Welcome To The Table Mountain Sativa Spectacular

A few better pics while kids are chilled



Miss Sticky
I love those shots did you name miss sticky because she looks awful sticky shes got some fat trichs on her I would love to be turned loose with my camera I could spend a couple hours out there getting choice sun pics looking nice lr! :)
Yes that's exactly why I've named her that. She is already sticky and still some weeks out . Smelling spicy and manky already . Wish I had more time then I'd take some proper pics with my camera
Wooo! Lerugged they're getting tasty looking! What kind of time is there left do you figure?
Thanks SO.
They are definitely getting there. One I'll harvest tomorrow (tester LC-18) the other tester at least 2 weeks but she is really frosty already . Miss Sticky probably another 3 weeks and the double durbs probably another month. The big LC-18 also about 4 weeks out and the transkei most likely 6 weeks still. So a bit of a stagger which suites me fine trim wise. Can smell the deck from downstairs now. Delicious indeed. Hope you are safe friend and keeping to yourselves .
Have a great weekend .
So not much to report. All is good here and everyone's healthy. Just watched oldest perform a concert to Alice in Chain's would and rooster . Haha. Fired up a sample LC18 tester nug in the bong. Soaring but clean like miss sticky.

Other than that just feeding and cleaning up shit. :) its been intense family time for two weeks and it's been pretty good so far. Can't work as schools are closed and deliveries are not allowed either and the people that come to my events are not the type that want to socialise during a pandemic so all three business are in neutral. We sent out Nanny home to be with her young daughter with as much groceries as she could carry home. Now that this is going to go pretty dark soon I wish I could find a way to bring her and her daughter here to live. She has a house but lives in an area called Delft which is one of the murder capitals of south africa.

Anyways those are things from my privileged perspective. My best vibes for those in a less fortunate position.

Happy day 5.
Flowers to follow later
That's a wonderful thing you've done. I'm wondering how poor people are gonna cope with the lockdown in SA.
It's going to destroy wherever it spreads. The prez did the best thing by ordering the lockdown and was pretty quick. We are sitting at 4 dead.
Hopefully something can be done but with all the money stolen there is not much more to spread before holes Appear.

Our healthcare system is already a mess.

Gotta stay positive and do what we can to help without endangering yourself or others.
On a positive note, I've sparked one at 4:20 for three consecutive days. Haha
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