Wardrobe Grow - CFL- Only - Auto Mazar + Rescued Cannatonic + Dieseltonic


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-... .. - - . --..-- / -.- . .. -. . / ..- .-. ... .- -.-. .... .
Thanks for the reply Rico!
Hmm the 250w 2700k sounds good, Id want a couple of em in that space obviously.. And yeah I noticed you had some of that PVC screen going on, your girls seem to be responding well to your lighting and training.
What figures do you expect from the 4 plants? Well roughly do you know what each strain is capable of producing and growing to?
As I said Ive not played with Auto s ( yet ) Im still hesitant as I figure Id need say 2 or maybe 3 plants to get over 1.5 pounds p/harvest. But I guess there may be Auto strains that do grow longer/bigger..
Dieseltonic sounds like it s a Killa smoke, the stuff I get here varies from person to person, and for the most part IMO its all shit!!
I can smoke nearly 3-4 grams a day of some of the average stuff that gets around here and people rave about it getting them baked?? Well, they mustve got a bud which somehow increased its THC content.. Cos I sure as shit didnt get baked, well, yeah after a gram you d maybe get a slight head high, but nothing that puts ya on ya ass!!
There are a couple of sources for me but they are over 300km away - and its a personal thing where I have to see them face to face, So unless Im over that way I have to deal with some crap seeds.
I still have another C99xPR but I want a change!! So this grow I know is a different strain and Im liking how her buds are turning dark purple as they mature, the whole buds not purple, say half of it, and the rest is a multitude of colors from light to dark greens and transluscent sparkling of the trichs, I am actually VERY KEEN to sample this smoke. Ive not had a plant like this, and if not for its main stem damage wouldve been awsum growing plant.
Well I think Ive rambled on a bit here - But yeah your doing great bro, and will be happy to be your BIG GROW BRO:) Even tho my grows are only single plants aiming to yield 1 pound p/plant in 14 weeks ( pending on strain ).. Take care my friend, Chat soon. Smokemup:thumb::welcome:
OH, P.s/ --...-,---,_--...//./..-/.._-/--..?? lol.. Soz, had to do it:)
I wouldn't recommend autos to you, m8.

They don't like to be played with a lot, but no-one really knows. They are still newland.

I lightly tied down the outer shoots on one, but left the main cola.

She turned out alright. I'm still smoking her :bongrip:

The other had a slow start and a slow end. She's still in the garden...a thousand days old....half honey....half mold.

The lights all work as a team. As the ladies grow, I add more lights and reposition.

I think its 670 watts in total. The 125watt 6500K will be back in the wardrobe, in a new position.

Dieseltonic is a high CBD strain. NYC diesel x cannatonic.

She's capable of a lot of weight, given the right conditions.

I have high hopes and no idea how it will turn out. It's an organic medical scrog :)

I got "medi-one" from Green planet nutes today and they had their first feed.

It's supposed to be a one-stop organic veg and bloom nute. Dr.Hornby approved ;)

I'll use massive bloom as well soon, maybe next week and finisher in the last 3 or 4 weeks.

I hate shitty grass from liars. I wish I could send you some seeds.

A CH9 Commercial hermied on a mate's mate...


... and fertilized a criticalCBD (above Left), a Wappa(below, left) and a Dieseltonic (rightside.I think only 2 dieseltonic are viable)

They sound perfect for you. Maybe I'll germinate one in your honor.

A big grow bro-style grow :cheer:

Talk soon, M8.

Be good.

If you can't be good, be good at it. :thumb:
Wassaaapp foortweny.

I forgot to post these yesterday :straightface:

I have to trim in there a bit, getting long thin swisors today.

Topped and 3 hook-multidirectionally Lst'd (Daisy)


This is tracy. Tracy is in front of Maisy, only bent and fixed with 2 hooks in 1 direction.


Windowlicker update to follow...

Happy Friedday to you Rico:)
Thank you Flo. A good weedend to you too :)

Here's a random update..

Loner scrog


A Tomizzle-my-Bizzle X Dieseltonic hybrid that i'm working on...
Let's help poor Italian stoners as well as kids :)

Ingredients Medi-One

And sad Lady moldy Mazar (still fightin' the losing battle...)

A pitiful sight indeed :straightface:
Damn. The queen is fallen... Mold musta got outta control sir. Are you gonna be able to save the rest? Also, loner scrog looking good. I love the movable 'screen'. Very nice idea sir. :bravo:
Thanks for the condolences.

Here is a wall of text.

The problem with Lady Mazar was a 10 or more degree (celcius) rise in temps.
"summer" came, and over a few days she stopped growing and talking.
Her fanleaves all crisped up and she was looking miserable.
Forecast said a week of sun, so I put her outside.
I picked all the bits of dried leaf off that I could,
She started growing again and looking happy.
Then it wasn't sunny anymore. It was cloudy and rainy and humid.
Temps dropped again and I started noticing mold (picked it off)
It's a losing battle. the bits of leaf that had dried were stuck within dense buds.
Hundreds of them going moldy...What I didn't see one day had grown to be visable the next.
I lost a coupla phat top colas through trying to just pick out mouldy bits and "save" as much as I could.
Any bud that was too infected to be saved, I chopped, seperated the mold,
dried the "clean" buds in an oven at 50 c and extracted the cannabinoids.
What you see in the picture has been majorly chopped 3 times.
I used the Halo-spray on her- a bit. I reckon I was too cautious.
I don't like the idea of spraying flowers, but I almost wish i'd used more,
there is intense, happy growth on the rest of the plant,
but my heart is broken and the battle rages on.

Good weed, Rune and Spimp.

I would be totally trashed about the outcome of that girl. Like I say before RICO she was a total freek.
I'd say genuinely the best auto iv seen!

Anyway u got stash to keep u going I no I saw the wardrobe shots :)
Mini scrogs looking good dude

Man how quiet is the place here early on these mornings as the USA sleeps. I think sometimes its only me and u this time of mornin rico
Cheers, alex. I did have higher expectations than what turned out to be like,
(sunny days, rolling in buds, rubbing them in my face going "mMMmmmhhhmmmnnnn")

but that's just another experience and richer I am for it, just not in the buds-sense.

Stashwise, yeah. Just lost half of it. Extract is stronger and lasts longer,
but it is not so economical. I just get veeeeerrrrrryyyyyyy stoned :rolleyes3

Better than chucking a whole plant away, though.
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