Watch This: The Stretch

Hey fellow growers new grow flipped today wish me luck , very tall i kno bought a new veg lite about 8 weeks ago its a ion 320 plants went cray cray over the lite so this is what im left with got 16" frrom the lite now but we all kno that they could possibly double in size going to add another net to the top to help keep them down but we shall see stand by for more details 😉

If they stretch too much you can bend the branches down. It looks like you have some decent stem length to play with. I highly suggest doing any bending after a good watering so the stems are moist and supple not dry and crackly. Nice lush canopy!
Hey fellow growers new grow flipped today wish me luck , very tall i kno bought a new veg lite about 8 weeks ago its a ion 320 plants went cray cray over the lite so this is what im left with got 16" frrom the lite now but we all kno that they could possibly double in size going to add another net to the top to help keep them down but we shall see stand by for more details 😉

Houston we have a problem. :rofl:
Oh no.
That's going to pop the top off your tent.:Namaste:
What are they 3' tall double that .:rolleyes:
You running this as a journal on these beautiful girls?
I'd love to see them explode. :yahoo:
Take care.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Well my friends the stretch has begun oh boy hopefully not to , to much this is what I have going on .
Good morning my friend, garden looks wonderful this morning. :thumb:
Hope you are having a nice day.
How much room is there between the canopy and the light?

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Just checked in on them ladies got 13" from the lite give or take still below the 2nd netting but all systems go 😳 . This is pix from the window in the tent OMG 😲


Tent extentions.:nomo:

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Gud morning all , happy Thanksgiving to all well its day 12 and we are officially in flower the stretch is on but not bad thus far . I've added moab during week 1 then tea so first feeding we be more thean likely tomorrow. The canopy is getting fairly thick . Nothing to much to repot all systems go, had to move my fan to windy in certain places in the spce but i should be gud . At week 3 I'll go in and do some defoliation. Clear out some of the hugh fan leaves we shall see happy Thanksgiving again 😊


All systems go for lift-off Mello!:Rasta:

Happy Thanksgiving!
Gud morning all , happy Thanksgiving to all well its day 12 and we are officially in flower the stretch is on but not bad thus far . I've added moab during week 1 then tea so first feeding we be more thean likely tomorrow. The canopy is getting fairly thick . Nothing to much to repot all systems go, had to move my fan to windy in certain places in the spce but i should be gud . At week 3 I'll go in and do some defoliation. Clear out some of the hugh fan leaves we shall see happy Thanksgiving again 😊


Perfect Canopy. :thumb:
Great work my friend. :bravo:
Take care.

#Love What You Grow
Bill284 :cool:
A little update on my jumaji garden its day 13 got the 1st feeding gave them 2tsp of earth juice, 1tsp kool bloom 1/2tsp cal mag this is all inside a 2gal feeder which i split between 2 plants .canopy is getting thick next weekend ima defoliate nd get rid of alt ofthe larger leaves that are covering bud sites . The stretch hasn't been to bad as for now but we shall see if luck stays on my side 🤞


Mello, what size tent and what size pots?

Plants are looking great! :thumb:
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