What's In Jim's Grow Room?

I've been reading lately about soil PH and how it can have an effect on a plant's ability to uptake certain nutrients and minerals. I have seen photos where the plant looked as though it had a calcium deficiency yet there was plenty of calcium in the soil. Turned out the PH was too high and the plant couldn't use the calcium available to it. The guy lowered the soil PH from 7.1 down to 6.4 and the plant looked great.

Not saying that is the problem with your couple plants. Just throwing out the possibility.
Girls are back in good condition. I'll keep giving them a weak nute feeding for a while. Ultra Dogs are really looking good and I'll chop on their underskirts here soon. Color is back on the Carnival, the TK 91 and the ATF x Jellium cross.

How many suckers did you off so far at this point Jim?..just learning about suckers remove them they will only be in way.
High Joe....I tend to remove most of the junk from the bottom of the plant including suckers. Even larger branches are removed.

I've been preparing today for Hurricane Isaias. It could get really uncomfortable if the power is knocked out with temperatures this hot. It's just the start of hurricane season so we have to put up with this defensive posture for about 2 1/2 months.

Covid-19 case counts surged in NC on Thursday but leveled off yesterday. I more death in the county. No announcement locally about any shelters that would open if the stupid storm wants to get ugly.

On the bright side of things....I have more weed than most. :bongrip:
Hey Jim did you weather the storm. At all costs keep the erbs dry :D . No seriously, hopefully all's well
High Dank...Weather is perfect here today. I may mow the lawn as the storm approaches. I'm still in the cone of uncertainty but most predictions show it skirting FL and probably making landfall in SC then we'll get washed out Tuesday (I think I heard.) Just been enjoying life.

Wake n bake was remainder of Grandpa cut of GG#4 from last night followed by a couple of tokes of Copper Chem. I have seeds of its crossed with Dosido or something like that. I have a damn fine collection of herb if I do say so myself.

Da girls are all looking better and I now have copies of most of this stuff. Carnival is next up to go in a solo cup and I hope to get that done today. I spent the morning cleaning a bit and checking again for any pests. Everything looks clean but I keep looking.

In the very front of the team photo is an additional Jellium clone and 2 TK 91 girls. I anticipate that the TK 91 is something I'm going to like so a successful cloning gives me the giggles. She clones easy so I like her. In the photo Jellium on right and the two TK 91s on the left. The one in the center had the dome on for the whole time. I think the dome enhanced the root zone development.

Ultra Dogs Two photos of each.


TK 91

ATF x Jellium

So the Jellium ad TK 91 cuts were taken July 15 providing a rooting period of about 2 weeks. One of the cuts had the dome removed after about 10 days. These were rooted in Foxfarm Ocean Forest. Yeah....I went and spent a bunch of money but I'm a bit more familiar with this mix. Dispelling rumors too. It is not too hot for cloning.

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