Welcome To My New Journal - OMMSOG

OMM. Long time no speak. been very busy with school! but how ya been buddy? I can't believe the situation you are in with Jo. But shit happens. Its life, I see you are a VERY good man in the end. Everything you do is in good intentions(from what I can see) It will all come around keep on keeping on. Your a strong man I can see that. Nothing better than a wise man. I must keep the relations.

See you around OMM! :Namaste:
OMM. Long time no speak. been very busy with school! but how ya been buddy? I can't believe the situation you are in with Jo. But shit happens. Its life, I see you are a VERY good man in the end. Everything you do is in good intentions(from what I can see) It will all come around keep on keeping on. Your a strong man I can see that. Nothing better than a wise man. I must keep the relations.

See you around OMM! :Namaste:
well said d420 well said:)
Not me...I know everything was all their fault :angel:

Thats the difference between men and women! Women are always right!!! :rofl:
Wow, seems like you're trapped in hell with Jo. I don't see how this could be karma getting back at you. If anything you earned your wings and sainthood in my book. I couldn't be with someone and be miserable or not happy. Is Jo disabled that she can't make it on her own? It seems like she isn't doing anything for herself and even if her kids don't want to be bothered with her she should at least cut you some slack. I kinda feel for her but then again I don't like the way she seems to treat you.It feels like she totally takes you for granted. As my Mama use to say, even a dog is due respect! Not calling you a dog by any means but you get what I am saying, right?

Hi Queen! :love:

Let's start with something positive! Saw the Doctor today and NO! eye cancer! :cheer::cheer:

We both know I could just walk away and let the cards fall where they may, But, I would have no where to grown and I wouldn't do that to her to matter, she is a bit crazy.

No Jo is not able to work, so she can't survive on her own. Truthfully, I'm kinda wish I hadn't started talking about her. When I tell her story, it will probably blow you away. THsea knows her and what she does, he's seen her in action. At least I have someone around that knows what going on. :bravo:
OMM - Just had to post... sounds like we have alot in common. 2 Years ago I left a marriage that should never have been. I was with the guy for 9 years of hell. Sounds like your case... sometimes our own feelings tell us that we can adjust to anything. But in the end we are worse off. I also stayed with him because of his young daughter. Long story...We can not know all the baggage that goes along with an individual, the longer the relationship the more we find. It either rubs us the wrong way, or we overlook it, and somethings just can not be overlooked when the other side fails to respect us.

Hope all is well, cant wait for your new journal... I absolutely love all the comradeship that goes on here.

Still working on legal stuff, Interrogatories now, I'll be so glad when all this is over. I waist alot of my time (well sort of) but when you love your kids you'd do most anything to help them. This is a child custody matter. He found out 2 years ago he was a dad of a 2 year old, she is a 8x's Felon, abandoned the boy to her mom who raises him (not really they just let him run wild) for the last 4 years. It is a big mess, so I might be indisposed here and there. I am really going to enjoy "Kicking her ass in court", not directly me , but I am the one with the paperwork. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Hi seagem. :high-five:

You know, some how I had a feeling that you had been through something like this too. Maybe it's the way we look at life. I don't know. Glad you removed yourself from it. Brave thing to do. :bravo:

I love it! You are helping a child that really needs help...indirectly yes, but your helping. Please do kick her ass! Don't worry, we will be here!

I love the comradeship too.......next journal will continue it too! If I have my way. :thanks:
Great to hear the good news!
Too bad about Jo. I am sure it is bad if even THsea agrees, let alone her whole family. You do have a big heart to still care enough to keep a roof over her head. I am sure if you really wanted to kick her to the curb you could if you proved she was not paying her way.
I bet there are plenty of storage lockers in Hi. The temperature is almost perfect. Just get a 10 x 10, put a large rug on the floor and a double wide bed. Give her a really nice tv with cable and a fridge filled with food she likes....preferably junk food cause it has a long shelf life. Send the pizza guy once a week to deliver pizza and let you know she is ok. You could delegate more and get other people involved and have more peace and quiet with your lovely plants!!
Thank God you know I am kidding!! My mind is devious but I rarely act on my inpulses!! :high-five:
I am still technically married though I have been seperated from the rat for over 10 years. I can't find him to divorce him and divorce costs way more when you can't find the other person. I never had any good relationships with men, always picked the wrong ones which always ended up abusive physically and verbally. Now I am with David, my bf and I have learned how love and a relationship should be.

Hi Queen. You know, that didn't surprise me about you being married to an asshole or that you've been in physical jeopardy with men. The reason being, I hear the things you say about David and your relationship and your kind of filled with wonder and happiness about it. I am so glad you have each other and can talk about anything and everything with out fear. You have a good man now. Makes me happy too. Things can turn out good after all. Love you girl! :party:
Great to hear the good news!
Too bad about Jo. I am sure it is bad if even THsea agrees, let alone her whole family. You do have a big heart to still care enough to keep a roof over her head. I am sure if you really wanted to kick her to the curb you could if you proved she was not paying her way.
I bet there are plenty of storage lockers in Hi. The temperature is almost perfect. Just get a 10 x 10, put a large rug on the floor and a double wide bed. Give her a really nice tv with cable and a fridge filled with food she likes....preferably junk food cause it has a long shelf life. Send the pizza guy once a week to deliver pizza and let you know she is ok. You could delegate more and get other people involved and have more peace and quiet with your lovely plants!!
Thank God you know I am kidding!! My mind is devious but I rarely act on my inpulses!! :high-five:

:circle-of-love: Don't think I haven't thought like that too, Buddy. But, you know me, I couldn't do it! :circle-of-love:
OMM. Long time no speak. been very busy with school! but how ya been buddy? I can't believe the situation you are in with Jo. But shit happens. Its life, I see you are a VERY good man in the end. Everything you do is in good intentions(from what I can see) It will all come around keep on keeping on. Your a strong man I can see that. Nothing better than a wise man. I must keep the relations.

See you around OMM! :Namaste:

Hey Deege! Good to see you Buddy! School first, believe me, it's worth it.
You got it...shit happens...part of life. Like an old man said on America's Got Talent....."Whatcha donna do?" :high-five:

Thanks for the good words! Lovin' your grow too! :thumb:
Hi OMM, well I hope you are....I have been a long time reader of your work and truly admire what you have done with all your experimentation and the eagerness with which you share your results. Awesome! You have greatly affected my way of thinking and vastly improved the health of all my plants.

I know you love your teas, so I wanted to ask if you had tried Alfalfa tea? I've been reading that the leaf contains some growth hormones and apparently plants love it. I've ordered some online and was planning to try it unless you have some knowledge that would suggest I do otherwise.

Loving the autobiographical stories too, great way to pass the time and chill, man you had an interesting life so far, hope it continues the same way for a long time.
Hi OMM, well I hope you are....I have been a long time reader of your work and truly admire what you have done with all your experimentation and the eagerness with which you share your results. Awesome! You have greatly affected my way of thinking and vastly improved the health of all my plants.

I know you love your teas, so I wanted to ask if you had tried Alfalfa tea? I've been reading that the leaf contains some growth hormones and apparently plants love it. I've ordered some online and was planning to try it unless you have some knowledge that would suggest I do otherwise.

Loving the autobiographical stories too, great way to pass the time and chill, man you had an interesting life so far, hope it continues the same way for a long time.

Well Hello Budley You know what I am going to say..so here goes! :welcome: To my Journal and to 420! Glad your here! :high-five:

In answer to your question. Yes, a good tea for your garden is Alfalfa:

The humble alfalfa plant contains about 300 nutrients (including lots of nitrogen and a natural growth hormone), which makes it an ideal fertilizer for your garden. Although you can always use it as a green manure or render it down on your compost pile, it works better when brewed into a tea.

Good luck my new friend :high-five:
Hey OMM, glad the biopsy came back negative!!!! I am looking forward to hearing the next chapter on Jo. I should say read since my hearing sucks. I guess I just wanna know why she is the way she is. I know you wouldn't do anything mean like kick her out on the streets. She knows it too and I think that may be one of the reasons why she acts so mean to you? Maybe that and her mental issues, seems like she is very bi-polar. If so I truly feel for you because I had that issue with my ex.
Hi Queen! :love:

Let's start with something positive! Saw the Doctor today and NO! eye cancer! :cheer::cheer:WOW THATS GREAT NEWS!:bravo:

We both know I could just walk away and let the cards fall where they may, But, I would have no where to grown and I wouldn't do that to her to matter, she is a bit crazy.

No Jo is not able to work, so she can't survive on her own. Truthfully, I'm kinda wish I hadn't started talking about her. When I tell her story, it will probably blow you away. THsea knows her and what she does, he's seen her in action. At least I have someone around that knows what going on. :bravo:
Hey OMM, glad the biopsy came back negative!!!! I am looking forward to hearing the next chapter on Jo. I should say read since my hearing sucks. I guess I just wanna know why she is the way she is. I know you wouldn't do anything mean like kick her out on the streets. She knows it too and I think that may be one of the reasons why she acts so mean to you? Maybe that and her mental issues, seems like she is very bi-polar. If so I truly feel for you because I had that issue with my ex.

Thanks Queen, One worry out of the way!
Jo doesn't know she's doing things some times. It's awful, but I just try to stay out of her way. Since about 4 months into our marriage I've tried to get her to see somebody. No way!
It's impossible for her to see her self. TV is her big thing.....if you interrupt her, you might lose an arm. :)
Hi There MS ! :high-five:

Thanks, been fun on this end too. I think I was being hard on myself about the yields. I have jars of good buds and two more to trim, so I'll have a stash for a while. Actually pretty happy about the over all grow. As usual, I learned a bit too. :high-five:

Some more good news, the OG18 is up now and the ACE Haze is showing life too. Looks like I will have 100% germination using XLR8's germinating method.:clap::clap:

Yeah, and... Whew! ;). I'm really glad that it as working well for you!

Hey Deege! Good to see you Buddy! School first, believe me, it's worth it.
You got it...shit happens...part of life. Like an old man said on America's Got Talent....."Whatcha donna do?" :high-five:

Thanks for the good words! Lovin' your grow too! :thumb:

I love that guy!! "Whatcha gonna do?" I'm embarrassed to say, I really enjoy that show!

Im really happy about the biopsy results! :circle-of-love:

I'm so sorry that your situation isn't better with Jo... Thought you two were really getting along better lately? My wife and I are kinda "stuck" with one another in some ways for similar reasons. Usually though were pretty compatible, so I'm lucky that way.

Much love my friend! Natasha would have drove me crazy! My ex was like that. Made me late to my best friends wedding, and that was one of the last straws for me. Timeliness is a point of pride for me, and I was sooooo embarrassed about that (mortified). He understands now, years later, what I was going through with her.
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