Welcome To The Table Mountain Sativa Spectacular

Sweet, what sort of experience do they look for in such a job?
At least 15 years experience and very sound knowledge of breeding, proven ability to problem solve and diagnose issues. Farming experience on a large scale (any crops) and the right connections :) in-depth knowledge of chemistry,extractions and infusions for medical purposes.
How is lock down going your side Nooby?
Nice to hear, ops around here seem to be willing to hire anyone who knows what a weed plant looks like.

Things going fine for me, I'm a hermit anyways so the lockdown is pretty much the norm. Work wise my stuff is online and from overseas companies so was a brief slow down but its picking up now. Wish it was like that for the rest of the peeps around here.
My only "complaint" would be the deader than usual post office...and lack of international travel. Got about 20+ packs of seeds waiting to be grown but cant get them into the country :(
thats lucky for you man. Glad you are still ok. Businesses are tanking hard everywhere. going to take years for people to get out of the weeds financially after this. Think the post office is supposed to open in June... I recall seeing it somewhere.
Yup, never thought I'd start sounding like a hippy socialist but clearly this capitalistic BS system we using doesnt work for shit. How kak is your system when 2 months of slowdown breaks everything, yet rich guys are still making billions? Meanwhile almost everyone is fighting over how many lives we should sacrifice for the "economy" instead of fighting over which obscenely rich fuckfaces' money we should be taking.

And I'm sure the backlog at the PO will be even worse than with the strike before.
I'm awaiting the good news :popcorn:

The experience seems actually what it supposed to be hey. I can imagine they would want someone so experienced! Super stoked for you man!
And also out of curiosity, are there labs in Cape Town area now that they can work with? Are they doing any early veg stage testing for sex and thc / cdb levels?
Not sure yet. There are labs opening here though and some stellenbosch way as well.
Not sure yet. There are labs opening here though and some stellenbosch way as well.
Ok, yeah there's labs that test for thc / cbd and terp profile now but havent seen anything on sex testing. Or anything on testing seedlings for thc / cdb content. I see sap analysis is also starting in the states.
You know anything on the rates for soil testing? Wouldn't mind getting my own soil tested, see how far off the mix is. And would be nice to be able to identify beneficial microbes under a microscope too, makes sure the teas / extracts are on point and not a bucket full of pathogens
Hello Mr Lerugged. Been a while. Hope all is well your side. We seem to be having a huge rise in cases but still see people going about as if nothing is happening.

Can't wait to see those beans you drop this year. It's hot by me already but the night Temps are still a problem. I feel this summer will be a hot one. Bigger plants for you!
Have a great day!
Hi LR, I haven't been by in months and I thought I would look your journal up. Brilliant news about the possible job! Greetings all.
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