Welcome To Our New Sponsor GROWant

From a lamp that pulls 80 watts. Incredible
What is the difference between the pro model and the ones on amazon and eBay?

Or are they the same?


The PRO models are also sold on Amazon they are just out of stock right now. The Difference between the PRO and NON PRO models are: the Pro model allows you to control the spectrum of the light. Red,blue,white,UV,IR from 0-100%
The PRO model also allows you to program features like sunrise and sunset, cloud cover, and lightning strikes.
With our NON PRO model we dial the spectrum in already
That's why I wanted to do a test run on these lights . They are extremely similar especially in the hardware design and customization with spectrum control .
Keep me posted. Cuz I'm shopping new lights before the years out and I've got a short list that needs trimming.
I've been having great results with my lights . I'm not sure the results on these ones , I'm following a couple journals that are sponsored for now .

I'll PM you when I kick mine off. It'll include daily photos and any questions you may need answered. I'll also be having a vote as to which strain people want grown out of the 2 I selected. I'll veg both of them and 420mag will decide who gets flowered!!!
I'll PM you when I kick mine off. It'll include daily photos and any questions you may need answered. I'll also be having a vote as to which strain people want grown out of the 2 I selected. I'll veg both of them and 420mag will decide who gets flowered!!!

That's a great idea. Let the people vote on what strain to flower. .
I'll PM you when I kick mine off. It'll include daily photos and any questions you may need answered. I'll also be having a vote as to which strain people want grown out of the 2 I selected. I'll veg both of them and 420mag will decide who gets flowered!!!
I'll be subbing to that one. I'm very excited to see results of these lights.
Thats good. How many grows have u done with them? U had different lights before to compare results?
Used them for flower on my first grow , full cycle with the autos harvesting now . Ive started my Citral glue so far and I have 6 more autos that will be under them as well . I have 2 solar system 550s . 1 in each tent and third tent is the meizhi 1200
Used them for flower on my first grow , full cycle with the autos harvesting now . Ive started my Citral glue so far and I have 6 more autos that will be under them as well . I have 2 solar system 550s . 1 in each tent and third tent is the meizhi 1200
I love the lights but right now it's not in my budget for a single light. Otherwise i would have one of those suckers by now. They're supposed to be one of the best out but man are these other companies putting out some amazing lights in a hurry.
I'll be subbing to that one. I'm very excited to see results of these lights.

I have a mars 300w which is the direct competitor of my light. The second place plant will be flowered under my mars 300w in my 3x3. It won't be a one light vs another though because the second place plant will be vegged longer in a bigger pot to take clones from to replace my flowering plants in my 4x4. I will however know the comparison in bud quality between the two lights.

I'll say this now, my GROWant that I'm currently using in my 4x4 until my seeds come in is making the best looking buds in my tent.
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