try the buckets in the future as well. the buckets give the plant roots somewhere to go. without them all you've got is a block of rockwool and the res with a layer of hydroton between. you'll get better production giving the roots a home.
if you run clones in the future you won't even need the rockwool. you could actually start seed in a plug and go straight to hydroton if you want.
it's the number one issue with many pre-built turn key systems. a proper sized res will help keep many other issues in check.
plants don't regulate ph. they can't. it's the soil or media which regulates ph. you are using media which will not, so it's up to you to constantly monitor and correct.
check any youtube blather about these systems. not one will tell you to not worry about ph. in fact all of them will recommend constant monitoring. minimum once a day. more often if needed.
it's the nute system that is trying to sell you on the idea of not needing ph. very few will live up to those claims in practice. the safe bet is to stick with hydro rules until such a time you are comfortable enough to relax them on your own to see. you have to be the one in control. not the nute bottle.