ProfessorFlora Presents: The Flowering Inferno

Hey 420.

Here is the final round of pics of the girls in the tent. Later I'll drag them out and get some more pics later but I'm not sure how well that will go. I can see that Purple Urkle #2 has fallen sideways into Purple Urkle #4 and Orange Cane #1 is pretty much lying on her neighbours lol. They may get removed branch by branch....

Purple Urkle #1....

Purple Urkle #2....

Purple Urkle #3....

Purple Urkle #4....

Orange Cane #1....

Orange Cane #2....

Orange Cane #3....

Double D's....

Got some work to do later tonight then lol you trimming before hanging or after mate
That depends. If I have time then they'll be trimmed up fully but if not then it's not too bad. These aren't bushy plants so it should be ok if we left them. I'll still give them a dunk though.
Looking very tasty @ProfessorFlora

It won't be much longer now.

Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Cheers Tok.

Hopefully tonight and if I'm lucky I might get to sample some scissor hash.
I have a lot of product, been thinking about making some hash.
It's well worth the effort if you do. Its one of those where you'll do it once and from then on you'll want hash with every harvest. Also, it makes my dry herb go much further as I mix the two. I haven't ran out or even come close to running out of meds since I started vaping with the bubble hash and herb combo.
It was #2 for sure! Enjoy the harvesting...

I think that you might have jinxed me lol. The plants were cut down but not trimmed up in any meaningful way. They still got dunked but we're just hung after that.
What happend was, I cut my finger a couple hours before the harvest was meant to take place and every time I did anything it would bleed again. The trichs ruin plasters pretty quickly so I had to adapt and move on lol. That was an easier evening than I imagined but now finish the harvest next week when it's dry.
:goodluck: with the healing and :sorry: for the jinx!
Thank you and thank you. We still had a funny week though. More explanation coming up.
Hi Prof. Those seedlings on the last page looking very promising. Not to mention the frost on these beautiful nugs. I've been very busy for the last couple of months but every time I check in here, it is guaranteed to see some amazing stuff. Happy growing brother :passitleft:
Thanks TC.

It's been busy here too and we're just about keeping the garden going. This next one will be the last as we know it and hopefully we'll make it as good.
Hey 420.

Lots has been happening this week both good and bad. Firstly we nearly had a fire. There was a storm and through out the night there were a few power cuts. I didn't think much of it as it is lights out in the grow room so i didn't go and check anything. The power went out at least twice in the night because it woke up my kids when there nightlight turned off at 2am.
I woke up at around 7am, got the kids ready and thought I'd go and check the drying buds in the grow room. When I went in the room I noticed that it was oddly quite so I opened up the veg tent which was soaking wet on the inside. The extractor fan wasn't working and when I went and touched it, it was really hot. Like too hot to touch hot.
Not good and lucky I checked when I did as I then went out for the entire day with the kids. So we are a fan down but we still have a house which is good. Lesson learnt.
The next bit of news is that we are still going to be moving in January! We found a new place and jumped at the opportunity so this grow will be finished when I'm not even living there anymore. That'll be weird but I'm sure it'll be doable. The mother in law hopefully won't muscle in and will let me just finish up the round as usual.

The previous plants are all still drying but I do have these pics from just before the harvest which I've yet to use in an update.

Purple Urkle #1....

Purple Urkle #2 didn't get any pics as she didn't want to stand up at all.

Purple Urkle #3....

Purple Urkle #4....

Orange Cane #1....

Orange Cane #2....

Orange Cane #3....

Double D's....

Mad here they are now....

I've still got to pick all of this yet!

Happy growing everyone.
I'm happy you checked your plants before your outing with the kids. Do you have smoke alarms and fire extinguishers in your grow room as @Bill284 recommended in his Fire Safety thread?
Hey 420.

Lots has been happening this week both good and bad. Firstly we nearly had a fire. There was a storm and through out the night there were a few power cuts. I didn't think much of it as it is lights out in the grow room so i didn't go and check anything. The power went out at least twice in the night because it woke up my kids when there nightlight turned off at 2am.
I woke up at around 7am, got the kids ready and thought I'd go and check the drying buds in the grow room. When I went in the room I noticed that it was oddly quite so I opened up the veg tent which was soaking wet on the inside. The extractor fan wasn't working and when I went and touched it, it was really hot. Like too hot to touch hot.
Not good and lucky I checked when I did as I then went out for the entire day with the kids. So we are a fan down but we still have a house which is good. Lesson learnt.
The next bit of news is that we are still going to be moving in January! We found a new place and jumped at the opportunity so this grow will be finished when I'm not even living there anymore. That'll be weird but I'm sure it'll be doable. The mother in law hopefully won't muscle in and will let me just finish up the round as usual.

The previous plants are all still drying but I do have these pics from just before the harvest which I've yet to use in an update.

Purple Urkle #1....

Purple Urkle #2 didn't get any pics as she didn't want to stand up at all.

Purple Urkle #3....

Purple Urkle #4....

Orange Cane #1....

Orange Cane #2....

Orange Cane #3....

Double D's....

Mad here they are now....

I've still got to pick all of this yet!

Happy growing everyone.
First congrats on the harvest.
Next omg I'm glad you and the family are OK.
Good thing you checked when you did.
So I got to ask, Is there a smoke detector and fire extinguisher there?
Check any older equipment just incase there are any more problems.
Plugs ,wires, motors all of it .

Stay safe my friend.
I'm happy you checked your plants before your outing with the kids. Do you have smoke alarms and fire extinguishers in your grow room as @Bill284 recommended in his Fire Safety thread?
Hey HG.

I do indeed have smoke alarms and a few extinguishers though the extinguishers are in the hallway for easier access.

It was really lucky as I was sure that the flowers weren't dry but my inquisitiveness got the better of me so I checked them anyway.
First congrats on the harvest.
Next omg I'm glad you and the family are OK.
Good thing you checked when you did.
So I got to ask, Is there a smoke detector and fire extinguisher there?
Check any older equipment just incase there are any more problems.
Plugs ,wires, motors all of it .

Stay safe my friend.
Hey Bill.

Thanks for your concern and the kind words about the harvest.

I'm actually an ex firefighter which would have been embarrassing lol.
You're right though and this was caused by old equipment. That fan has probably been running for close to a decade as it was the brother in laws before I took it off his hand. It only gets turned off briefly in-between grows for a quick wipe and then it's up and running again.
It has spurred me to get some new equipment though. My extension leads are all looking like they've seen better days so I'll replace those but other than that everything else should be good. All the lights are relatively new as are the desktop fans. I blow those up every other grow lol. The only other thing which concerns me here is the actual wiring within the home itself. It hasn't been checked in a long time and is all out of date and in need of reinstating. The mother in law is in charge of that though and when my brother (who's a fully qualified electrician) gave her a reduced price quote for sorting it out she scoffed at it.
First off, holy cow and excellent timing. :eek: As Bill will tell you, it's never a good idea to rely on timing to prevent fires!

Secondly, congrats on the Chef's Hat Harvest. :thumb: Besides all the incredible frost on those flowers, you put the branches to excellent use! I'm sure when they're dried out you can use them to support the next the new house. :yahoo:

Speaking of the new house...
The mother in law hopefully won't muscle in
And you're thinking that based on what past experience????
First off, holy cow and excellent timing. :eek: As Bill will tell you, it's never a good idea to rely on timing to prevent fires!
That's very true. I'm using this move as an opportunity to rethink and replace much of my setup. I will (obviously) be getting a new extractor fan and possibly a couple new and up to date power leads. I don't think I'll need any desktop fans for what I have planned but if I do then they'll be purchased new as well.
As for the mother in law. She knows the score. I won't be leaving anything dangerous for them to salvage so they'll have to get some new equipment if they'd like to continue growing cannabis. I'm pretty sure they will once they realise how expensive it is.
Secondly, congrats on the Chef's Hat Harvest. :thumb: Besides all the incredible frost on those flowers, you put the branches to excellent use! I'm sure when they're dried out you can use them to support the next the new house. :yahoo:

Speaking of the new
Lol. I won't need many as in not going to have much space to work with. I'm thinking 2 x 40cm grow tents side by side using a single extraction unit. One plant per tent is all I'll be needing for my and Mrs F. I don't think we'll need much more than a couple Oz each whereas before I felt a bit pressured to try and go for as much as possible to feed the family.

Would you like to see what happend to some of that frost? Of course you would.
From left to right. Double D's, Orange Cane #1, Orange Cane #2, Orange Cane #3, Purple Urkle #1, Purple Urkle #2, Purple Urkle #3 and Purple Urkle #4....



Here is some of the Girl Scout Cookies bubble from a few months back....

Since these pics I've done the other 2 tents and gotten even more finger hash. There's one more GSC to finish off tonight and then I can get some pics of the nugs.

And you're thinking that based on what past experience????
No past experience. She's just a bit odd. She did say that she wouldn't mind taking over after I left though. Maybe I'm just over thinking things.
And I was wondering if your MIL was just going to take the harvest if you left the plants there, not the equipment. :laugh:
Lol! She wouldn't want a Mars TSL-2000 or a ViparSpectra XS1000 any way. Stupid modern equipment. There are a couple of 600w digital ballasts in the back of the cupboard that I'm sure she would prefer. I'm pretty worried about leaving my gorilla tents though. I saw what she managed to do to her tent in the space of a year. It wasn't pretty. I've had one of mine since almost the beginning and it's still going strong. This time next year they'll be rusty and covered in mould or lichen.
Hey 420.

Time for a quick catch-up it would seem. You've not missed much, just some plants which veg incredibly well. Both the Black Domina's and the Acapulco Gold's were flowered much earlier than I had hoped to do and I thought that they'd become shorties because of it. Particularly the Black Domina. I seem to have been wrong as they are larger that the plants in the previous round despite being flowered much sooner. I did have all 12 (6 of each) in the same tent because I thought that they'd fit because of the early flowering. I ended up having to divide the tents and they carried on growing and have now filled both spaces. Not bad at all. I have since added two more plants which will be in with the Black Domina's which are a BBTK x WiFi OG and one of my accidental Double D's crosses.
Here is how things kind of went over the past couple of weeks....

That was the Black Domina's on the left and the Acapulco Gold's on the right. I flooded the trays a little more than I normally would using smaller pots than I normally would and you can see that a few of the AP's were a bit shocked. They are fine now but definitely fell behind because of it. This was when they were all sharing the same tent. Then they got bigger so I divided them up....

And here is what the better half of my grow room looks like now....

I can't remember when I put them into flower so I'm not sure quite where we are. I think it's around week 3 to 4 so they'll be due their signature trim shortly and then I'll be leaving them. I finish these off and then it'll be the end of the journal.

Next up we have some nug shots.
Purple Urkle #1.

This plants produced the tightest flowers from all of the PU's. She has cured with a kind of spicy sweetness and berry fruit notes. Short and fast flowering, I liked this plant a lot....

Purple Urkle #2.

This one was a good, solid growing plant with decent sized flowers and great yield potential. The herb is more nutty and woody than fruity but still has some berry notes....

Purple Urkle #3.

This was the highest yielding of all 4 Urks and also the sweetest. The smell is more like strawberry and the flowers are the largest too. This one may be the most potent but it's difficult to say....

Purple Urkle #4.

The final PU is the one which most reminds me of Afghan genetics. It is quite similar to a couple of the landraces I grew a little while back. The flowers are large but quite fluffy. It grinds up exceptionally well and smells quite sharp like mustard. The taste is tangy and a bit woody like number 2....

That was the Purple Urkle's. Next we'll do the other 4.

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