What's In Jim's Grow Room?

Girls are back in good condition. I'll keep giving them a weak nute feeding for a while. Ultra Dogs are really looking good and I'll chop on their underskirts here soon. Color is back on the Carnival, the TK 91 and the ATF x Jellium cross.

So today I feel as if I have control of this grow. Temperature in the 4 x 4 runs 81o to 82o F to which the plants will just have to acclimate. ATF x Jellium certainly have a bigger leaves and more biomass than the Jellium mom.

I topped the two primaries of the TK 91 2 days ago. Cuts are over in the overflow tent. I'll need to groom Carnival sometime soon although I thought I took two little cuts from her last week. Yeah...sitting in a cup of water in the kitchen are two little pieces of plant. I need to start writing things down again.

Ultra Dogs are trudging along. I'm not seeing any sex parts yet. All of these appear similar although they may have some differences that a trained breeder might point out. If my sniffer was keen I'd do a stem rub but I'd rather wait until after a few weeks in flower to determine any particular odors. I look forward to them going through a pure stink phase.

Looking good today. I'll try to keep them watered.

Black Cherry Punch for the wake n bake. It would not be good for those who have a day job. :bongrip:
Either one could tell you, I’m thinking ATF is a little more sativa than the Jellium.
I was watching a video this morning and clackamascoots said sativa refers to "cultivated by man" or something like that.

I took those girls out of the tent to show the height differential of the ATF x Jellium. Left to right is #1 through #3. I'm thinking #1 is going to be a boy. A big boy LOL :rolleyes:

Carnival has displayed a little variegation in a leaf near the top. Either that or it's mite damage. I don't even want to think about this topic.

TK 91 doing well. It was topped 4 days ago. Hopefully those cuts will root quickly.

Ultra Dogs

Flower room team

Just pictures of everything in the overflow tent. Well, everything but new cuts. Sooner or later I'll spend some time cleaning up the older moms. They're mighty ragged looking today.

Wake n bake is Chem 91 x ADC. :bongrip: I did 1/4 tsp of my dust yesterday and it knocked me out....or maybe I just needed some sleep in the middle of the day.
looking good in there jim im anxious to see how the atf x jellium turn out there looking great!
Yeah....you're a part daddy on those plants. #1 is going to be tall with fat thighs or a set of balls. I'm dying laughing. :goof:
#1 could be a tall redhead too, Jim!
ATF? Someone say ATF?

Where did you get your ATF from Jim, if you don't mind me asking?
Hi Van Stank. You know I don't mind you asking and I'd be happy to identify the fellow but I read that one rule that doesn't allow me to do that.

" Posts pertaining to the buying/selling/trading/swapping/testing/giving of seeds, clones, pollen, cannabis, hash, mail order Marijuana or any other substance or article are not permitted. "

So 420 Mag has already written to me in the past couple of weeks and then wrote an apology and are now directing everyone to their updated Forum guidelines so I just don't know what they would do if I actually now violate something that they've done their best to point out.

With all that said, I'll insert a post that's been on this thread for quite a while:

im so glad you had some success jim that's cool that atf pollen was lively future grows rite there! :goodjob:
Hi Van Stank. You know I don't mind you asking and I'd be happy to identify the fellow but I read that one rule that doesn't allow me to do that.

" Posts pertaining to the buying/selling/trading/swapping/testing/giving of seeds, clones, pollen, cannabis, hash, mail order Marijuana or any other substance or article are not permitted. "

So 420 Mag has already written to me in the past couple of weeks and then wrote an apology and are now directing everyone to their updated Forum guidelines so I just don't know what they would do if I actually now violate something that they've done their best to point out.

With all that said, I'll insert a post that's been on this thread for quite a while:

Seems like a simple pm would solve the problem, provided it's not ongoing or promotional :thumb:
ATF? Someone say ATF?

Where did you get your ATF from Jim, if you don't mind me asking?
i dont no exactly where they came from van they were a freebie from a fellow grower i like it quite a bit in the morning.ill get a pic. the male looked exactly like the female


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I was just curious if its the more sativa version of ATF of if its the one that was worked with an Indica to bring down the flowering times. I love me some ATF, the sativa version anyways....so whenever anyone grows it, I am always curious where they got theirs.....lets me know the nature of its background.
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