Welcome To The Table Mountain Sativa Spectacular

Speaking of flowers.... Here are some.
LC-18 testers


Miss Sticky
I am planning on popping next month....every time I cruise through here I start to drool :yummy: I still could fit one of these into the lineup if the universe permits!
Universe permitting. Fingers crossed .
I'm struggling to get the pics to load.. Knowing your garden I bet it is amazing as always. I want to come have a look again in a bit to see that magic!!

Otherwise brother you make some valid points about booze and events...

Hope all is well!
Those plants are crazy man, I'd love to have a few out door next season and hope they even look half as lekker as those :thumb:.

Well done on the event bro, stoked to hear it went off well! Glad to hear there are things of that sort around SA
Those plants are crazy man, I'd love to have a few out door next season and hope they even look half as lekker as those :thumb:.

Well done on the event bro, stoked to hear it went off well! Glad to hear there are things of that sort around SA
Thanks man. As far as I know there isn't anyone doing what I'm doing. I try Host one a month and then do a couple at private venues/ houses.
Beautiful as always Lerugged! How much season do you have left? Or is that relevant?
hey @stoneotter I recon I will be harvesting the smaller guys next month and the rest May to June. June is pretty much the end of the season until September. Ill be doing my preservation runs and other breeding in winter after June.
Yea your growing season is a dream come true
I love it. One of the reasons I won't be happy living in an area with less sun.
September can be a little early (flowering) but I use it to my advantage by planting Sept 1 and by Oct they are usually showing sex and by Mid Oct its plenty safe to plant outside here so they will reveg (if at all needed and not have too much delay . It doesn't always work out , if a specific pheno flowers earlier and quicker the reveg can take ages and mess your yield and quality quite drastically.
August is perfect for putting out cuttings though as there is plenty sun from Sept so the second half of flowering happens in spring. Those harvests are my favorite as the weather is cooler and flowers usually denser. Always nice to harvest decently twice a year. And one (small) harvest in winter I guess.
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