I am SO jealous!!!
Im a lucky ducky!
Hopefully they check us out. I hear too many people talking about Reddit and all these other grow forums and they just do not do for the grower what :420: does. Nowhere near the mountains of information accessible here and user friendly. And speaking of friendly, you won't find a more helpful and pleasant bunch than the friends here!
They might! I was like "dont bother with the bro science bs forums and sites!" and to come here. The depth of techniques, products and genetics that are documented here accompanied by so many sage voices regarding personal grows and plant knowledge is unbeatable. Comparatively less toxic than most sites too.
Whaaaat? I have never heard of that, looking up that and coral squiggles now...hopefully I find information on 1 of the 2!
I saw an ad for it somewhere while researching and never clicked it but meant to check on it. I have a lot of interest in freeze driers as a method of food conservation for all the ugly food that gets thrown out still/deep discounted etc.
They have a massive electric draw and need vigilant maintenance.
It'd be so cool to set up renewable energy source(s) and run it completely off of that.
Even more so if the mods that this company did to their freeze driers actually come close to working as advertised.

Coral structuring might be on us to investigate and document, find out how much of a thing it is!
Same to you. Thanks so much. I laughed out loud and blushed I think at trichy mermaid lmao
Good thing you're such a waterbaby! Lol, if you'd been a desert loving dweller I may have called you a trichy puma or something without thinking :rofl:
Excellent start to the Stooges Krissi! And I know it may be a while but I'm looking forward to seeing you with a greenhouse full of plants (as long as they're all in one journal ;) )! I hope I'm still here to see it.

Sold that stuff tho
might start shopping around for some used gear.
Maybe you can buy some of your stuff back!

I've still got an AE-1 body along with a Nikon F3 and FG from the early 80s. Haven't touched them since 1999 or so when point and shoot digital came out. 🤷‍♂️
Do you just use butter or other types of oils? I like coconut or MCT oil but mostly into making concentrates with various solvents then I can use those in whatever concoctions I want to whip up. When they 'legalized' pot here they changed a lot of the laws around pot like you can now get 14 years in the can for making concentrates with 'organic solvents'. Cooking the pot in edible oils is ok tho. Same penalty for supplying pot to a minor but if it's booze probably a $50 fine. That's why I call it Prohibition 2.0.

I've been keeping mine in my office safe for 20 years and some are that old. I need to sit here for hours and catalogue all my seeds and then put various types in freezer bags with a printed list of what's in each bag. I've got about 20 new strains in the last 6 months and won't live long enough to grow everything out. Hell I have vials of pollen over 10 years old and want to try some to see if any of it is any good yet. Well desiccated and stored in a jar with colour changing drying crystals that's still blue so keeping it dry as a popcorn fart in there. Just make some clones to experiment with. This is from 2014 and I have a couple more jars now. :)


From what I gather a lot of my Canon lenses should fit another Canon digital but won't work in auto mode. I used to really be into the whole photography thing and even had my own darkroom gear for b/w, colour and slides with a big enlarger that could do poster size prints. Sold that stuff tho. Actually have 2 of the AE-1 bodies and a really nice flash that works out to 70ft. Half a dozen tripods from tiny to full size. Most from thrift stores and garage sales. Bank just gave me a 5G bump on my VISA today so might start shopping around for some used gear. :)

I Love that Pollen collection, that's quite the bit of work that you've put in.

Hey, i hope you dont mind my asking....maybe you can answer this, as you seem to be up to date on the Canadian laws.
where the hell does pollen fit in with them?
Is it totally tradeable, sellable, etc. without a LP permit?
Just curious, I've looked through the rules but couldn't find mention of it anywhere....and I love loopholes :laugh:
I Love that Pollen collection, that's quite the bit of work that you've put in.
Hey, i hope you dont mind my asking....maybe you can answer this, as you seem to be up to date on the Canadian laws.
where the hell does pollen fit in with them?
Is it totally tradeable, sellable, etc. without a LP permit?
Just curious, I've got my permit (Acmpr), and looked through the regs but couldn't find mention of it anywhere....and I love loopholes :laugh:
They would have to run a DNA test on the pollen to prove what it is! Could be any kind. :thumb:
They would have to run a DNA test on the pollen to prove what it is! Could be any kind. :thumb:
I ain't worried about that :rofl:

More curious if there was indeed a loophole, and a legitimate business opportunity, speculatively speaking of course.
Also Krissi, I'm sorry to have hijacked your journal a bit on this curiosity.
Right now just butter, going to do coconut soon. My cousin uses that oil for gummies she makes

I did regular unsalted butter once then tried coconut oil and liked that better. MCT oil is really good and supposed to extract better than most as well. Cost quite a bit more tho but stays liquid at room temp and has almost zero taste.

I loved it all until this last line lol that sounds so terribly morbid! Just plant more! If you can of course or can find help to aid you in caring for all of them!

I may have to push a little harder to get some help from the wife and her daughter. I'd like to train my step-daughter up enough to take care of the plants if I go anywhere for any length of time. When I go out to BC I usually go around the middle of Oct for 4 - 6 weeks. That's coho salmon season out in the Fraser Valley so I can get lots of fishing in with my son while I'm there. My cousin Bob over on Vancouver Island wants me to go over there next time I come out but that's as much a journey as getting out to the valley to visit mom and other family. Long drive to the ferry terminal at Horseshoe Bay then an expensive 2 hour trip across to Naniamo and an even longer drive up the island to Campbell River. Salmon capitol of the world tho and he's as much a fishing nut as I am so would be fun. Still want to move there so I can have a few golden years in my retirement.

I also need more space for growing so hoping to fix that soon. I would just buy an 8x4' tent but only have 77.5" clearance and most tents that size are 80" tall. VivoSun makes one shorter but it has a hip-roof design I'm not crazy about.

I say when I retire and have more land I will grow outdoors and in a greenhouse AND try to make some strains and cross pollinate but for now the thought of a boy near my girls scares the poop out of me!

It's not hard to deal with boys to collect pollen and just pollinate a few buds on a branch so you don't use a whole plant for seeds unless you want to. I've been pollen chucking for 20 years now.

WOOT!!! 5gs, that will get you a good start, huh? What do you like to photograph? Other than the plants of course?

Not like it's free money but nice to have something for backup in an emergency. Furnace is 32 years old, whole water system could use replacing etc etc. 5 years ago I couldn't have borrowed a nickle from any bank.

I like packing my little camera with me in case I see anything worth shooting. Old barns and farm buildings, sunsets, various animals, fish when I catch one but northern pike are ugly critters. Pretty much anything that makes a good pic.

Did some research last night and I need to find me a Canon mirrorless digital camera and get an adaptor to use my lenses with it. Not sure of the model yet but will soon find out then start looking for a used one I can get fairly cheap. Shouldn't cost me more than $500 or a bit more to go digital. Everything will have to be done manually but that's the way I did most of my photography so no biggy. I have hundreds of photos and need to scan them all and title them with relevant info so my kids and grandkids know when and where they were taken. Need to print out some of the digital photos I have now so I can put some up on the walls around here.

Family record breaking 21.5" rainbow trout I caught on that spin rod on a little Vibrax spinner at our family cabin last fall. 50 years ago my oldest little sister got a skinny spawner that was 18" and she crowed about that ever since. Unfortunately she passed March 2020 from ovarian cancer so all I could do is wave it in the air and say, Told ya I'd beat ya eventually! :D

My grandpa's old fiberglass fly rod at the bottom I try to get a fish on every year. Got a couple on that trip but not worth taking pics of. 12" if that.

I Love that Pollen collection, that's quite the bit of work that you've put in.

Hey, i hope you dont mind my asking....maybe you can answer this, as you seem to be up to date on the Canadian laws.
where the hell does pollen fit in with them?
Is it totally tradeable, sellable, etc. without a LP permit?
Just curious, I've looked through the rules but couldn't find mention of it anywhere....and I love loopholes :laugh:

I would imagine it's under the same rules seeds are but I'm not totally sure how it works for seeds tho either.

Maybe call Hellth Canaduh and ask them if you can get through to them.

I read thru the whole thing when the new rules first came out but don't recall seeing anything about pollen. Stuff about seeds said you had to get them from a licensed provider like for pot but there was sweet fug all for seeds ever made available. Seeds have always been legal in Canada. It's the sprouting of them when the trouble started. :D

I did regular unsalted butter once then tried coconut oil and liked that better. MCT oil is really good and supposed to extract better than most as well. Cost quite a bit more tho but stays liquid at room temp and has almost zero taste.

I may have to push a little harder to get some help from the wife and her daughter. I'd like to train my step-daughter up enough to take care of the plants if I go anywhere for any length of time. When I go out to BC I usually go around the middle of Oct for 4 - 6 weeks. That's coho salmon season out in the Fraser Valley so I can get lots of fishing in with my son while I'm there. My cousin Bob over on Vancouver Island wants me to go over there next time I come out but that's as much a journey as getting out to the valley to visit mom and other family. Long drive to the ferry terminal at Horseshoe Bay then an expensive 2 hour trip across to Naniamo and an even longer drive up the island to Campbell River. Salmon capitol of the world tho and he's as much a fishing nut as I am so would be fun. Still want to move there so I can have a few golden years in my retirement.

I also need more space for growing so hoping to fix that soon. I would just buy an 8x4' tent but only have 77.5" clearance and most tents that size are 80" tall. VivoSun makes one shorter but it has a hip-roof design I'm not crazy about.

It's not hard to deal with boys to collect pollen and just pollinate a few buds on a branch so you don't use a whole plant for seeds unless you want to. I've been pollen chucking for 20 years now.

Not like it's free money but nice to have something for backup in an emergency. Furnace is 32 years old, whole water system could use replacing etc etc. 5 years ago I couldn't have borrowed a nickle from any bank.

I like packing my little camera with me in case I see anything worth shooting. Old barns and farm buildings, sunsets, various animals, fish when I catch one but northern pike are ugly critters. Pretty much anything that makes a good pic.

Did some research last night and I need to find me a Canon mirrorless digital camera and get an adaptor to use my lenses with it. Not sure of the model yet but will soon find out then start looking for a used one I can get fairly cheap. Shouldn't cost me more than $500 or a bit more to go digital. Everything will have to be done manually but that's the way I did most of my photography so no biggy. I have hundreds of photos and need to scan them all and title them with relevant info so my kids and grandkids know when and where they were taken. Need to print out some of the digital photos I have now so I can put some up on the walls around here.

Family record breaking 21.5" rainbow trout I caught on that spin rod on a little Vibrax spinner at our family cabin last fall. 50 years ago my oldest little sister got a skinny spawner that was 18" and she crowed about that ever since. Unfortunately she passed March 2020 from ovarian cancer so all I could do is wave it in the air and say, Told ya I'd beat ya eventually! :D

My grandpa's old fiberglass fly rod at the bottom I try to get a fish on every year. Got a couple on that trip but not worth taking pics of. 12" if that.

View attachment 2570524

Im a little liquidy in the eyeballs afetr reading this wonderful post.
Its like a "River Runs Through It" but with weed too and better ending :green_heart: :love:🥲:yummy::thanks:
Im a lucky ducky!
Yes you are!
They might! I was like "dont bother with the bro science bs forums and sites!" and to come here. The depth of techniques, products and genetics that are documented here accompanied by so many sage voices regarding personal grows and plant knowledge is unbeatable. Comparatively less toxic than most sites too.
I saw an ad for it somewhere while researching and never clicked it but meant to check on it. I have a lot of interest in freeze driers as a method of food conservation for all the ugly food that gets thrown out still/deep discounted etc.
I just looked them up. I have so many things on my wish list. Busy before this is an air oven for some crumble
They have a massive electric draw and need vigilant maintenance.
It'd be so cool to set up renewable energy source(s) and run it completely off of that.
You know what I have to say to my energy suppliers when they send me stuff like this


I say, I am making GREAT IF NOT FANTASTIC use of my electricity use, thank you very much! I'd love to add on another appliance!
Even more so if the mods that this company did to their freeze driers actually come close to working as advertised.
As if
Coral structuring might be on us to investigate and document, find out how much of a thing it is!
It's a beachy thang..maybe it's the salt in the air
Good thing you're such a waterbaby! Lol, if you'd been a desert loving dweller I may have called you a trichy puma or something without thinking :rofl:
Bahahahaha trichy puma! That was my spirit animal one of my last grows until @Nine Toed Hippie told me to be an Ocelot and it was then I was a stoned ocelot
Excellent start to the Stooges Krissi! And I know it may be a while but I'm looking forward to seeing you with a greenhouse full of plants (as long as they're all in one journal ;) )! I hope I'm still here to see it.
Hi Shed! Thank you so so much! I hope that I can achieve retirement status and be able to deliver for the both of us in due time!
Maybe you can buy some of your stuff back!
Can I buy stuff from someone :rofl: I mean shoot
I've still got an AE-1 body along with a Nikon F3 and FG from the early 80s. Haven't touched them since 1999 or so when point and shoot digital came out. 🤷‍♂️
That's like the one in Pretty Woman!
I Love that Pollen collection, that's quite the bit of work that you've put in.
That is AMAZING @OldMedUser, WOW!
They would have to run a DNA test on the pollen to prove what it is! Could be any kind. :thumb:
Hahaha! And send me the labs!
I ain't worried about that
Also Krissi, I'm sorry to have hijacked your journal a bit on this curiosity.
You all know, talk and converse away!
I did regular unsalted butter once then tried coconut oil and liked that better. MCT oil is really good and supposed to extract better than most as well. Cost quite a bit more tho but stays liquid at room temp and has almost zero taste.
Absolutely going to try soon!
I may have to push a little harder to get some help from the wife and her daughter. I'd like to train my step-daughter up enough to take care of the plants if I go anywhere for any length of time.
If she is willing she will be able! Plus, she has a guru with you!
When I go out to BC I usually go around the middle of Oct for 4 - 6 weeks. That's coho salmon season out in the Fraser Valley so I can get lots of fishing in with my son while I'm there. My cousin Bob over on Vancouver Island wants me to go over there next time I come out but that's as much a journey as getting out to the valley to visit mom and other family. Long drive to the ferry terminal at Horseshoe Bay then an expensive 2 hour trip across to Naniamo and an even longer drive up the island to Campbell River. Salmon capitol of the world tho and he's as much a fishing nut as I am so would be fun. Still want to move there so I can have a few golden years in my retirement.
Love fishing. Love crabbing. Love fishing shows. Love crabbing shows. Love the water. Mermaid status. Take me to the fish! I also wish I had someone to tend to the girls so I could go on vacation!
I also need more space for growing so hoping to fix that soon. I would just buy an 8x4' tent but only have 77.5" clearance and most tents that size are 80" tall. VivoSun makes one shorter but it has a hip-roof design I'm not crazy about.
Hip? Like the house design?
It's not hard to deal with boys to collect pollen and just pollinate a few buds on a branch so you don't use a whole plant for seeds unless you want to. I've been pollen chucking for 20 years now.
I would be concerned I would fail at this. Is it easily done? The single branch pollination?
Not like it's free money but nice to have something for backup in an emergency. Furnace is 32 years old, whole water system could use replacing etc etc. 5 years ago I couldn't have borrowed a nickle from any bank.
I hear you, we need a few things remodeled, too. Really want to convert the house from its now oil heat
I like packing my little camera with me in case I see anything worth shooting. Old barns and farm buildings, sunsets, various animals, fish when I catch one but northern pike are ugly critters. Pretty much anything that makes a good pic.
That's a photographer at heart right there. I do the same.
Did some research last night and I need to find me a Canon mirrorless digital camera and get an adaptor to use my lenses with it. Not sure of the model yet but will soon find out then start looking for a used one I can get fairly cheap. Shouldn't cost me more than $500 or a bit more to go digital. Everything will have to be done manually but that's the way I did most of my photography so no biggy. I have hundreds of photos and need to scan them all and title them with relevant info so my kids and grandkids know when and where they were taken. Need to print out some of the digital photos I have now so I can put some up on the walls around here.
And post the pics here, or a couple at least for us!
Family record breaking 21.5" rainbow trout I caught on that spin rod on a little Vibrax spinner at our family cabin last fall. 50 years ago my oldest little sister got a skinny spawner that was 18" and she crowed about that ever since. Unfortunately she passed March 2020 from ovarian cancer so all I could do is wave it in the air and say, Told ya I'd beat ya eventually! :D

My grandpa's old fiberglass fly rod at the bottom I try to get a fish on every year. Got a couple on that trip but not worth taking pics of. 12" if that.

View attachment 2570524

Ooh yum! Such good flavor in those trout! Reminds me of watching Life Below Zero, I would be thrilled to catch a few of those on a line!
Im a little liquidy in the eyeballs afetr reading this wonderful post.
Its like a "River Runs Through It" but with weed too and better ending :green_heart: :love:🥲:yummy::thanks:
Right? Me too!! :yummy::circle-of-love:

Day 8 since sprout so Day 9?

Everyone is golden except Mo almost looks like she has N overkill with her very tips pointing down. I don't know how that could be though as they've all been tended to the same. Thoughts? Coloring seems fine. Idk...


Curly as she should be is getting bigger, being the auto in the bunch and an Indica at that. She does have a bizarre color to her but seems happy as can be.

Larry is the normal one in the bunch. Thirds coming in on all.

Humidity 65%

Soon to the 3gl water reserve pots they will go!

PPFD at 285

Fa la la la la la la la la laaaaaa

Christmas presents this year!
The girls look happy to be alive.... Good job plant mama 😁.

And little curly has some pretty color to her.... Not sure if it's just the photos but I likey that one.
Oopsie. You were on the other page my growmie and I hit quote but???

Thank you from this plant Mama. Curly is unique as I just mentioned idk where your quote went like I said...sorry my brother.

Hope all is well in your land. Have to catch up one of these days. Yard sale tomorrow, making some freezer hash with an iron Sunday jarred up Pepe today started shaking off the kief for the hash and I'm like so behind lol
My guess is light sensitivity if it's not overwatered.
Appreciate that Shed, I moved her back some to 225 PPFD and we will see how she responds.

I had just sprayed them all in the pics that I specifically pointed out her curling so I don't think it is that, I hope not, I've kept them all pretty light.

But let's see what this does for her better safe than sorry and we know I don't like sorry lol

My guess is light sensitivity if it's not overwatered.

Dammit, that is what I get for not getting to class on time. I had the same thought but backward. Thinking a touch of overwater and the roots were needing a bit of oxygen.

Anyway, no star for me. Not that I am butthurt or anything……..

Krissi they are well cared for you doting mom you!

I am SO jealous!!!

Hopefully they check us out. I hear too many people talking about Reddit and all these other grow forums and they just do not do for the grower what :420: does. Nowhere near the mountains of information accessible here and user friendly. And speaking of friendly, you won't find a more helpful and pleasant bunch than the friends here!

Whaaaat? I have never heard of that, looking up that and coral squiggles now...hopefully I find information on 1 of the 2!

Same to you. Thanks so much. I laughed out loud and blushed I think at trichy mermaid lmao

Right now just butter, going to do coconut soon. My cousin uses that oil for gummies she makes

That is impressive!

I loved it all until this last line lol that sounds so terribly morbid! Just plant more! If you can of course or can find help to aid you in caring for all of them!

I say when I retire and have more land I will grow outdoors and in a greenhouse AND try to make some strains and cross pollinate but for now the thought of a boy near my girls scares the poop out of me!

WOOT!!! 5gs, that will get you a good start, huh? What do you like to photograph? Other than the plants of course?

Here's the littles 6 days from sprout!

Loving life under the @Mars Hydro SP3000
Set at around 40%, 275 PPFD






There so precious at that age lol looking happy 👀
Dammit, that is what I get for not getting to class on time. I had the same thought but backward. Thinking a touch of overwater and the roots were needing a bit of oxygen.
We are going to do both today SG!
Anyway, no star for me. Not that I am butthurt or anything……..
You get a gold star too, we will do a dry day and keep her away from the heavier light so you both get stars! :thanks:
Krissi they are well cared for you doting mom you!

Thank you!
We're in agreement SG! Overwatering could make the leaves do that, but in case it doesn't have wet feet I wanted to mention the possibility that the light was too strong.
Shed knows all! I let the humidity drop a little overnight to help use up some of the extra water if she has some :thanks:
There so precious at that age lol looking happy 👀
They are so darn cute! :circle-of-love:

She seems a little less pointy this morning.

Don't worry Mo, Mama will make sure you're OK!




I’m very excited for them to grow, I have zero patience these days. I’m like “where’s the trichs” on every post now.

Lol they’re looking absolutely beautiful and I’m sure they’re all going to grow up and make you proud !
I’m very excited for them to grow, I have zero patience these days. I’m like “where’s the trichs” on every post now.
But this stage is so darn cute!

I do dream of when they get big though and turn into big girl status like their sisters from other misters in the 4 x 4 now!

Because mermaid trichies rule!


Lol they’re looking absolutely beautiful and I’m sure they’re all going to grow up and make you proud !
Thanks so much, I know they will!


Moving to their 1st big pot-3gl for all 3!


The photos will move into 5gl before flower and the auto will have this new pot as her forever home! Here are the mix-ins!


Here are the girls...

Mo keeping her lighter, new leaves seem fine, just those 1st trues are tucked some still


Larry has 1 line on a leaf but looks stellar..do you see it?


Curly still has that weird color, thinking the up pot and soil amendments will alleviate any nutrient issues if there is one cause she seems hungry to me in some pics (lighting in that right corner is different than the rest of the tent though-maybe a shadow of something.

They said this Deelite is a big auto, up to 47 inches. The way my grows have been, watch her be as tall as her photo sisters


And that's all for now. Yard sale in a half hour again then up pot then making some iron resin hash from my frozen hermied Gelato from last year.


Busy day!

Have a great one!
I didn't get a chance to up pot yesterday! I was so tired I fell asleep on the couch with a glass of milk in my hand.
From cooking to cleaning to yard sales to organizing the attic, making hash and everything else...phew!! So tired in fact, I
didn't even check the dehumidifer or humidiifer water. This weekend got me! But now it is Monday....

What's that I said? I made hash? Yep with trim bestie! She came over and we got a bunch of strips done



I'm going to do the transfer deed in a few minutes and I'll post pics later of how they're doing tonight. One last set of quick pics in the seedling pots at 10 days above

Check in later!





But this stage is so darn cute!

I do dream of when they get big though and turn into big girl status like their sisters from other misters in the 4 x 4 now!

Because mermaid trichies rule!

Ya know, youre right... theyre adorable when theyre like this and just going grow grow grow biiiig!
But also yes.... They do!! You rule! Sieze your powah!!

This is the kind of bud I need in my life always now.

Allllllllll of them!!!

Thanks so much, I know they will!
:cheer: :surf: :thumb:

Moving to their 1st big pot-3gl for all 3!


The photos will move into 5gl before flower and the auto will have this new pot as her forever home! Here are the mix-ins!


Here are the girls...

Mo keeping her lighter, new leaves seem fine, just those 1st trues are tucked some still


Larry has 1 line on a leaf but looks stellar..do you see it?


Curly still has that weird color, thinking the up pot and soil amendments will alleviate any nutrient issues if there is one cause she seems hungry to me in some pics (lighting in that right corner is different than the rest of the tent though-maybe a shadow of something.

They said this Deelite is a big auto, up to 47 inches. The way my grows have been, watch her be as tall as her photo sisters


And that's all for now. Yard sale in a half hour again then up pot then making some iron resin hash from my frozen hermied Gelato from last year.


Busy day!

Have a great one!
A bunch of sisters! Here we grow!
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