What is an idiot proof way to germinate seeds?

I used to sandwich technique. I wet soil half-inch thick in a sealable bowl I place my seeds on top of the wet soil. I cover the soil with a dry mix a quarter inch. I seal the bowl for 24 hours. I didn't open the bowl and let the lid rest on the top for small amount of air circulation. Over the next 10 days your seeds will start to pop. Keep an eye on us soil so that it does not dry out. I use water sensitive soil that will go from light brown the dark brown water. At this point is very important to give them a little water so I use a measuring spoon and I give him a half teaspoon at the base on the seedling as needed. If you're using soil that is water sensitive it will go from a light brown to a dark brown with water. So when it goes to light brown water.
If you read this post for some unknown reason the auto print change put don't open. this is wrong you need to open it.
OK bro.....here's the straight dope, no BS.

The seed needs to crack open in the dark, which means it needs to be under dirt, coco, vermiculite, in a rapid rooter plug....somewhere where it will not be exposed to light. Amongst botanists and professionals there is no debate....due to gravitropism and phototropism, not to mention the fact that roots aren't supposed to be above ground....seeds are supposed to be PLANTED when they sprout, if you want healthy plants.

There needs to be bright light to greet them the moment they break ground.....really bright light. I put a 40,000 Lumen 8 bulb T5 an inch over the emerging seedlings.

Then there is the issue of humidity:

Please don't trap humidity with your seedlings! Clones are what needs humidity, because they don't have roots. A seedling has plenty of roots by the time you see it. The humidity accomplishes nothing but stunting root growth, stressing the plant and very possibly starting a fungus problem, like damping off, or powdery mildew.

Stress on seedlings favors males! Here's a recipe for males:

1.)Any kind of stress. Sprout the seeds in a paper towel, then drop and injure them as you try to put the emerging radicle in dirt.
2.)High humidity...put a dome over your babies and they turn into big strong boys
3.)Low light. Let 'em stretch, that stresses 'em out and you'll most likely get boys

If you want females:

Minimize all aspects of stress during the first 3 days of the seedlings life

1.)Put the seed in some medium where it is dark, even with bright light shining on it. Dirt or rooter plugs work well, rockwool too. Make sure the medium is moist, not drenched. It needs to stay moist, so you might need to spray it or use a small dropper if the medium dries out. If using soil or a plug, one initial watering outa do the job.
2.)Keep the temp at a constant 72 once you see the seedling emerge. You will see faster sprouting if the temp is warmer, but lower temps favor females!
3.)Keep the humidity at around 60%.
4.)Make sure there is a source of nitrogen for the emerging seedling. Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil, amended with perlite will have enough nitrogen. Higher nitrogen favors females.
5.)High light levels, especially in the blue spectrum favors females. Place your CFL's, or T5's an inch---no more than 3 inches----above the emerging seedling. They LOVE this.
HID's work well too, but you don't want to overheat (stress) the seedlings, so I prefer T5's or CFL's in the blue (veg) spectrum.

People will do what they want and I respect anyone who is germinating Cannabis seeds, regardless of the method they use. The above method is a no BS, reliable scientific way of germinating seeds. It works.
Really good stuff dude .
cannonball are probably healthy and should be germinated."
...UGH ..really???
SEEDS HAVE A WAXY PROTECTIVE LAYER ..its why they resist being wetted and require 14 hours to absorb moisture to germinate..if a seed sinks to the bottom right away..its more likely already moisture logged and or the waxy film is not intact..ie an older seed or stored improperly..i always expect my seeds to float ..when germinating dont go past 14 hours in the glass of water..its risky and serves no purpose..the seed can have enough moisture and still float..dont over wet the seeds..it can cause them to rot..seen it. Royal Queen Seeds please stop saying things that make no sense!
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I have to agree with ya on that. Soaking seeds is generally a way to get seeds going a little faster sometimes but can be critical to harming ( drowning ) the seeds. If a seed floats has no bearing on if its good or not. Some float and some hit bottom right away. I have used this method a few times and after popping several hundred ( yes hundred) seeds I can say that its hard to tell if its good or bad by if its floating or ot. Generally a floating seed is better than a seed that hits bottom right away. But better off just put them little ones in some lightly damp paper towel in a warm but not hot area with a dark environment and wait. Usually in 24_48 hrs. most seeds will pop open on their own. I have had them literally grow right out of the shell and have their first little leaves forming. Hope this helps some of you.

I just use folded toilet paper or paper towels in a saucer with enough tap water to cover the paper. I put the seeds in the middle of the folded tp and place the dish on a window sill. The seeds will germinate in 24-72 hours. Nothing fancy. No nutes or hormones. No warming pads or anything. Sometimes I use rain water if I have the opportunity.
Out of personal preference I dont use tp or paper towels with any prints or dyes.

First timer here. I've tried damp paper towels below and above my seeds, on a saucer, then covered with a second saucer. But doesn't seem to be working. Would it be worth trying your technique with the same seeds or have I broken them?? 🤪
well most likely and old and trusty paper towels, or just placing the seeds in the moist but not wet soil sharp edge down and that's it? If the seeds are good they will germinate
First timer here. I've tried damp paper towels below and above my seeds, on a saucer, then covered with a second saucer. But doesn't seem to be working. Would it be worth trying your technique with the same seeds or have I broken them?? 🤪

it helps to have a little heat source under them.
i germinate wet paper towel method, sandwiched between two plates, on a shelf above my stereo amp.


the amp provides a weak heat source helping germination. you don't want it too hot as it will cook the seeds. there are specialized seedling heat mats folk use this way as well.

i soak the paper towel in a little RO water with some weak calmag. the RO is optional, tap water will work just as well.


older seeds will take longer to pop. avg is 24 - 36 hrs, many go in as little as 12. if they haven't popped in 48 i get nervous. the ones in the pic are at 18hrs in.

the paper towel in the pic is a crapdonalds serviette i had lying around. nothing special. i do like using a brown paper towel as they are unbleached, but really any will do.
toilet paper is a bit too soft, the tap root can dig in, and you'll damage it removing the sprout to plant, killing the sprout or severely stunting development.

edit : make sure to periodically check the paper towel to ensure it does not dry out.
Prior to my using a vertical germinator, I used the paper towel method with great success.

I use the crappiest paper towels I can find. Usually at the Dollar General or whatever. Unbleached is even better.

I'll wet the paper towel and then hang it on a line for a little while to let the excess water drain off leaving a wettish/damp towel. Too wet and I've noticed that the tap doesn't grow quite as fast. I place the seeds in the towel and fold over the other side to cover the seeds. I fold up the towel so that it can fit in a ziploc sandwich bag and then place the bag in a cupboard. After a few days the seeds usually sprout although I've had seeds sprout within 24hrs. The ziploc keeps the paper towel damp so no need to have to rewet it. It should stay wet for around a week to 10 days depending on how many times you open the bag.

Sometimes the tap will grow so fast that it'll start shooting secondary roots into the towel. I just tear away wherever there aren't any root and plant the rest. The paper towel will break down over time.
All I do is wet the soil plant the seed about 3/8 of an inch .if you look at the seed it has an indent plant that down cover with a dome keep moist and in 3. To 4 days the bean will pop .I've done it a few ways but this works the best for me if the shell get stuck a little water will loosing up the shell hope this helps
Get a jar about 500 ml and some distilled water. Fill jar with the distilled water and add a drop of Superthrive and a few drops of rooting hormone. Shake jar vigorously for 5 mins to mix and aerate solution. Insert your seeds, all will float for the first 1-3 hours and then they will start to sink. If some seeds keep floating shake jar slightly to cause them to sink and keep the jar in a warm a place 78f-86F. Check seeds every 3-6 hours. When the seeds crack open and small taproot is visible plant the cracked seeds in preferred moisten medium 1/8"-1/4" deep. Place the containers with the seeds into a plastic bag to keep the humidity levels up keep in a warm area 78 f - 86 F. When sprouts break surface of soil remove from bag place under main growing light.

Author: Tick
Put your seed in your soil 1/4to 3/8 depth water morning and evening any good seed will pop up3to4 days Rebecca here pop in 2days 28 of June.

I've never had any problems germinating seeds until now. I have regular Master Kush seeds that came with some dispensary bud that have been very difficult to germinate. This is my third try, the last two failed. I've never had any failures with seeds from Nirvana and Seedsman, but the bag seeds have been a challenge.

My technique: Temps at around 72-74 degrees (using a internet router to slightly warm the plates)

1. Glass of distilled water, soak seeds for 6-12 hours (looking for them to sink)
2. Transfer pre-soaked seeds to a moist paper towel-- No plastic bag, using two plates stacked. (on a internet router)
3. Wait for tail to pop out from seed.... In this case 7-10 days and no tail? (replacing paper towels every 3 days or so)
4. Move to Pete pellet, 1/64 tsp of great white added to the Pete pellet hole.

So, I went through five seeds no luck waiting more than a week of more before tossing them into the trash.

Instead of tossing these away again, I tried a little trick.

I took the stubborn seeds and a piece of sandpaper and sanded the seeds thoroughly, scuffing the outer shell. One day later, tails popped ! So, if all else fails, a little sandpaper seems to work very well !

Now lets just hope these seeds aren't a sign that the genetics are prone to Hermies. I am aware of this, but hey, the seeds were free... I'm just experimenting at this point and learning with free seeds. (fingers crossed I get a female this time)
I use a similar method to the paper towels, but use cotton pads instead (i snag them from my wifes makeup stuff!) Anyway I soak for at least 24 hours in labeled cups so I know what I am planting. After 24 hours I place the seeds between 2 cotton pads, which I pre sprayed lightly with distilled water nothing else. I place these in a baggie spray moistened seal an put into a small cardboard box and close it. This can sit in a warm area. Usually within a 24 hour period i have an inch long tap root. I then place the seed root down into a pre-dug holed about 1/4 inch or long enough for the tap root to go down peat pod that was soaked and wrung out so it is just damp. I cover with a baggie or dome, up to you and spray the inside to add humidity. I leave them in this with a small table top grow light for about 3 days, allowing fresh air in once I see the first set of leaves, I may also spray lightly with water just the area around the stem (very little moisture). Then transplant after a week or two to the main pot or larger again up to you. So far so good.
I use a similar method to the paper towels, but use cotton pads instead (i snag them from my wifes makeup stuff!) Anyway I soak for at least 24 hours in labeled cups so I know what I am planting. After 24 hours I place the seeds between 2 cotton pads, which I pre sprayed lightly with distilled water nothing else. I place these in a baggie spray moistened seal an put into a small cardboard box and close it. This can sit in a warm area. Usually within a 24 hour period i have an inch long tap root. I then place the seed root down into a pre-dug holed about 1/4 inch or long enough for the tap root to go down peat pod that was soaked and wrung out so it is just damp. I cover with a baggie or dome, up to you and spray the inside to add humidity. I leave them in this with a small table top grow light for about 3 days, allowing fresh air in once I see the first set of leaves, I may also spray lightly with water just the area around the stem (very little moisture). Then transplant after a week or two to the main pot or larger again up to you. So far so good.
Put paper towel and a Ziploc plastic container with lid. Saturate paper towel with water place cannabis seeds on paper towel. Cover with another paper towel saturated put the cover on it put it in the dark warm no light necessary. Uncle Jimmy
PS 2 to 5 days till they sprout.
I use a similar method to the paper towels, but use cotton pads instead (i snag them from my wifes makeup stuff!) Anyway I soak for at least 24 hours in labeled cups so I know what I am planting. After 24 hours I place the seeds between 2 cotton pads, which I pre sprayed lightly with distilled water nothing else. I place these in a baggie spray moistened seal an put into a small cardboard box and close it. This can sit in a warm area. Usually within a 24 hour period i have an inch long tap root. I then place the seed root down into a pre-dug holed about 1/4 inch or long enough for the tap root to go down peat pod that was soaked and wrung out so it is just damp. I cover with a baggie or dome, up to you and spray the inside to add humidity. I leave them in this with a small table top grow light for about 3 days, allowing fresh air in once I see the first set of leaves, I may also spray lightly with water just the area around the stem (very little moisture). Then transplant after a week or two to the main pot or larger again up to you. So far so good.
I like to catch them when they open less chance of damage.Happy growing
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