What brand nutes do you use? Does the labels give a guaranteed analysis of elements? If yes, I made a tutorial to use Hydro Buddy that would enable you to take the information from those bottles and save the elemental compositions into a database that you could then use to plot out what your ppm is for each element. You could then use that information to make more informed decisions when augmenting the feed to better suit what your eyes see from your plants. Like for instance, you possibly wanting more calcium. If for instance your calcium compared to your K and ammonical N is low, you could squeeze more Ca from the bottles. The good thing about Hydro Buddy is that you have 2 approaches. You can tell the app how much from each bottle will be used like from a feed chart, and the app will tell you how much of each elemental PPM is contained. The other approach is that you can adjust individual elements and the app will tweak the doses from each bottle so you can closer achieve your elemental targets.