved. :battingeyelashes:
Many of us don't use lecithin in the oils for topicals, but I'm beginning to suspect it's beneficial. Lecithin emulsifies the oil-bonded cannabinoids, and the thinking is it's used in the makeup industry for this very reason. Lecithin is the most common component found in your body after water, and that suggests to me that it would help with absorption of topicals. That's instinctive thinking on my part though, with no effort to find science to back up my contention.

Makes sense though, doesn't it?
Many of us don't use lecithin in the oils for topicals, but I'm beginning to suspect it's beneficial. Lecithin emulsifies the oil-bonded cannabinoids, and the thinking is it's used in the makeup industry for this very reason. Lecithin is the most common component found in your body after water, and that suggests to me that it would help with absorption of topicals. That's instinctive thinking on my part though, with no effort to find science to back up my contention.

Makes sense though, doesn't it?

Sounds entirely reasonable to me Sue.

One for further experimentation and research.

I have some GSO made with Thin Mint GSC that I'll have to try as a capsule somewhere along the line. It's for pain cream, but I have jars of infused GSO to choose from when I need to make more cream. You inspired me. I think I'll do that now, as a matter of fact. My brownie this morning was Thin Mint, so it'll keep my buzz consistent. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I find the cream comes in handy for things like applying to the feet and hands before goin outdoors in the freeze and to keep the hands from chapping after working with water, something we do a lot of, working with hempy and making oil. Cleanup from oil production is messy, no way around it.

Have I told you how proud I am of your beautiful cream and the great tutorial? :hug: :love: I hadn't thought of draining from one jar into another Jim. Thank you for that idea. :high-five:

Reps....well deserved. :battingeyelashes:

Blushing here. :bigblush: It really is a nice color cream and I thought a bit greasy at first. Then it just gets absorbed into the skin. I've put it on the shoulder, hands, soles of the feet, base on the spine and behind me neck. Doesn't help with an acute short pain I get putting on that heavy coat. But that's part of the damage done to that shoulder. I can put the coat on differently but old dogs...ya know.

I keep looking at that jar with all the broken bud pieces and there must be 8 ounces of oil embedded there. Before I would just wrap it in cheese cloth and squeeze as much oil out as I could. I'm trying to figure out some type of press made from PVC or something to help here because it's a messy effort for a little oil but it's potent stuff.

Many of us don't use lecithin in the oils for topicals, but I'm beginning to suspect it's beneficial. Lecithin emulsifies the oil-bonded cannabinoids, and the thinking is it's used in the makeup industry for this very reason. Lecithin is the most common component found in your body after water, and that suggests to me that it would help with absorption of topicals. That's instinctive thinking on my part though, with no effort to find science to back up my contention.

Makes sense though, doesn't it?

There is quite a bit of science which I study on the surface. Most of the benefits I read about is stuff I need. Example

It aids in the immune system by coating our red blood cells and providing protection against the invasion of viruses, bacteria, etc.

It’s a solvent for cholesterol, triglycerides and gnarly fats. It prevents hardening of the arteries, stroke and other heart issues.

It improves memory, helping brain cells develop and aiding in the transmission of nerve impulses in the brain.

There's some chemistry involved too and I know I'm not going to try to understand all that.

Sounds entirely reasonable to me Sue.

One for further experimentation and research.


I think I tried my cream today on all the areas you suggested earlier. I'm up for further experimentation.
I'm following so I can try this recipe as I've been looking for a good one and I think I've found it

Thanks Jim!

Welcome aboard Cannabeard. I'm liking it so far. I got interested reading this thread: Magnus8's Canna Cream - Body Butter - & Canna Lotion Study Hall

I'm only up to page 15 or so and I decided to read other web sites for recipes. The recipe I used seemed simple and straight-forward and had a few years of comments after people have made the cream. It was not made using cannabis infused oil. Just people making a cream with various carrier and essential oils.

I've read that there are better oils such as Pumpkin Seed and Apricot Kernel. I'm slightly impulsive at times and have already ordered some of these as they are oils which are absorbed by the skin a bit better. Let me know if you have questions.
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