How do I germinate seeds?

I myself personally throw my seeds in the growing medium root tip facing down, I grow hydro with hydroton clay pebbles, I very carefully place the seeds just above the water line and leave them be, after 2 weeks I have my first set of leaves, I’ve had a 100% germination rate with this method soo far

in rock wool right? it sounds like you just put the seed in the clay pebbles.
Heyy gang i have 5 plants, 3 outsiders planted in december, wich brings me here, since they are looking fat and ready for a "prune"? harvest? Any good guide on it? Im totally rookie about that..
And another 2 insiders also december 2 weeks later i think, but this last month i wasnt home so they didnt had any light, so i guess it will take them more time? Ty for all help again!


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in rock wool right? it sounds like you just put the seed in the clay pebbles.
Don’t know why I never saw this earlier, but no I don’t use rock wool at all, I do actually place the seed in the clay pebbles, I fill my net pots with pebbles till all holes are covered completely, then I fill the system with water to determine how deep I’m going to place the seeds, then I shuffle some pebbles around to make a pocket just barely above the water line with the air pump off, and I use 3 tiny pebbles to make a tray for the seed to sit on then gently place a couple pebbles on top to hold it in place.. To date, I have had a 100% germination rate with this method, and as your plant gets taller fill the pebbles in the rest of the way to support the plant
Heyy gang i have 5 plants, 3 outsiders planted in december, wich brings me here, since they are looking fat and ready for a "prune"? harvest? Any good guide on it? Im totally rookie about that..
And another 2 insiders also december 2 weeks later i think, but this last month i wasnt home so they didnt had any light, so i guess it will take them more time? Ty for all help again!
Many growers like to defoliate around day 21 or so of flower and then again around day 42, or weeks 3 and 6, taking off lower branches that don’t receive much light or areas that are producing wimpy buds compared to the rest, not so much an issue for outdoor growers that grow in fields, you’ll get a feel for what your plant needs over time, and if your able to rotate your plant to allow light to hit all areas for the same amount of time you can get away with cutting less off the plant
My question is after the tap root emerges I will be putting them in a greenhouse. Won't they stretch to get close to the light source (the sun)

err, well yes. once they emerge from the soil with the cotyledons.
I use paper towel , it soak seeds in cup of water and .5 tsp of hydrogen peroxide for 24 hours. Your seeds will come open after that period. Drain water through strainer, making sure not to lose seed. Take squirt bottle and wet towel a little, I prefer Viva towels. Fold twice. Place in plastic baggie another 24 hours. You open that up and you will have about a 1 inch tap root.plant with root down in same plastic cup with grow medium. I like to use a little starter first water. Don’t forget to use a lighter and burn 4 small holes in bottom of cup before you put you grow medium in the cup. Take that squirt bottle, spray inside of same plastic bag. Place that bag over the cup. 24 hours later you will have a sprout about a inch tall.
You may have found your answer, but you want light and warmth. The light should be on 24/0, and the area should be warm too.
What I mean by I put my seeds in I meant to say there was not tap root I just threw them in the jiffy pods and waiting for them to pop
I have 8 seeds planted in Jiffy pellets right now. I planted them last friday so I am coming up on 61 hours now. No sign of anything yet. Is this normal? The pods were barely damp so I gave them a little water and they seemed to have been very wet so I set them on a paper towel for a couple minutes to draw a little water out. They seem good and moist now.
Since I started growing I have been most successful using the paper towel method. I actually let the seed sit in ph’d water & kelp for 18hrs or until it sinks. I toss It in a wet paper towel within a few days you will see the amazing root growth.
Cup of water in a dark derawer until tap roots show, or longer, has not failed me yet. Really no need to go to more elaborate lengths to get seeds to germinate. I call this method either darkwater germination or "Two Seeds, One Cup"
Just a couple of corrections.
No need too keep them in the dark until the seeds crack. This is because roots have photoreceptors able to see light and thy don't like it. NASA discovered this when they developed aeroponics. To see which are viaable the fastest way is simply to put them in a glass of water and wait for the seeds to crack. Takes 18-36 hours. Basicallythe seed is waiting to absorb enough moisture to soften the outside shell and there's no reason to do that slowly.

And 2 you don't need intense light you just need Blue light. So 400-500nm so the sprout doesn't think it's still under ground. A plant determines which way to grow through the ratio of infrared to Blue light it is receiving. Experiments have shown a sprout will continue to stretch producing 0 nodes if given only red light.

Personally I just Doak my seeds for 40minutes in a glass of tap water sticking in the ground pointy side down. If you having problems with sprouts falling over just stick them close to your light, remember they can take the 2000 PPFD of the sun and they will HTFU

Also I've had maybe... 3 seeds ever not germinate on me and I couldn't tell you how many seeds have germinated at least 100
Considering the cool name I coined for the technique, I now have to continue with Darkwater Germination as my preferred technique. :) It is working for me, after all.
Maybe it's just the strain, but my Durban Poison seeds took what seemed like forever and then they had that weird leaf configuration, that freaked me out.......but you should see those babies now. I think that the old adage "patience is it's own reward" applies here. If the taproot doesn't appear in a few days add a few more seeds to whatever you're using to germinate and keep on truckin'. I've heard of using a small knife (exacto/razor blade) to score the seeds on the seam of the seed to weaken the hull and allow the taproot to push through the seed hull and start to grow
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