Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restrained

Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Hey neighbor...
Want to smoke a bowl?

Looks like there are a lot of local SoCal'rs here. I sure would . . . . . . Ah that was good! :bong:
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Looks like there are a lot of local SoCal'rs here. I sure would . . . . . . Ah that was good! :bong:

:thumb:,Tryshard glad u like his medicine, lol. he's from CO, I guess that's West, (w/out the Coast )

Hey C Hunter! where'd you go? was that the ol' post n run?

OK, fine Tryshard & I are smoking your goods, you grow a fine a blend. thanks again

Tryshard, care to share an area code? just got me curious, I'm in the 8oh5:thanks:
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

:thumb:,Tryshard he's from CO, I guess they think that's West,

Hey C Hunter! where'd you go? was that the ol' post n run?

OK, fine Tryshard & I are smoking your goods, you grow a fine a blend. thanks again

Tryshard, care to share an area code? just got me curious, I'm in the 805:thanks:

818 but I go down to 805 every once and a while, have family there.
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

818 but I go down to 805 every once and a while, have family there.

nice, we are neighbors,:thumb: you are second closest, that I'm aware of, lots of members like to run "full stealth"

we just may have to do some PM to see what may transpire in our 420 world-future! :welcome: 3's a charm :peace:
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

I'm KEEdink.

i was too, sorta, kinda, what about snipping for more light below GF?:thanks:

BB, can I snip some shade leaves (in her condition)

to get more light to trapped new growth beneath the upper canopy?:thanks:
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

I lived in Lompoc and worked at Vandenberg for about 3 years.
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Blimey no one can afford a day off from here.

So where do we start. I'm so pleased to see things are all working out for Fluxy now :bravo::goodjob:

Special shout out to GF for her valuable input.

My yard may not be for everybody,

but everybody is welcome!

Like that. :thumb::circle-of-love:



Lots of my tagged quotes have not come through on this post.

Loved your IR temp monitor, very professional, was going to link that with GF's thoughts on max leaf

temps. I know human flesh proteins can start to break down at around 125°F / 50°C always wondered what a

plant could stand.

Someone had IT probs, will be pleased to assist where I can.

Sabo is a comedy genius, wish he was still on the bar.

I've had a hell of a week. Just to finish it off, tonight my lathe dumped a $3000 workpiece into the sump. NOT GOOD.

On topic, I'll be bringing my journal up to date over the next few days. Mr. G R Eeen has been a great help this week.

The spring weather is all over the place in the UK.

The slugs are munching my lower leaves on the Yard Girl.

I hope they enjoyed the trip :cheesygrinsmiley:

Fire away guys I'm all ears for a little while.

Just coming up 3am in my Yard.

Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

HUGE smile on face while reading that BB, thank you

RE: SABO, I could not agree w u more COMEDY GENIUS!!!

bummer about the lathe, funny I commented on that puppy last night,

when I dared to delve into the 8 pages of my highjacking/ takeover here, by rockstars!

I'm glad you're caught up and in good spirits! Speaking of spirits,

I poured u a single malt and another one these has your name on it :passitleft: great to "see" you again BB:high-five:
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Good point about the bee's & i do believe they are pretty much a threaten or endangered species these days as their numbers have dropped too all time low due too pesticide use & some others !

A world with out bee's is a pretty sad one... Omg no more honey !

Keep up the good work gardenfaerie its nice to know other members are keyed up on the subject :thumb:

No more anything. Without bees we don't have fruit and veggies. Spinosad is a safe pesticide to use as an organic but kills things that shouldn't be killed. The LD50 for us is way out there 5000 but for a bee it's .0025 mg to kg Not good. it does have a 3 hour life and after that it isn't suppose to kill bees RIGHT SNS has some pretty safe products but probably won't do any good for moths.
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

No more anything. Without bees we don't have fruit and veggies. Spinosad is a safe pesticide to use as an organic but kills things that shouldn't be killed. The LD50 for us is way out there 5000 but for a bee it's .0025 mg to kg Not good. it does have a 3 hour life and after that it isn't suppose to kill bees RIGHT SNS has some pretty safe products but probably won't do any good for moths.

thanks beemerbill:thumb:, however!!

I understood 33% of that, :scratchinghead::scratchinghead: translate? no, i get your gist.

bbill: you my friend, have a darn 420 encyclopedia in you noggin!! :high-five:

I have all bugs covered now, :thanks:
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

i was too, sorta, kinda, what about snipping for more light below GF?:thanks:

BB, can I snip some shade leaves (in her condition)

to get more light to trapped new growth beneath the upper canopy?:thanks:

Give her a little more time Trichster my friend, She'll not mind in the slightest once she gets into

flower mode. I'm doing a light defol on my girls now every other day. No worries.

HUGE smile on face while reading that BB, thank you

RE: SABO, I could not agree w u more COMEDY GENIUS!!!

bummer about the lathe, funny I commented on that puppy last night,

when I dared to delve into the 8 pages of my highjacking/ takeover here, by rockstars!

I'm glad you're caught up and in good spirits! Speaking of spirits,

I poured u a single malt and another one these has your name on it :passitleft: great to "see" you again BB:high-five:

Thanks for the spirits, needed that after todays little drama.

Can we maybe get SABO back for special weekend sessions.

Sessions with SABO

I reckon your yard would be full to busting.
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

When I spoke earlier about the temps a leaf can tolerate, I was being very general to make a point. However, since I saw that you were going to quote me (not you Trichs) I looked it up so I wasn't quoted saying something ridiculous. I am incorrect in that cannabis apparently prefers a moderate climate of ranges between 78 and 88F.

That's what the "books" say. A favorite expression of mine is that plants don't read. Last summer I grew 9 plants. Each in a five gallon container in the full sun. Boiling hot, blazing hot sun. They grew, flowered and developed excellent pot from bag seed. I did nothing special. Just watered using rain water, certified organic fertilizers, no pest problems, or diseases.

So, I think pot can be grown in full hot sun with no ill effects. I'm noticing that a lot of the information out there is geared toward big grows. Big grows means money. When money is involved I believe growers are extreme and overly cautious. I really think that, is where much of this fundamentalist type information comes out of. Thoughts?
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Thanks for that GF

What I have noticed in a lot of journals is pics of very unhappy top leaves being "cooked"

under high power HPS lamps etc.

Surely that's not good ?
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Here in Western Washington last summer my girls went through a lot. Heck we had over 100 a couple of times and a couple of days later 60 and then hot again. Girls didn't seem to mind it at all. It's a special herb put here for our pleasure. Back on the farm in the 60s we had it growing in the creek bottom with no added of anything and it grew to 16 feet. Wasn't worth anything but it withstood 110 degrees for weeks and just kept on growing. Oh well enough.
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

There really is no comparison with HP and the sun. Not remotely. The way light moves is so much differently in real sunlight.

But no, burning under the lights is definitely not good. I grew my plants under CFLs and I have to say, it is pretty decent pot. I guess I did finish it outside in the greenhouse, but it was already in full flower by the time they went out. Autos. OOooo, I can't wait for this next grow.
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Anyways, great to catch up on at least one journal tonight

BB has to hit the pillow and see what the experts think of my little (bloody huge)

incident at work tomorrow.

You know sometimes I wish I could just hit a backspace key. But I live in a real world.

Think about that for a mo.

A very good night to you all

BB out.
Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

:hmmmm: Sessions with "Ole Sabo" :hmmmm: Now, I's a thinkin that this could be a purdy good darn idear.

Bein that once in awhiles "Ole Sabo" does see "Squirley" tracks and hears the other small Squirlies chirping back & forth over yonder in those woods, "Ole Sabo" would need to try real, real hard to keep it 420.

"Ole Sabo" tends to ramble a tad much, when he has some nip and too much whacky tobacky, but "Ole Sabo" is leary bouts them other chirping Squirlies, cuz I see's them other Squirleys roamin around chirping their Squirley stuff.

The only good Squirley is a BBQ'ed Squirley in "Ole Sabo's" eyes, but there is one Squirley that "Ole Sabo" has taken kindly to. He's the "Big Squirley" that can show his long teeth once in awhiles & makes non 420 posts somehows disappears for some ole reason. Yeah, that big "Ole Squirley" got "Ole Sabo" right off of the bat when "Ole Sabo" didn't even know what he a done did when he first came into these parts of the woods.

Nows, if ya'lls has somethin ya'lls need some good "Ole Hillbilly" advice on, "Ole Sabo" would most surely c'mon over from yonder, sit a spell, have some nip & :passitleft: with ya'll, but someones a gonna have to be a lookout for the bad Squirleys.

Re: Watch This Flux - 1st 420 Outdoor Fluxing - Presents Fluxy Lady - Fully Restraine

Thank you BB, bb & GF, just finished a nice pork tenderloin, time for dessert, it's moth chair time,

I just deployed the netting w/ tripod, be back with the count shotly.

BB, keep on eye on my yard please, I left the bar open you just got a new job, lol,:circle-of-love:
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