Welcome All My Friends To The Show That Never Ends - Canna M & Nismo12 Team Up!

Well, I did the wash last night. Then let the solvent/oil mix winterize over night. Strained the mix into a pie plate, then let it evaporate on a hot plate water bath.

I got all of that oil with only one wash. The plant material was decarbed @ 230° F for 90 min before the wash. I'll use the rest of the plant material for more washes to use in capsules. I wanted to try the first, most potent wash for the dab rig. The rest can go in caps and the extra plant material drawn out will be in the caps.

One of the slicks is curing the oil on the hot water bath/pie plate.

Have a great day ladies and gents! I'll be sampling the product soon. Lol! I've got to clean the nail first though. It seems to have a build up of carbon on other from the torch. That makes the oil taste yucky!


Please post this beautiful picture in the Study Hall. :battingeyelashes: :Love:
Hey, I love the use of that silpat sheet you're using. When did that idea occur to you? :high-five:
Well, something you said had been rolling around in my head. You told me someone cures their cco in a car on a hot day.

We've had the slicks since before we knew what they were for. I remembered what you said and thought "how I could cure it like that", and this is what I came up with. If I had 2 pie plates the same size, I'd put the other on top as a dome to hold the heat in and accelerate the drying process.

Here it is, back in to evaporate more of the solvent.

Then I took it away from the heat, and while it was still warm, I spread it out using gravity to get a thin coat on the slick.

Let it cool on the counter, and it comes right off of the slick. It's some fine smoke also! Wow!
its called EverClear..its around $23 a liter at many liquor stores :)
Everclear... only way I had it before was homemade jars of apple pie coming as gifts from down south hahaha. Couldn't get it until recent years in MA, high proof was illegal to sell here until last year or two I believe. Bought a few bottles and made a mean tincture out of kief last summer! So easy to work with... and if your tincture isn't potent enough evap a little off at a time too... if it gets too thick add more and swish it around in the jar! I think I made green dragon, but letting it evaporate or gently heating should thicken it pretty fast, then eventually just to straight extract when it's all gone
i use it to clean my glassware..:thumb:

Acetone and salt. Get outside, pop some gloves and you will make you glass look like new, I was amazed what it done to my friend's pipe :) Used a bit for 4 times now, smells but still works like a charm. Try and compare, just saying.
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